2.2019-2021,Smart Geographic Information System for Logistics Planning and Management,香港创新及科技基金项目,9400187(UIM/334),核心参与人
3.2017-2019,Building a Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job Scheduling in Smart Factories,香港创新及科技基金委员会,9440249(PRP/063/19FX),核心参与人
4.2016-2017,Location Analytics and Indoor Floorplan Reconstruction,香港理工大学,4-ZZFF,核心参与人
[1]Z. He,C.-Y. Chow, J.-D. Zhang, and K.-Y. Lam. H3Rec: Higher-order heterogeneous and homogeneous interaction modeling for group recommendations of web services. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IEEE TSC), 2022.(中科院JCR一区期刊)
[2]Z. He, C.-Y. Chow, J.-D. Zhang. STNN: A spatio-temporal neural network for traffic predictions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE TITS), 22(12):7642-7651, 2021.(中科院JCR一区期刊)
[3]Z. He, C.-Y. Chow, J.-D. Zhang. GAME: Learning graphical and attentive multi-view embeddings for occasional group recommendation. In ACM SIGIR, 2020.(CCF A类会议)
[4]Z. He, C.-Y. Chow, J.-D. Zhang. STCNN: A spatio-temporal convolutional neural network for long-term traffic prediction. In IEEE MDM, 2019.(CCF C类会议)
[5]J.-D. Zhang,Z. He, W.-H. Chan, C.-Y. Chow. DeepMAG: Deep reinforcement learning with multi-agent graphs for flexible job shop scheduling. Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), Volume 256, 110083, 2023. (中科院JCR一区期刊)