1. Junwan Liu, Zining Cui, Shuo Xu, Xiaofei Guo, and Zhixin Long. Prediction of Technology Convergence on the basis of Supernetwork. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024,71:5438-15452. (SCI源刊)
2. Junwan Liu, Xiaoyun Gong, Shuo Xu, & Chenchen Huang. Understanding the relationship between team diversity and the innovative performance in research teams using decision tree algorithms: evidence from artificial intelligence. Scientometrics, 2024, 129(12): 7805-7831. (SCI源刊)
3. Junwan Liu, Xiaofei Guo, Shuo Xu, Yi Bu, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivière, Yinglu Song, and Honghao Zhou. Understanding Super-Partnerships in Scientific Collaboration: Evidence from the Field of Economics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2024,75(6):717-733. (SCI源刊)
4.刘俊婉,巩晓云,徐硕,等.基于关系链接的科研团队创新绩效影响机制研究[J/OL].软科学, 1-15[2025-02-27].(CSSCI源刊)
5.刘俊婉,黄晨晨,徐硕,等.研究主题多样性、知识整合与科研团队论文绩效[J].软科学, 2024, 38 (10): 127-135.(CSSCI源刊)
6.刘俊婉,庞博,徐硕.基于弱信号的颠覆性技术早期识别研究[J].情报学报, 2023, 42 (12): 1395-1411.(CSSCI源刊)
7. Junwan Liu, Xiaofei Guo, Shuo Xu, Yinglu Song, and Kaiyue Ding. A New Interpretation of Scientific Collaboration Patterns from the Perspective of Symbiosis: An Investigation for Long-Term Collaboration in Publications[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2023, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 101372.(SCI源刊)
8. Liu Junwan, Guo Xiaofei, Xu Shuo, et al. Quantifying the impact of strong ties in international scientific research collaboration[J]. PloS one, 2023, 18(1): e0280521.(SCI源刊)
10. Junwan Liu, Rui Wang, and Shuo Xu. What Academic Mobility Configurations Contribute to High Performance: An fsQCA Analysis of CSC-Funded Visiting Scholars[J]. Scientometrics, 2021,Vol. 126, No. 2, pp. 1079-1100.(SCI源刊)
11. Liu Junwan, Song Yinglu, Yang Sai. Gender disparities in the field of economics[J]. Scientometrics, 2020, 125: 1477-1498.(SCI源刊)
12. Liu Junwan, Ding Kaiyue, Wang Feifei, Bu Yi, Maus Gregory J. The structure and evolution of scientific collaboration from the perspective of symbiosis[J]. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2019, 24(1): 59-73.(SSCI源刊)
13.刘俊婉,龙志昕,王菲菲.基于LDA主题模型与链路预测的新兴主题关联机会发现研究,数据分析与知识发现, 2019,(1):104-117.(CSSCI源刊)
14.刘俊婉,杨波,王菲菲,徐硕.基于LDA主题模型的学术谱系内知识传承研究——以谈家桢为核心的遗传学学术谱系为例,图书情报工作, 2018, 62(10):76-84.(CSSCI源刊)
15.刘俊婉,杨波,王菲菲.基于引证行为与学术相似度的学者影响力领域排名方法研究,数据分析与知识发现, 2018, 2(4): 59-70(CSSCI源刊)
16.刘俊婉,杨波,刘蕊.管理学领域论文产出力和影响力的性别差异研究——以《科研管理》期刊为例[J].科研管理, 2017, 38(S1):153-158.(CSSCI源刊)
17.刘俊婉,丁凯悦,王菲菲,郑晓敏,杨波.科学合作的弱关系、强关系以及超级关系研究[J].科学学研究, 2017, 35(4):500-510+543.(CSSCI,国家自科委认定A类重要期刊)
18.刘俊婉,郑晓敏,王菲菲,杨波,丁凯悦.基于节点进退的中科院院士合作网络演化研究——以信息技术科学部为例[J].情报杂志, 2016, 35(12):162-168.(CSSCI源刊)
19.刘俊婉,郑晓敏,宿娜,王菲菲.国内外情报学领域期刊发文时滞的计量分析——以Scientometrics和《情报学报》期刊为例[J].中国科技期刊研究, 2016, 27(12):1292-1299.(CSSCI源刊)
20.刘俊婉,谢梦玥.基于Citespace的青蒿素文献可视化分析[J].中国抗生素杂志, 2016, 41(10):735-741.(CSSCI源刊)
21.刘俊婉,郑晓敏,王菲菲,冯秀珍.科学精英科研生产力和影响力的社会年龄分析-以中国科学院院士为例[J].情报杂志, 2015, 34(11):30-35+61.(CSSCI源刊)
刘俊婉著.杰出科学家的创造力特性:基于科学计量学的研究.科学出版社, 2018.3