



1973年10月生,江西湖口人,现为北京工业大学信息科学技术学院教授,博士生导师。2006年3月获北京工业大学机械设计及理论专业博士学位。2006年底赴香港城市大学从事短期合作研究。2010年获国家留学基金委全额资助赴英国University College London做访问学者一年。入选2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家。2008年同时入选北京市科技新星和北京市组织部优秀人才培养计划,2011年9月破格获聘见习教授岗,2012年入选北京市青年拔尖人才培育计划。2013年入选校京华人才和校青年导师国际化能力发展计划,2014年7月晋升教授,2021年获北京工业大学研究生课程教学名师。

现为国际权威期刊《Ultrasonics》和《Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation》编委;Sensors专刊主编;中国无损检测学会会刊《无损检测》副主编,《北京工业大学学报(自然科学版)》和《测控技术》编委;中国无损检测学会超声检测专业大会主席、智能检测与评估大会副主席;全国设备结构健康监测标准化工作组委员兼副秘书长;中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会副主任委员;济南市新材料无损检测重点实验室学术委员会主任委员;北京机械工程学会无损检测分会副主任委员;中国力学学会实验力学专业委员会力学测试数据分析与表征专业组组员;国家自然科学基金和北京市、黑龙江省等十省市自然科学基金的同行评议专家;中国工程教育仪器类专业认证专家;科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目会评专家;国家重点研发计划项目会评专家;科技部创新人才项目会评专家;国家发改委两业融合发展项目会评专家;国家留学基金评审专家;NDT&E International、IEEE Sensors Journal、Ultrasonics、Smart Materials and Structures、Materials Evaluation、Wave Motion、机械工程学报、工程力学、实验力学、振动与冲击、无损检测等30多个国内外学术期刊审稿人。




Nondestructive testingtechnique and instrument, Structural health monitoring, Smart sensing and signal processing, Mechanical measurement technique, Experimental solid mechanics




















[3] Zenghua Liu. Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation. MDPI. 2024. doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-7258-0226-5

[4]吴斌,何存富,焦敬品,刘增华译.James F. Doyle著.结构中波的传播.科学出版社.2013.


[01] Long Chen, Zenghua Liu, Zongjian Zhang, Yanping Zhu, Xiaoyu Liu, Jingdong Hu, Cunfu He.Real-timeimaging and geometric characterization of laser ultrasound based on array scanning optimization and delay-multiply-and-sumbeamforming method.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.2025,224:112206(16pp).

[02] Zenghua Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Yanping Zhu, Zhaojing Lu, Long Chen, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Multi-time Lamb waves space wavenumber imaging method based on ultrasonic guided wavefield. Structural Health Monitoring. DOI: 10.1177/14759217241261091

[03] Yu Gong, Yiming Yan, Zenghua Liu, Yufeng Wu, Xiubing Liang.Remanufacturing benefit comprehensive evaluation for an automotive alternator based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.2024,21:4547-4564.

[04] Zenghua Liu, Long Chen, Yanping Zhu, Xiaoyu Liu, Zhaojing Lu, Cunfu He.Laser ultrasonic frequency-domain phase weighted imaging based on full matrix capture. Ultrasonics. 2024,141:107321(11pp).

[05] Zenghua Liu, WasilRiaz,Yongna Shen, Xiaoran Wang, Cunfu He, Gongtian Shen. Magnetoacoustic emission technique: A review of methodology, applications, and future prospects in non-destructive testing. NDT&E International. 2024,146:103171(18pp).


[07] Zenghua Liu, Sha Wu, Wen Liu, Yufeng Wu, Xiubing Liang. Optimization of multiple responses in the laser cladding process parameters. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2024,39(15):2139-2153.


[09] Peiying Zhang, Zenghua Liu, Yanhong Guo, Xiaosai Wang, Yu Gong. Development of a dual main excitation modes electromagnet EMAT for ferromagnetic material testing.Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2024,39(7):1925-1945.

[10] Zenghua Liu, Long Chen, Yanping Zhu, Xiaoyu Liu, Cunfu He. Multi-mode high resolution TFM imaging of microdefects based on laser ultrasonic full matrix capture. Optics and Laser Technology. 2025,181:111913(13pp).

[11] Zenghua Liu, Yanhong Guo, Xin Zhao, Jinjie Cheng, Kunsong Zheng,Cunfu He. Development of wideband pulse compression surface wave EMAT.IEEE Sensors Journal. 2024,24(4):5073-5085.

[12] Yanhong Guo, Zenghua Liu, Xin Zhao, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Magneto-acousticcompound detection and evaluation of thermal aging brittleness of heat-resistant steel based on electromagnetic acoustic transducers. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2023,38(6):977-1005.

[13] Sha Wu, Zenghua Liu,Yu Gong, Xiubing Liang, Yufeng Wu, Xin Zhao. Analysis of the sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical and cladding geometry of a Ni60A-25%WC laser cladding composite coating. Optics and Laser Technology. 2023,167:109595(28pp).

[14] Zhaojing Lu, Zenghua Liu, Wenshuo Jiang, Bin Wu, Cunfu He.Intelligent defect location of U-shaped boom using helical guided waves. Structural Health Monitoring. 2023,22(4):2827-2855.

[15] Zenghua Liu, Lixin Sun, Yanhong Guo, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A magnetic shielding-type PEC sensor with a canister structure and magnetic core. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023,23(7):6697-6705.

[16] Zenghua Liu, Zhaojing Lu, Wenshuo Jiang, Yanhong Guo, Cunfu He. Damage probability imaging of a U-shaped boom based on improved permanent periodic magnet electromagnetic acoustic transducers. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2023,38(6):977-1005.

[17] Xiaofei Huang, Zenghua Liu, Yu Gong, Sha Wu, Kewei Chen, Cunfu He. Quantitative estimation of Fe-based amorphous coating thickness based on pulsed eddy current technology. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2023,42(1):1(11pp).

[18] Xin Zhao, Zenghua Liu, Yanhong Guo, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. An advanced magnetoacoustic compound inspection methodofhigh-order mode EMAT.IEEESensors Journal. 2022,22(1):229-239.

[19] Yu Gong, Xiaofei Huang, Zenghua Liu, Fei Deng, Yufeng Wu, Cunfu He. Development of acone-shaped pulsed eddy current sensor.IEEESensors Journal. 2022,22(4):3129-3136.

[20] Zenghua Liu, Runxin Man, Kexin Wang, Yuheng Wu. Nondestructive evaluation of coating defects and uniformity based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.Materials Evaluation. 2022,80(9):34-43.

[21] Xin Zhao, Zenghua Liu,YuGong, Zhilin Huo, Zhengyu Chen, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Performance degradation detection of 12CrMoVsteel by magneto-acoustic compound inspection method.NDT&E International.2021, 124:102525(11pp).

[22] Sha Wu, Zenghua Liu, Xiaofei Huang, Yufeng Wu, Yu Gong. Process parameter optimization and EBSD analysis of Ni60A-25% WC laser cladding. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2021,101:105675(16pp).

[23] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Yu Gong, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Evolutionary strategy-based intelligent location algorithm for Lamb wave defect detection with sparse array. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2021, 68(6): 2277-2293.

[24] Zenghua Liu, Zhilin Huo, Aili Li, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Development of an omnidirectional SH0mode electromagnetic acoustic transducer employing periodic permanent magnet. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021,21(6):7691-7701.

[25] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A technique based on nonlinear Hanning windowed Chirplet model and genetic algorithm for parameter estimation of Lamb wave signals. Ultrasonics. 2021,111:106333(16pp).

[26] Abdul Basit, Zenghua Liu, Mubarak Ahmad, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. A novel method for evaluation of surface breaking crack using position time graph. Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 2021,64(1):107-116.


[28] Honglei Chen, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. A nonlinear Hanning-windowed Chirplet model for ultrasonic guided waves signal parameter representation. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation.2020,39(3):65(17pp).

[29] Zenghua Liu, Qiuling Peng, Xin Li, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Acoustic emission source localization using generalized regression neural network based on time difference mapping method. Experimental Mechanics. 2020, 60(5): 679-694.


[31]刘增华,彭秋玲,李欣,何存富,吴斌.基于时间差映射方法的钢板声发射源定位.应用基础与工程科学学报. 2020,48(2):475-485.

[32] Zenghua Liu, Xin Zhao, Ning Pei, Zhilin Huo, Zhengyu Chen, Cunfu He, Bin Wu. Numerical decoupling study of EMAT testing signal for ferromagnetic materials. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2020,20(7):3476-3486.

[33] Zenghua Liu, Aili Li, Yongchen Zhang, Liming Deng, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2020,303:111859(15pp).

[34] Zenghua Liu, Liming Deng, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of a mode-tuning magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer. Ultrasonics. 2020,103: 106094(15pp).

[35] Zenghua Liu, Aili Li, Bin Wu, Cunfu He. Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.2020,62(1):13-29.

[36] Zenghua Liu, Liming Deng, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of an omni-directional magnetic concentrator type electromagnetic acoustic transducer. NDT&E International.2020,109:102193(14pp).


[38] Zenghua Liu, Xin Zhao, Jiaqi Li, Cunfu He, Wu Bin. Obliquely incident EMAT for high-order Lamb wave mode generation based on inclined static magnetic field. NDT&E International. 2019,104:124-134.

[39] Zenghua Liu, Yongchen Zhang, Aili Li, Muwen Xie, Wu Bin, Cunfu He. Development of a shear horizontal wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer with periodic grating coil. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 2019,60(4):545-563.

[40] Ziming Li, Cunfu He, Zenghua Liu, Bin Wu. Quantitative detection of lamination defect in thin-walled metallic pipe by using circumferential Lamb waves based on wavenumber analysis method. NDT&E International. 2019,102:56-67.

















[16]刘增华,何存富,吴斌.钢绞线预应力的高阶纵向导波测量方法.国家发明专利.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200810240891.2.

[17]刘增华,何存富,吴斌,王秀彦,杨士明.一种对带粘弹性包覆层充液管道无损检测的方法.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200610072880.9.

[18]刘增华,吴斌,何存富,王秀彦.一种对带粘弹性包覆层充液管道导波检测的方法.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 200610072881.3.



[21]刘增华,邓黎明,王铭权,唐国耀,何存富.电磁铁式电磁声换能器检测系统上位机软件. 2021SR0652766.

[22]刘增华,鲁朝静,蒋文硕,田九洲. U型起重臂稀疏阵列超声导波信号处理与成像系统. 2021SR0475774.

[23]刘增华,王铭权,张梅菊,刘太丽,黄漫国,刘伟.先进复合材料结构快速可视化检测软件系统. 2021SR0078674.

[24]刘增华,王可心,任捷,于淼,刘伟.太赫兹时域光谱厚度测量及二维扫描控制系统. 2020SR0831146.

[25]刘增华,任捷,王可心,刘德峰,刘伟.太赫兹时域光谱快速扫描控制及数据采集软件. 2019SR1061455.

[26]刘增华,安飞跃,张蒙,高檗,邓黎明,何存富,吴斌.基于COM Express的超声波导波综合检测系统软件. 2019SR0188031.

[27]刘增华,任捷,何存富,吴斌.全激光超声自动化检测和波场数据采集软件. 2018SR980563.

[28]刘增华,刘太丽,刘秀成,杨杰明,姚久富,何存富,吴斌.高压气瓶(涡流/超声)无损检测系统. 2016SR304803.

[29]刘增华,樊军伟,何存富,吴斌.基于分布式传感器阵列的板结构超声导波成像软件系统V1.0. 2015SR070648.

[30]刘增华,董拓灿,何存富,吴斌.基于时间反转法的便携集成式超声导波检测软件V1.0. 2014SR189035.

















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