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[1]Yiran Wang, Zhongjun Tang, Wanqiu Wang, Dongyuan Zhao, Duokui He, Yingtong Lu. A systematic literature review of virtual idol from the perspective of the business role ecosystem.Internet Research,DOI 10.1108/INTR-06-2024-0938(SSCI/SCI源刊)
[2]Dongyuan Zhao, Zhongjun Tang, Fengxia Sun, Duokui He, Jing Wang, Qianqian Chen. A predictive method for weak signal evolution during new product development based on an improved matter-element extension model.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024, 71: 8488-8502.(SSCI/SCI源刊)
[3]Qianqian Chen, Zhongjun Tang, Duokui He, Dongyuan Zhao, Jing Wang. A three‑stage quality evaluation method for experience products: taking animation as an example.Multimedia Systems, 2024, 30: 203.(SCI源刊)
[4]Canaan T. Madongo, Zhongjun Tang, Jahanzeb Hassan. Movie box-office revenue prediction model by mining deep features from trailers using recurrent neural networks. Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2024, 15(6): 764-783.(ESCI源刊)
[5]Canaan T. Madongo, Zhongjun Tang, Jahanzeb Hassan. A cross-modal transformer based model for box-office revenue prediction.Journal of Advances in Information Technology,2024, 15(7): 822-837.(ESCI源刊)
[6]Duokui He, Zhongjun Tang*, Qianqian Chen, Zhongya Han, Dongyuan Zhao, Fengxia Sun. A two-stage deep graph clustering method for identifying the evolutionary patterns of the time series of animation view counts.Information Sciences, 2023,642: 119155(SCI源刊)
[7]Dongyuan Zhao, Zhongjun Tang, Fengxia Sun. Research on the weak demand signals identification model of innovative product based on domain ontology construction.Kybernetes. 2023(SCI源刊)
[8]Dongyuan Zhao, Zhongjun Tang, Duokui He. A systematic literature review of weak signal identification and evolution for corporate foresight.Kybernetes, 2023(SCI源刊)
[9]Tao Zhang, Zhongjun Tang. Should manufacturers open live streaming shopping channels?Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 71: 103229(SSCI源刊)
[10]Canaan Tinotenda Madongo, Tang Zhongjun. A movie box office revenue prediction model based on deep multimodal features.Multimedia Tools and Applications,published online:01 March 2023.(SCI源刊)
[11]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Pro. Tang Zhongjun, Judit Olah, Jozsef Popp, Angel ´ Acevedo-Duque. The relationship between 5G technology affordances, consumption values, trust and intentions: An exploration using the TCV and S-O-R paradigm.Heliyon, 2023, 9: e14101.(SCI源刊)
[12]Tao Zhang, Zhongjun Tang, Zhongya Han. Optimal online channel structure for multinational firms considering live streaming shopping.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2022, 56-101198: 1-18.(SSCI源刊)
[13]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Zhongjun Tang. Understanding the Mediating Effect of Anchoring Price in Extant Mature 4G and Market-Creating 5G Technology Products.International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2022, 2250038: 1-13.(ESCI源刊)
[14]Tang Zhongjun, Sayed Kifayat Shah,, Mohammad Ahmad, Sohaib Mustafa. Modeling Consumer's Switching Intentions Regarding 5G Technology in China [J].International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2022, 19(4)-2250011: 1-21.(ESCI源刊)
[15]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Zhongjun Tang, Beata Gavurova, Judit Oláh, Ángel Acevedo-Duque. Modeling consumer’s innovativeness and purchase intention relationship regarding 5G technology in China.Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10-1017557: 1-15.(SCI源刊)
[16]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Zhongjun Tang, Sayed Muhammad Fawad Sharif, Arifa Tanveer. An empirical study of Chinese students’ behavioral intentions to adopt 5G for smart‑learning in Covid‑19.Smart Learning Environments, 2021, 8-25: 1-17.(ESCI源刊)
[17]Zhongya Han , Zhongjun Tang*, Bo He. Improved Bass model for predicting the popularity of product information posted on microblogs.Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2022, 176-121458: 1-13.(SSCI源刊)
[18]Zhongjun Tang, Bo He. The influence of information configuration on mobile game download.Internet Research, 2022, 32(4): 1191-1213.(SSCI/SCI源刊)
[19]Zhongjun Tang, Bo He. Explaining mobile game takeoff through information configuration.Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2021, 121(12): 2411-2425.(SCI源刊)
[20]Zhongjun Tang, Tingting Wang, Junfu Cui, Zhongya Han, Bo He. Predicting Total Sales Volume Interval of an Experiential Product with Short-life-cycle before Production: Similarity Comparison in Attribute Relationship Patterns.Management Decision,2021, 59(10): 2528-2548.(SSCI源刊)
[21]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Tang Zhongjun. Elaborating on the consumer’s intention–behavior gap regarding 5G technology: The moderating role of the product market-creation ability.Technology in Society, 2021, 66-101657: 1-7.(SSCI源刊)
[22]Sayed Kifayat Shah, Tang Zhongjun, Abdul Sattar, Zhou XinHao. Consumer’s intention to purchase 5G: Do environmental awareness, environmental knowledge and health consciousness attitude matter?Technology in Society, 2021, 65-101563: 1-9.(SSCI源刊)
[23]Zhongjun Tang, Shunpeng Dong. A total sales forecasting method for a new short life-cycle product in the pre-market period based on an improved evidence theory: application to the film industry.International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(22): 6776–6790.(SCI源刊)
[24]Zhongjun Tang, Huike Zhu. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of new product diffusion considering consumer heterogeneity.Complexity, 2020, 2020: 1-20.(SCI源刊)
[25]Zhongjun Tang, Lianghao Yu. The configurational influence mechanism of film consumption experience on customer satisfaction [J].Journal of Consumer Behaviour,2021, 20(1): 132-147.(SSCI源刊)
[26]Zhongjun Tang, Zengli Guo, Li Zhou, Shengguo Xue, Qinfeng Zhu, Huike Zhu. Combined and Relative Effect Levels of Perceived Risk, Knowledge, Optimism, Pessimism, and Social Trust on Anxiety among Inhabitants Concerning Living on Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2016, 13: 1-17.(SCI收录)
[27]Zhongjun Tang, Xiaohong Chen, and Zhengwen Wu. Using Behavior Theory to Investigate Individual-level Determinants of Employee Involvement in TQM.Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 2010, 21(12): 1231-1260.(SSCI收录)
[28]Zhongjun Tang, Xiaohong Chen, Jianghong Luo. Determining socio-psychological drivers for rural household recycling behavior in developing countries: a case study from Wugan, Hunan, China.Environment & Behavior, 2011,43(6): 848–877.(SSCI收录)
[29]Zhongjun Tang, Jianghong Luo,Juan Xiao. Antecedents of Intention to Purchase Mass Customized Products.Journal of Product and Brand Management,2011, 20(4): 316–326.
[30]Zhongjun Tang, Xiaohong Chen, Juan Xiao. Using the Classic Grounded Theory Approach to Understand Consumer Purchase Decision in Relation to the First Customized Products.Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2010, 19(3): 181-197.
[31]Zhongjun Tang, Rongqiu Chen, Xuehong Ji. An innovation process model for identifying manufacturing paradigms.International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43(13): 2725-2742(SCI收录;EI收录).
[32]Zhongjun Tang, Rongqiu Chen, Xuehong Ji. Operational tactics and tenets of a new manufacturing paradigm‘Instant Customerisation’.International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43(14): 2873-2894(SCI收录;EI收录).
[33]Zhongjun Tang, Rongqiu Chen, Xuehong Ji. Selecting manufacturing paradigm via Grey Relational Analysis.The Journal of Grey System, 2005, 17(2): 157-160.
[34]Zhongjun Tang, Lang Ni. An interval reliability demand prediction method combined with XGBoost and D-S evidence theory in film preparation period.2021 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS2021).
[35]Huike Zhu, Zhongjun Tang. Film Box Office Forecasting Methods Based on Partial Least Squares Regression Model [C].2019 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications,2019, 234-238. (EI收录)
[36]Zhongjun Tang. Mechanism for a new demand forecasting paradigm ‘Individual Demand Forecasting’.Proceeding of IEEE BIFE 2010(EI收录).
[37]Zhongjun Tang, Shuqin Liu. The constructing method of meta-requirement analysis model.IEEE BIFE 2010:118-121 (EI收录).
[38]Zhongjun Tang, Shuqin Liu. The Meta-requirements Model study for trusted software.Proceeding of IEEE WICOM 2010(EI收录).
[39]Zhongjun Tang, Jing Xiao. Tools for a New Demand Forecasting Paradigm‘Individual Demand Forecasting’.Proceeding of IEEE BIFE 2009(EI收录).
[40]Zhongjun Tang, Jing Xiao. New Tactics for Sharing Demand-Related Information to Implement Individual Demand Forecasting.Proceeding of IEEM 2009, Hongkong, 2009 (EI收录).
[41]Zhongjun Tang, Xiaohong Chen, Jing Xiao. Realizing Instant customerization through proactivity enhancing demand visibility.Proceeding of IEEM 2008, Singapore, 2008 (EI收录).
[42]Zhongjun Tang, Jianghong Luo. Determinants of user participation during business-to-business information system development: a field study.Proceeding of The Fifth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, 2007 (ISTP收录).
[43]Zhongjun Tang, Xiaohong Chen. A new demand forecasting paradigm 'customer-centric individual demand forecsting'.Proceeding of IEEM 2007, Singapore, 2007 (EI收录)
[44]Zhongjun Tang, Rongqiu Chen, Xuehong Ji. A logic framework of implementing mass customization.Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference of Management, Macao, 2004: 1503-1513(ISSHP收录).
[45]何多魁,唐中君,陈倩倩,王怡然,胡锋.微调大语言模型驱动的短文本动态主题建模方法.数据分析与知识发现, 2025-01-24网络首发.
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[48]赵动员,唐中君.基于生命周期理论的弱信号三维度演化过程模型研究.情报杂志, 2023, 42(3): 130-138+157
[49]唐中君,韩中亚.融合两阶段过程模型和改进Bass模型的网络社交平台上产品信息扩散研究.运筹与管理,2022, 31(1): 216-223.
[50]唐中君,周亚丽.考虑消费动机和动态竞争的电影日需求预测模型.运筹与管理, 2021, 30(6): 172-180.
[51]唐中君,王美月,周欣浩,杨崇耀. BP_Adaboost算法的改进及在首轮融资时总票房分类预测的应用.科技促进发展, 2021(6): 1158-1168.
[52]唐中君,朱慧珂.短生命周期体验品的消费者涌现行为演化机理.工业工程与管理, 2021, 26(5): 59-67.
[53]唐中君,董顺朋.筹备期短生命周期体验品区间信度需求预测.控制工程, 2020, 27(02): 226-233.
[54]唐中君,周亚丽.结合区间理论熵权和TOPSIS的映前总票房区间预测.工业工程, 2020, 23(04): 75-83.
[55]唐中君,吴凡,倪浪.考虑竞争的电影首映日票房集成预测模型研究.科技促进发展, 2020, 16(10): 1221-1229.
[56]唐中君,崔骏夫,唐孝文,朱慧珂.融合内容分析和关联分析的短生命周期体验品需求特征模式挖掘方法研究.中国管理科学, 2019, 27(11): 166-175.
[57]唐中君,刘垒朋,禹海波,等.融合Bass模型和三阶段过程模型的续集电影需求扩散研究.运筹与管理, 2019, 28(01):170-179.
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[78]Rongqiu Chen, Xuehong ji, Zhongjun Tang. Postponement: Design for customization and responsiveness.Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference of Management, Macao, 2004: 464-483(ISSHP收录).
[79]Xuehong Ji, Rongqiu Chen, Zhongjun Tang. Manufacturing time compression through delayed product differentiation.Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Harbin, 2004: 796-799(ISTP收录).
[80]Xuehong Ji, Rongqiu Chen, Zhongjun Tang. Grey Relational Analysis on the Sales Growth of Dell, IBM, HP and Compaq.The Journal of Grey System, 2005, 17(2):157-160.
[81]王宛秋,王雪晴,刘晓燕,龚慧敏,唐中君.基于TOE框架的企业跨界技术并购绩效的提升策略研究:一项模糊集的定性比较分析[J].南开管理评论, 2022, 25(2): 136-146.
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唐中君.员工参与全面质量管理.北京:经济管理出版社, 2012年.
唐中君.病人参与医疗的理论与实证研究.北京:经济管理出版社, 2014年.
唐中君.中国文化创意企业创新与供应链协调评价.北京:中国财政经济出版社, 2016年.
唐中君,吴天为.工业产业集群区域品牌建设机理和模式研究.北京:中国财政经济出版社, 2020年.