


陈继民教授,男.1965.10出生 ,激光工程研究院教授、博士生导师,3D打印工程中心主任。中国增材制造标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC562)委员,中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会委员,中国机械工程学会特种加工委员会理事,中国机械工程学会高级会员,国际光学工程学会SPEI会员。1986.7在华中科技大学获机械工程工学学士学位,同年推免华中科技大学机械工程研究生,1989年获工学硕士学位。1998.9-2001.7在北京工业大学攻读光学工程专业工学博士学位,20001-6月德国Ravensburg 合作研究。20017月进入北京工业大学机电工程博士后流动站,2003年出站留校工作。20119-20129月美国纽约州立大学Buffalo分校访问学者。2016年获中国产学研合作创新奖。20188月指导研究生参加第十三届中国研究生电子设计竞赛获企业类一等奖。





2. 主持北京市科委重点专题项目大型金属构件3D打印关键技术

3. 主持国家自然科学基金基金激光组装粉末微烧结研究




7. 主持北京市科委重大项目“3D打印在口腔中的应用研究

8. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目大功率激光焊接与切割机理研究” (博士阶段)

9. 主持中国博士后科学基金资助项目:“三维YAG激光加工机器人的离线自动编离线自动编程系统研究






1.译著“3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Principles and the Applications” (第一译著者)

2.专著 “ 3D One三维实体设计” .中国科学技术出版社 2016(第一作者)

3.编著“3D打印基础教程 ”(第一编著者)

4.编著激光现代制造技术” (第一编著者)

1.Yanping Yuan, Zhi Liu, Kaihu Zhang, Weina Han, Jimin Chen, Nanoscale welding of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by 1064nm fiber laser, Optics and Laser Technology, 103,327–329, 2018.

2.Yitong Shang, Yanping Yuan, Dongfang Li, Yansheng Li, Jimin Chen, Effects of scanning speed on in vitro biocompatibility of 316l stainless steel parts elaborated by selective laser melting, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92,(9-12),4379-4385, 2017.

3.Yongzhi Zhang, Furong Liu, Jimin Chen, Yanping Yuan, Effects of surface quality on corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel parts manufactured via SLM, Journal of Laser Applications, 29, 022306, 2017.

4.Yong Zeng, Yinzhou Yan, Hengfeng Yan, Chunchun Liu, Peiran Li, Peng Dong, Ying Zhao, Jimin Chen*. 3D printing of hydroxyapatite scaffolds with good mechanical and bio-compatible properties by digital light processing. Journal of Materials Science (2017) 53:6291-6301

5、Yanping Yuan, Jimin Chen, Grating-assisted fabrication of sub-wavelength ripples during femtosecond laser processing of dielectrics, Chinese Optics Letters, 14(1), 011404 2016

、Yanping YUAN,Jimin CHEN,and Furong LIU,Ultrafast Dynamics of Sub-wavelength Periodic Surface Structuring During Femtosecond Laser Processing of Dielectrics,Advanced Materials Research,1035 (2014) 426-431

6.F.R. Liu, X.X. Han, N. Bai, J.J. Zhao, J.M. Chen, X. Lin. Numerical simulation on the temperature field induced by a nanosecond pulsed excimer laser in the phase-change film, Thin solid films 551 (2014) 102-109.

7、Yanping YUAN,Jimin CHEN,and Furong LIU,Ultrafast Dynamics of Sub-wavelength Periodic Surface Structuring During Femtosecond Laser Processing of Dielectrics,Advanced Materials Research,1035 (2014) 426-431

8.W.P. Zhou, F.R. Liu, N. Bai, Y.H. Wan, X. Lin, J.M. Chen. Crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by an ultraviolet laser, Applied Surface Science 285P (2013) 97-101.

9.F.R. Liu, Q. Zhang, W.P. Zhou, J.J. Zhao, J.M. Chen. Micro scale 3D FEM simulation on thermal evolution within the porous structure in selective laser sintering, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 2058-2065.

10.F.R. Liu, C. He, J.M. Chen, Modeling of the beam transportation behavior in selective laser transmission sintering the translucent coreshell composite powder, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 65 (2013) 22-28.
