1. 2022-2024,宽域温度范围内SBS改性沥青自愈演化行为研究,国基金青年项目,在研,主持;
2. 2022-2024,高粘沥青自愈性能的老化衰变与增强设计研究,北京市教委科技项目,在研,主持;
3. 2024-2028,智慧化功能型路面新材料与结构,北京工业大学高层次人才队伍建设计划青年优秀人才项目、北京市科协青年托举人才工程项目、企事业单位委托项目,在研,主持;
4. 2021-2026,绿色低碳型高性能沥青路面材料与结构研究,中国/北京/朝阳博后项目、北京工业大学基础研究项目、企事业单位委托项目,在研,主持;
5. 2022-2025,基于材料基因组学调控的自修复增强型高粘沥青研究,多家国家重点实验室/省部级重点实验室工程研究中心开放探索项目,结题,主持;
6. 2023-2026,行车大数据驱动的道路路面智能养护管理决策理论及方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,参与;
7. 2015-2022,基于磁响应控释微胶囊的沥青材料分级多次自修复研究、基于毛细流动扩散理论的沥青混合料自愈合行为研究,2项国基金面上项目,结题,参与;
8. 2017-2018,高速公路特殊路段冰雪自融技术研究与示范,湖南省交通厅重大科技项目,结题,参与;
9. 2017-2019,海绵城市透水路面铺装关键技术研究与应用,上海市城建总院&瓦克公司委托项目,结题,参与;
10. 2019-2020,上海虹桥机场绕滑道沥青混合料设计与施工关键技术,上海市机场建设集团委托项目,结题,参与。
1. 2024,北京工业大学高层次人才计划青年优秀人才
2. 2024,北京公路学会科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人)
3. 2024,北京高校青年教师基本功比赛教学论文一等奖、北京高校优秀本科毕业设计优秀指导教师
4. 2023,北京市科协2023-2025年度青年人才托举工程、北京公路学会优秀个人会员
5. 2023,中国交通运输协会科技进步奖一等奖
6. 2023,上海公路学会科学技术奖特等奖
7. 2021,同济大学优秀博士学位论文
8. 2020,上海市优秀毕业生、国际华人基础设施工作者协会IACIP优秀博士
9. 2019,王秉纲论坛交通运输行业优秀研究生奖、同济大学研究生学术先锋
1.Sun Guoqiang, Hu Mingjun, Sun Daquan*, et al. Temperature induced self-healing capability transition phenomenon of bitumens. Fuel, 2020, 263:116698.
2.Sun Guoqiang, Ma Jianmin, Sun Daquan*, et al. Influence of thermal oxidative aging on temperature induced self-healing transition of polymer modified bitumens. Materials & Design, 2020, 192:108717.
3.Sun Guoqiang, Li Bin, Sun Daquan*, et al. Chemo-rheological and morphology evolution of polymer modified bitumens under thermal oxidative and all-weather aging. Fuel, 2021, 285:118989.
4.Sun Guoqiang, Li Bin, Sun Daquan*, et al. Roles of aging and bio-oil regeneration on self-healing evolution behavior of asphalts within wide temperature range. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 329:129712.
5.Sun Guoqiang, Ma Jianmin, Sun Daquan*, et al. Influence of weather accelerated ageing on healing temperature sensitivity of asphalts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 281:124929.
6.Sun Guoqiang, Zhu Xiaobin, Zhang Qiyi, et al. Oxidation and polymer degradation characteristics of high viscosity modified asphalts under various aging environments. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 813:152601.
7.Sun Guoqiang,Ma Ting,Chen Fei, et al. Roles of a novel self-reinforcing chemical modifier on SBS-modified high viscosity asphalt based on chemical reactive repairing principle. Construction and Building Materials, 2025, 458: 139577.
8.Sun Guoqiang, Ma Ting, Hu Mingjun, et al. An evaluation proposal for the fatigue and healing performances of high-viscosity polymer-modified bitumen based on continuous multiple linear amplitude sweep. Construction and Building Materials,2024, 411:134632.
9.Sun Guoqiang,Ning Weidong,JiangXulai, et al.A comprehensive review on asphalt fume suppression and energy saving technologies in asphalt pavement industry. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 411: 169726.
10.Sun Guoqiang, Sun Daquan*, Guarin Alvaro, et al. Low temperature self-healing character of asphalt mixtures under different fatigue damage degrees. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 223:870-882.