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  1. 关于非线性纳米机械共振腔的纳米机械QED效应的理论研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2017年-2020年,47万,负责人。







1.S. M. Yu, Y.B. Gao, and H. Ian,Perturbative dissipationdynamics of a weakly driven cavity QED system: generalized microscopic masterequation, Quantum Inf Process 16:283 (2017).

2.M. Y. Zhao, and Y. B. Gao, Vacuum Rabi splitting effect innanomechanical QED system with nonlinear resonator, Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy, 680321, 59 (2016).

3.X. Xiao, M. Y. Zhao, S. M. Yu, and Y. B. Gao, Rabioscillations in nanomechanical QED system with a nonlinear resonator, Commun.Theor. Phys. 65 (2016) 273.

4.C. Chen and Y. B. Gao, Quantum Decoherence of Charge Qubitcoupled to Nonlinear Nanomechanical Resonator, Commun. Theor. Phys. 60 (2013)531.

5.X. Xiao and Y. B. Gao, Decay process of quantum open systemat finite-temperature, Commun. Theor. Phys. 58 (2012) 251.

6. Yu-xi Liu, Adam Miranowicz, Y. B. Gao, J. Bajer, C. P.Sun, Franco Nori, Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of quantumbehavior in nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032101 (2010).

7.H. R. Zhang, Y. B. Gao, Z. R. Gong, C. P. Sun, MolecularEnsemble Based Remote Quantum Storage for Charge Qubit via Quasi-Dark State,Phys. Rev. A 80, 062308.

8. Y. B. Gao and C. P. Sun, Factorization of DephasingProcess in Quantum Open System, Phys. Rev. E 75, 011105 (2007).

9. Y. B. Gao, Y. D. Wang, and C. P. Sun, Nonlinearmechanism of charge-qubit decoherence in a lossy cavity: quasi-normal-modeapproach,Phys. Rev. A,71,032302(2005).

10.Lan Zhou, Y. B. Gao, Z. Song, and C. P. Sun, Coherent outputof photons from coupled superconducting transmission line resonators controlledby charge qubits, Phys. Rev. A77,013831 (2008).

11.Z. Sun, X.G. Wang, Y. B. Gao and C.P. Sun, Decoherence intime evolution of bound entanglement, Eur. Phys. J. D 46, 521-530 (2008).

12.Y. B. Gao, and C. P. Sun, Factorization of Dephasing Processin Quantum Open System, Phys. Rev. E 75, 011105 (2007).

13.Li Chong, and Gao Yi-Bo, On the effectiveness of theprotocol creating the maximum entanglement of two charge-phase qubits by cavityfield, Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 48 (2007) pp. 935–942.

14.Y. B. Gao, Y. D. Wang and C. P. Sun, Nonlinear mechanism ofcharge qubit decoherence in a lossy cavity: Quasi-normal-state approach, Phys.Rev. A 71,032302 (2005).

15.Gao Yi-Bo and Li Chong, Charge Qubit Storage and ItsEngineered Decoherence via Microwave Cavity, Commun. Theor. Phys. 43 (2005) pp.213-218.

16.Y. D. Wang, Y. B. Gao and C. P. Sun, Engineering quantumdecoherence of charge qubit via a nanomechanical resonator, Eur. Phys. J. B 40,321-326 (2004).

17.Gao Yi-Bo, Brownian motion of the quantum dissipation in theRWA, Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 34 (2000) pp. 143-148.

18.C. P. Sun, Y. B. Gao, H. F. Dong and S. R. Zhao, Partialfactorization of wave functions for a quantum dissipative system, Phys. Rev. E57, 3900-3904 (1998).


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