1. Sun Guojun, Zhao Jingnan, Qu Xiushu, et.al. Experimental Study of Stress Relaxation Performance of Steel Cables at Room Temperature. [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(3): 04020493.
2. Sun Guojun, Yue Rundong, Chen Zhihua, et.al. Numerical and Experimental Research on the Design Method of Plate-Insert Welded Tubular Joint[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2021.
3. Sun Guojun, Wu Mingze, Xue Suduo, et.al.Mechanical properties of radial spherical plain bearing (RSPB) joint with an inserted plate for building structural application[J]. Structures. 2021, 33: 2140-2151.
4. Suduo Xue, Fei Yan, Guojun Sun*. Deflation and Collapse Property of Air-supported Membrane Structure[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2021,169:108338.
5.Wu Jinzhi, Zheng Jianhua, Sun Guojun*. Experimental and numerical analyses on aluminium alloy H-section members under eccentric cyclic loading[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 162: 107532.
6. Wu Jinzhi, Mengfan Zang, Sun Guojun*,et.al.Experimental study on the static performance of arched aluminium alloy gusset joints[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 246: 113013.
7. Sun Guojun, Yuan Jun, Xue Suduo, et.al. Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of zinc-5% aluminum-mixed mischmetal alloy-coated steel strand cables[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 233.
8. Sun Guojun, Li Xiaohui, Wu Jinzhi, et.al. Deformation of stainless steel cables at elevated temperature[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 211.
9.Sun Guojun, Wu Mingze, Wu Jinzhi, et al. Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of 35CrMo-GLG650 Steel Rods at Elevated Temperatures[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(7).
10. Sun Guojun, Li Xiaohui, Xue Suduo. Mechanical properties of stainless steel cables at elevated temperature[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(7).