








担任IEEE TGRS,IEEE JSTARS,ISPRS JPRS, IJRS, Remote Sensing,BME,IET Image Processing等遥感和图像处理领域期刊的活跃审稿人;任JCR一区期刊Remote Sensing“海洋遥感”和“高分辨率图像重建”特刊客座编辑。任雷达学报“高级SAR成像”专刊编辑。与意大利微波遥感团队(IEEE Fellow),香港大学遥感研究团队(国家优青入选者),中国科学院国家天文台深空探测部(国家杰青入选者),首都医科大学研究团队(北京学者)等国内外知名学者和机构建立了紧密的学术合作。





















  1. Li, Y.; Liang, H.; Sun, G.; Yuan, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H. A Land Cover Background-Adaptive Framework for Large-Scale Road Extraction.Remote Sens.2022,14, 5114. (IF: 5.349, JCR Q1)

  2. Yu Li, Zifeng Yuan, Kun Zhenget al., A novel detail weighted histogram equalization method for brightness preserving image enhancement based on partial statistic and global mapping model,IET Image processing, 2022.(SCI)

  3. Li, Gang,Yu Li, Hui Lin, Qinghua Ye and Liming Jiang, Two periods of geodetic glacier mass balance at Eastern Nyainqentanglha derived from multi-platform bistatic SAR interferometry.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation104: 102541, 2021. (IF: 7.672, JCR Q1)

  4. Yunkun Bai, Guangmin Sun,Yu Li, Peifeng Ma, Gang Li, Yuanzhi Zhang, Comprehensively analyzing optical and polarimetric SAR features for land-use/land-cover classification and urban vegetation extraction in highly-dense urban area,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 103,2021,102496.(IF: 7.672, JCR Q1)

  5. Yu Li, Meilong Zhu, Guangmin Sun, Jiayang Chen, Xiaorong Zhu, Jinkui Yang.Weakly supervised training for eye fundus lesion segmentation in patients with diabetic retinopathy[J].Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5293-5311. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022248(SCI)

  6. Zheng, K., Wei, M., Sun, G., Anas, B.,Li, Y.. Using vehicle synthesis generative adversarial networks to improve vehicle detection in remote sensing images.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,8(9), 390. 2019. (IF: 3.099, JCR Q2)

  7. J. Zhang , G. Sun, K. Zheng, S. Mazhar, X. Fu,Y. Li, H. Yu, SSGNN: A Macro and Microfacial Expression Recognition Graph Neural Network Combining Spatial and Spectral Domain Features,IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 747-760, Aug. 2022 (IF: 4.124, JCR Q1)

  8. Sun, G., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J. Zhu, M., Zhu X., Yang J..LI Y.. Joint optic disc and cup segmentation based on multi-scale feature analysis and attention pyramid architecture for glaucoma screening.Neural Comput & Applic, 2021. DOI 10.1007/s00521-021-06554-x (IF: 5.102, JCR Q1)

  9. Yu Li, Meilong Zhu, Guangmin Sun, Jiayang Chen, Xiaorong Zhu, Jinkui Yang. Weakly supervised training for eye fundus lesion segmentation in patients with diabetic retinopathy[J].Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5293-5311.(SCI)

  10. Yu Li,Yuanzhi Zhanget al., Marine Oil Spill Detection Based on the Comprehensive Use of Polarimetric SAR Data.Sustainability, 2018, 10(12), 4408.(SCI)

  11. Jin Yeu Tsou, Yanfei Gao, Yuanzhi Zhang, Genyun Sun, Jinchang Ren andYu Li,Evaluating Urban Land Carrying Capacity Based on the Ecological Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China.Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(6):529.(SCI)

  12. Wang H, Zhang Y, Jin T,Li Yu., Surface Urban Heat Island Analysis of Shanghai (China) Based on the Change of Land Use and Land Cover.Sustainability, 2017, 9(9):1538.(SCI)

  13. 李煜,张渊智,陈杰,合成孔径雷达海面溢油探测研究进展.电子与信息学报, 2019(3). (EI)

  14. 孙光民,陈佳阳,李冰,李煜,闫冬.双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测.哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2021, 42(2):8.(EI)

  15. Kun Zheng, Junjie Shen, Guangmin Sun, Hui Li,Yu Li. Shielding facial physiological information in video.Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5153-5168. (共同通讯)

  16. Zheng, Kun; Shen, Junjie; Sun, Guangmin; Li, Hui;Li, Yu, Shielding facial physiological information in video,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5153-5168.(共同通讯)

  17. Mazhar, S.; Sun, G.; Bilal, A.; Hassan, B.;Li, Y.; Zhang, J.; Lin, Y.; Khan, A.; Ahmed, R.; Hassan, T. AUnet: A Deep Learning Framework for Surface Water Channel Mapping Using Large-Coverage Remote Sensing Images and Sparse Scribble Annotations from OSM Data.Remote Sens.2022, 14, 3283.(指导留学生)

  18. Hongsheng Zhang, Hui Lin,Yu Li,Yuanzhi Zhang and Chaoyang Fang. Mapping urban impervious surface with dual-polarimetric SAR data: An improved method.Landscape and Urban Planning. 2016.2.01, 151: 55~63.

  19. Zhang Y, Hallikainen M, Zhang H, Duan H,LI Y,Liang X, Chlorophyll-a Estimation in Turbid Waters Using Combined SAR Data With Hyperspectral Reflectance Data: A Case Study in Lake Taihu, China[J].IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, PP(99):1-12.

  20. Y. Li, J. Yang, Z. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Marine Oil Spills Detection and Classification from POLSAR Images Based on Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network,IGARSS 2022 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2022, pp. 7085-7088 (口头报告)

  21. Y. Bai, G. Sun, Y. Ge, Y. Zhang andY. Li,Mapping urban impervious surfaces by fusing optical and SAR data at decision level,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019, pp. 6336-6339. (口头报告)

  22. Guandong Chen,Yu Li,et al., Polarimetric SAR oil spill detection based on deep networks.IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2017. (口头报告)

  23. 一种基于形态学特征的楼面缺陷图像自动检测算法,国家授权发明专利,CN109685788B

  24. 基于深度置信网络的城市不透水层提取方法,国家授权发明专利,CN108764326B

  25. 一种基于深度神经网络的城市土地利用信息分析方法,国家授权发明专利,CN108960300B

  26. 空气质量检测方法和空气质量检测系统,国家授权发明专利,201611168664.4

  27. 一种基于计算机视觉和深度学习的楼面缺陷自动检测方法,国家授权发明专利,CN109859171A





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