1.Wang, H., Xiong, Y., & Liu, X. (2023). How are family resources and school resources related to low-income adolescents’ psychological adjustment? The moderating role of belief in a just world. Child Indicators Research, 16, 655-670. (SSCI Q2)
2.王晖,刘霞,刘金梦,李金文,高叶淼. (2022).中小学生劳动素养评价的国际经验及启示.北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), (4), 142-149. (CSSCI)
3.王泉泉,刘霞,陈子循,王晖,刘金梦,李金文. (2021).核心素养视域下劳动素养的内涵与结构.北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), (2), 37-42.
4.王晖,刘霞. (2020).积极资源和压力风险对农村青少年幸福感的累积效应.北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), (2),38-47. (CSSCI,人大复印报刊资料2020年第7期全文转载)
5.Wang, H., Wang, Q., Liu, X, Gao, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). Prospective interpersonal and intrapersonal predictors of initiation and cessation of non-suicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:9454. (SSCI Q1)
6.陈子循,王晖,冯映雪,刘霞. (2020).同伴侵害对留守青少年主观幸福感的影响:自尊和社会支持的作用,心理发展与教育, 36(5), 605-614.
7.王晖,熊昱可,刘霞. (2018).亲子关系和朋友支持对流动儿童情绪和行为适应的保护作用.心理发展与教育, 34(5), 614-624.