1.Guo Cong, Yaoqin Jiang, Renlu Qiao, Jinbao Zhao, Jiancheng Weng, Yang Chen. The nonlinear relationship between the active travel behavior of older adults and built environments: A comparison between an inner-city area and a suburban area, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 99: 104961.
2.Erlong Tan, Bing Liu,Cong Guo,Xiaolei Ma. Restoration sequence optimization for vulnerable metro stations with limited budget: A case study of Beijing, China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2024, 653:130102.
3.P. Lu, Z. Fan*,C. Guo*, J. Liang*, Recent Progresses of Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries and Their Prospects in the Field of Smart City,Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2024.[Accepted]
4.Wang, W., Zhuang, Y.,Guo, C., Ma, D., & Liu, Z. (2024). Shelter Location Model under Uncertain Compound Disaster Failure Scenario. Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Accepted).
5.Huang, W., Guo, Y.,Guo, C., Tang, F., Zhao, Y., Xia, Z., & Zhang, R. (2023). Simulation of urban non-motorized traffic: A agent-based modeling approach based on big data of bike sharing and social force model. Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology, 27541231231180989.
6.Guo, Y., Xia, Z., &Guo, C. (2023). Study on the Operational Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Urban Traffic Microcirculation in the Central City: Nonlinear Analysis Based on the XGBoost Model. World Architecture, (07), 22-23. DOI: 10.16414/j.wa.2023.07.030.
7.Guo Cong, Wa Xiaolin, Su Wenheng, Sun Feng(*), Guo Zonghe, Hu Zhenda. Bus Scheduling Using a Skip-Stop Strategy Based on Stop Relevance[J]. WuhanUniversity Journal of Natural Sciences, 2020, 25(5): 469-476.
8.Zhao Jinbao,Guo Cong(*), Zhang Ruhua, Guo Dong, Palmer Mathew. Impacts ofweather on cycling and walking on twin trails in Seattle, Transportation Research PartD: Transport and Environment, 2019, 77: 573-588