以第一作者/通讯作者的身份在《Energy Policy》、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理评论》等国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文30余篇,在《人民日报》理论版发表文章1篇,所撰写的政策建议获得商务部领导肯定性批示1份,研究成果被中国能源网络报道并被光明网转载1篇。
1.Zhou, W.*, Zhao, T., Cao, X., & Li, J.**(2024). Government regulation, horizontal coopetition, and low-carbon technology innovation: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis of government and homogeneous energy enterprises.Energy Policy,184, 113844.
2.Zhou, W., Feng, R., Han, M.*, & Chen, M. (2022). Evolution characters and regulation impacts within the global scrap rubber trade network.Resources, Conservation and Recycling,181, 106201.
3.Zhou, W.*, Feng, R., & Han, M. (2023). The robustness and disturbance within China’s industrial complex network under carbon border tariffs.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-13.
4.Zhou, W., Cao, X., Dong, X.*, & Zhen, X. (2023). The effects of carbon-related news on carbon emissions and carbon transfer from a global perspective: Evidence from an extended STIRPAT model.Journal of Cleaner Production,425, 138974.
5.Zhou, W.,Chen, M., Yang, Z.*, & Song, X. (2021). Real estate risk measurement and early warning based on PSO-SVM.Socio-economic planning sciences,77, 101001.