(1)Hongzhi Zhang, Baofeng Yao(通讯作者), Hongguang Zhang, Fubin Yang, Meng Yuan, Zihan Li, Guohao Zhao, Lanjin Li. Synergistic effects of dilution gases and hydrogen on methane/air laminar combustion characteristics and NOX-emission concentrations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 88: 779-791.
(2)Jia Liang, Baofeng Yao(通讯作者),Yonghong Xu(通讯作者), Hongguang Zhang, Fubin Yang, Anren Yang, Yan Wang, Yuting Wu. Experimental research on performance comparison of compressed air engine under different operation modes. Energies, 2023, 16(03): 1312.
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(5)Kai Niu, Baofeng Yao(通讯作者), Yonghong Xu, Hongguang Zhang, Zhicheng Shi, Yan Wang.Study on chemical kinetics mechanism of ignition characteristics of dimethyl etherblended with small molecular alkanes[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(13): 4652.
(6)Xu Ping, Baofeng Yao(通讯作者), Hongguang Zhang(通讯作者), Fubin Yang. Thermodynamic analysis and high-dimensional evolutionary many-objective optimization of dual loop organic Rankine cycle (DORC) for CNG engine waste heat recovery. Energy, 2021, 236: 121508.
(7)Xu Ping, Baofeng Yao(通讯作者), Hongguang Zhang, Fubin Yang. Thermodynamic, economic, and environmental analysis and multi-objective optimization of a dual loop organic Rankine cycle for CNG engine waste heat recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 193: 116980.
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(9)Baofeng Yao,Fubin Yang,Hongguang Zhang,Enhua Wang,Kai Yang. Analyzing the Performance of a Dual Loop Organic Rankine Cycle System for Waste Heat Recovery of a Heavy-Duty Compressed Natural Gas Engine. Energies, 2014, 7(11): 7794-7815.
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