Song, M., Gok, K., Moss, S., Borkowski, N. (2020). The relationship between perceived dissimilarity and feedback avoidance behavior: Testing a multiple mediation model. International Journal of Conflict Management. (Forthcoming)
Moss, S., Song, M.*, Hannah, S., Wang Z., & Sumanth, J. (2020). The duty to improve oneself: how duty orientation mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and followers’ feedback-seeking and feedback-avoiding behavior. Journal of Business Ethics. 165: 615-631.
Wang, Z., Xu, H., Song, M. (2020). Exploring how and when ethical conflict impairs employee organizational commitment: A stress perspective investigation. Business Ethics: A European Review. (Forthcoming)
宋萌,胡鹤颜,王震. (2020).领导跨界行为对领导者的收益与代价.管理评论.(Forthcoming)
孙健敏,崔兆宁,宋萌*. (2020).非常规管理实践的常规演进:弹性工作制的历史、现状与未来展望,中国人力资源开发. (Forthcoming)
宋萌,胡鹤颜,王震,董玉杰.领导跨界行为对下属绩效的积极与消极效应研究.管理学报, 2020, 17(05): 671-679.
宋萌,王震. (2017).领导跨界行为影响团队创新的内在机制和边界条件.管理评论. 29(3): 126-135.
宋萌,王震,孙健敏(2015).辱虐管理对下属反馈规避行为的影响:积极归因与工作意义的作用.预测, 34(5): 22-27.
宋萌,王震. (2015).领导发展性反馈对下属反馈规避行为的影响.管理学报, 12(12): 1773-1779.
宋萌,杨崇耀,唐中君. (2015).真诚型领导对员工主观幸福感的影响:基于社会学习理论的解释.中南大学学报(社会科学版). 21(5): 146-153.
宋萌,黄忠锦,胡鹤颜,綦萌(2018).工作意义感的研究述评与未来展望.中国人力资源开发. 35(9): 86-97.
王震,许灏颖,宋萌*. (2018).“说话算话”的领导让下属更效忠?中国传统“报”文化视角下的领导言行一致与下属忠诚.管理评论, 30(4): 247-260.
王震,宋萌*,彭坚,张雨奇. (2018).服务创新靠“领导”,还是靠“制度”?服务型领导和服务导向人力资源管理制度对员工服务创新的影响.管理评论, 30(11): 46-56.
王震,宋萌. (2015).员工反馈规避行为的形成与后果:基于应对理论的实证研究.科研管理, 36(5): 127-138.
王震,宋萌*. (2015).道德型领导对下属反馈规避行为的影响及其作用机制.管理学报, 12(1): 96-102.
Wu, C., Zhou, X. X., & Song, M. (2016). Sustainable Consumer Behavior in China: an Empirical Analysis from the Midwest Regions. 134: 147-165.
Song, M., Sun, J. (2016). Authentic Leadership and Employees’Subjective Well-being.首届华人应用心理学术研讨会,台湾,台北.
Song, M., Moss, S. E., & Kubilay, G. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of feedback avoiding behavior. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.
Song, M., & Sun, J. M. (2013). Abusive supervision, identification with leader, power distance, and task performance. Paper posted at the 28th Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, Texas, USA.