Yuchen Li, Ming Liu, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Zaoli Yang,Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming for assembly line reconfiguration with dynamic lot sizes, Omega, 2024, 127: 103092.(OMEGA 2024年最佳论文)
Yuchen Li, Zhaoxuan Qiao, Yuanying Chi, Linhan Guo, Rui Yan, Robotic assembly line balancing considering the carbon footprint objective with cross-station design, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 190: 110045
Yuchen Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Ming Liu, Zaoli Yang, A risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming model for a joint multi-item capacitated line balancing and lot-sizing problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 304(1): 353-365
Yuchen Li, Dan Liu, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Mixed-model assembly line balancing problem considering learning effect and uncertain demand, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2023, 422: 114823.
Yuchen Li, Zixiang Li, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, New approaches for rebalancing an assembly line with disruptions, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2022, 35(10-11): 1059-1076.
Zaoli Yang, Mingwei Lin,Yuchen Li,Wei Zhou, Bing Xu, Assessment and selection of smart agriculture solutions using an information error-based Pythagorean fuzzy cloud algorithm, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2021, 36(11): 6387-6418.
Yuchen Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Xiaowen Tang, Two-sided assembly line balancing that considers uncertain task time attributes and incompatible task sets, International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(6): 1736-1756.
Yuchen Li, Rui Peng, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Xiaowen Tang, Fang Wei, System reliability optimization for an assembly line under uncertain random environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 146: 106540.
Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Zixiang Li, Yuchen Li, Type-E disassembly line balancing problem with multi-manned workstations, Optimization and Engineering, 2020, 21: 611–630.
Yuchen Li, Xiangfeng Yang, Zaoli Yang, "Uncertain learning curve and its application in scheduling". Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 131: 534-541.
Yuchen Li, Honggang Wang, Zaoli Yang, "Type-II assembly line balancing problem with multi-operators." Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, 31, Supplement 1: 347–357.
Yuchen Li, Meilin Wen, Rui Kang, Zaoli Yang, "Type-1 Assembly Line Balancing considering uncertain task time."Journal of intelligent and fuzzy system, 2018, 35.2: 2619-2631.
Yuchen Li, Yada Zhu, and Thomas O. Boucher. "Modeling the firm's response to research & development tax credit policies." The Engineering Economist, 2018, 63.2: 91-112.
Yuchen Li, and David Coit. "Priority rules-based algorithmic design on two-sided assembly line balancing." Production Engineering, 2018, 12.1: 95-108.
Yuchen Li. "The type-II assembly line rebalancing problem considering stochastic task learning." International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55.24: 7334-7355.
Yuchen Li, Thomas Boucher. "Assembly line balancing problem with task learning and dynamic task reassignment." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88.9-12: 3089-3097.
Yuchen Li,Assembly Line Rebalancing with Non-constant Task Time Attribute,科技文献出版社,2016
Yuchen Li, Assembly Line Balancing under Uncertain Task Time and Demand Volatility, Springer Nature, 2022