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姚传飞,男,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,北京工业大学高层次人才队伍建设计划优秀人才。2018年毕业于吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 微电子学与固体电子学专业,获理学博士学位,毕业后就职于北京工业大学激光工程研究院。主要从事中红外超短脉冲光纤激光技术,非线性光纤光学,特种光纤的设计与制备等方面的研究。近5年,以项目负责人身份先后承担国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、中国博士后基金(特别资助)、北京市博士后基金等8项科研项目。以第一作者身份在OpticaOptics LettersApplied Physics LettersIEEE Photonics Technology LettersJournal of Lightwave Technology等期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,申请发明专利多项。


2013.9-2018.6吉林大学 电子科学与工程学院 微电子学与固体电子学专业 理学博士

2009.9-2013.6吉林大学 电子科学与工程学院 半导体化学试验班 理学学士





2019.06-2020.06超平坦宽带超连续光谱产生关键技术研究 北京市博士后基金 (4.9万元),项目负责人,在研





1.C. Yao, Z. Jia, Z. Li, S. Jia, Z. Zhao, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, High-power mid-infrared supercontinuum laser source using fluorotellurite fiber,Optica2018,5(10):1264.

2.C. Yao, Z. Jia, Q. Li, G. Qin, M. Hu, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, Amplification of wavelength-shifting soliton in active photonic crystal fibers,Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 161105.

3.C. Yao, Z. Zhao, Z. Jia, Q. Li, M. Hu, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, Enhancement of phase-matched third harmonic generation via soliton self-frequency shift cancellation in a fluorotellurite microstructured fiber,Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017, 151103

4.C. Yao, Z. Zhao, Z. Jia, Q. Li, M. Hu, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin, Mid-infrared dispersive waves generation in a birefringent fluorotellurite microstructured fiber,Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016, 109, 101102.

5.C. Yao, Z. Jia, C. He, S. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, Y. Ohishi, G. Qin, and W. Qin,2.074-μm Lasing From Ho3+-Doped Fluorotellurite Microstructured Fibers Pumped by a 1120-nm Laser,IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2016, 28, 1084-1087.

6.C. Yao,C. He, Z. Jia, S. Wang, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin,Holmium-doped fluorotellurite microstructured fibers for 2.1 μm lasing,Opt. Lett., 2015, 40, 4695-4698.

7.C. Yao, Z. Jia, S. Wang, Z. Kang, D. Zhao, W. Qin, and G. Qin, Tm3+Doped Tellurite Microstructure Fiber Laser,Chin. J. Lumin., 2014, 35, 1109-1113.

8.C. Yao, Z. Jia, N. Li, H. Jiang, L. Zhang, Y. Feng, Y. Ohishi, G. Qin, and W. Qin, Watt-Level 2.1 μm Laser output in a Holmium doped Fluorotellurite Microstructured Fiber,CLEO_SI.2016. SW4R. 2.

9.C. Yao, Z. Jia, S. Wang, C. He, G. Qin, and W. Qin, Tm3+or Ho3+Doped Fluorotellurite Microstructure Fiber for 2 μm Lasing,WSOF.2015.WT1A.6.

10. Z. Li,C. F. Yao,Z. Jia, F. Wang, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin,Broadband supercontinuum generation from 600 to 5400 nm in a tapered fluorotellurite fiber pumped by a 2010 nm femtosecond fiber laser,Appl. Phys. Lett.115, 091103 (2019)

11. Z. Jia,C. Yao, S. Jia, F. Wang, S. Wang, Z. Zhao, G. Qin, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin,4.5 W supercontinuum generation from 1017 to 3438 nm in an all-solid fluorotellurite fiber,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 261106.

12. Z. Jia,C. Yao, S. Jia, F. Wang, S. Wang, Z. Zhao, M. Liao, G. Qin, L. Hu, Y. Ohishi, and W. Qin,Supercontinuum generation covering the entire transmission window of 0.4 ~ 5 μm in a tapered ultra-high NA all-solid fluorotellurite fiber,Laser Phys. Lett., 2017,15, 025102.





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