1. Y. Z. Peng*, S. J. Zhang, W. Zeng, S. W. Zheng, T. Mino,H. Satoh. Organic removal by denitritation and methanogenesis and nitrogen removal by nitritation from landfill leachate. Water Research, 2008, 42: 883-892.
2. Y. Z. Peng*, L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, Y. P. Gan,C. C. Wu. Enhanced nitrogen removal from sludge dewatering liquor by simultaneous primary sludge fermentation and nitrate reduction in batch and continuous reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 104:144-149.
3. Y. Z. Peng*, S. J. Ge. Enhanced nutrient removal in three types of step feeding process from municipal wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102: 6405-6413.
4. Y. Z. Peng*, J. H. Guo, H. Horn, X. Yang,S. Y. Wang. Achieving nitrite accumulation in a continuous system treating low-strength domestic wastewater: switchover from batch start-up to continuous operation with process control. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 94(2): 517-526.
5. Q. Yang, X. H. Liu, C. Y. Peng, S. Y. Wang, H. W. Sun and Y. Z. Peng*. N2O Production during Nitrogen Removal via Nitrite from Domestic Wastewater: Main Sources and Control Method. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43(24): 9400-9406.
6. C. Y. Wu, Y. Z. Peng*, S. Y. Wang and Y. Ma. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal by granular sludge: From macro- to micro-scale. Water Research, 2010, 44(3): 807-814.
7. J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng*, Z. W. Wang, Z. G. Yuan, X. Yang and S. Y. Wang. Control filamentous bulking caused by chlorine-resistant Type 021N bacteria through adding a biocide CTAB. Water Research, 2012, 46(19): 6531-6542.
8. S. J. Ge, Y. Z. Peng*, S. Qiu, A. Zhu and N. Q. Ren. Complete nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater via partial nitrification by appropriately alternating anoxic/aerobic conditions in a continuous plug-flow step feed process. Water Research, 2014, 55: 95-105.
9. C. C. Wu, Y. Z. Peng*, S. Y. Wang, B. K. Li, L. Zhang, S. B. Cao and R. Du. Mechanisms of nitrite addition for simultaneous sludge fermentation/nitrite removal (SFNR). Water Research, 2014, 64: 13-22.
10. X. X. Wang, S. Y. Wang, T. L. Xue, B. K. Li, X. Dai and Y. Z. Peng. Treating low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) wastewater in simultaneous nitrification-endogenous denitrification and phosphorous removal (SNDPR) systems by strengthening anaerobic intracellular carbon storage. Water Research, 2015, 77: 191-200.
11. S. Y. Wang, Y. Z. Peng*, B. Ma, S. Y. Wang and G. B. Zhu. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in traditional municipal wastewater treatment plants with low-strength ammonium loading: Widespread but overlooked. Water Research, 2015, 84: 66-75.
12. S. B. Cao, B. K. Li, R. Du, N. Q. Ren and Y. Z. Peng*. Nitrite production in a partial denitrifying upflow sludge bed (USB) reactor equipped with gas automatic circulation (GAC). Water Research, 2016, 90: 309-316.
13. L. Miao, S. Y. Wang, B. K. Li, T. H. Cao, F. Z. Zhang, Z. Wang and Y. Z. Peng. Effect of carbon source type on intracellular stored polymers during endogenous denitritation (ED) treating landfill leachate. Water Research, 2016, 100: 405-412.
14. R. Du, S. B. Cao, B. K. Li, M. Niu, S. Y. Wang and Y. Z. Peng*. Performance and microbial community analysis of a novel DEAMOX based on partial-denitrification and anammox treating ammonia and nitrate wastewaters. Water Research, 2017, 108: 46-56.
15. F. X. Jia, Q. Yang, X. H. Liu, X. Y. Li, B. K. Li, L. Zhang and Y. Z. Peng*. Stratification of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) for Aggregated Anammox Microorganisms. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(6): 3260-3268.
16. W. L. Liu, Q. Yang, B. Ma, J. Li, L. N. Ma, S. Y. Wang and Y. Z. Peng*. Rapid Achievement of Nitritation Using Aerobic Starvation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(7): 4001-4008.
17. B. Ma, W. Qian, C. Yuan, Z. Yuan and Y. Z. Peng*. Achieving Mainstream Nitrogen Removal through Coupling Anammox with Denitratation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(15): 8405-8413.
18. F. Zhang, Y. Peng*, Z. Wang, H. Jiang. High-efficient nitrogen removal from mature landfill leachate and waste activated sludge (WAS) reduction via partial nitrification and integrated fermentation-denitritation process (PNIFD). Water Research, 2019, 160, 394-404.
19. J. Li, Y. Peng*, L. Zhang, J. Liu, X. Wang, R. Gao, L. Pang, Y. Zhou. Quantify the contribution of anammox for enhanced nitrogen removal through metagenomic analysis and mass balance in an anoxic moving bed biofilm reactor. Water Research, 2019, 160, 178-187.
20. J. Ji, Y. Peng*, B. Wang, X. Li, Q. Zhang. Synergistic Partial-Denitrification, Anammox, and in-situ Fermentation (SPDAF) Process for Advanced Nitrogen Removal from Domestic and Nitrate-Containing Wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(6): 3702-3713.
21. J. Ji, Y. Peng*, B. Wang, X. Li, Q. Zhang. A novel SNPR process for advanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal from mainstream wastewater based on anammox, endogenous partial-denitrification and denitrifying dephosphatation. Water Research, 2020, 170, 115363.
22. F. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Wang, H. Jiang, S. Ren, Y. Peng*. Simultaneous Ammonium oxidation denitrifying (SAD) in an innovative three-stage process for energy-efficient mature landfill leachate treatment with external sludge reduction. Water Research, 2020, 169: 115156.
23. R. Du, S. B. Cao, H. Y. Zhang, X. C. Li, Y. Z. Peng*. Flexible Nitrite Supply Alternative for Mainstream Anammox: Advances in Enhancing Process Stability. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(10): 6353-6364.
24. J. T. Ji, Y. Z. Peng*, X. Y. Li, Q. Zhang, X. P. Liu. A novel partial nitrification-synchronous anammox and endogenous partial denitrification (PN-SAEPD) process for advanced nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater at ambient temperatures. Water Research, 2020, 175, 115690.
25. J. W. Li, Y. Z. Peng*, R. T. Gao, L. Yang, L. Y. Deng, Q. Zhao, Q. Y. Liu, X. Y. Li, Q. Zhang, L. Zhang. Highly enriched anammox within anoxic biofilms by reducing suspended sludge biomass in a real-sewage A2/O process. Water research, 2021, 194, 116906.