4.日本学术振兴会科学研究费补助金,特别研究员奖励费,1907399,Time-dependent aseismic reliability assessment including variables with unknown distributions,2007-11至2009-11,220万日元,已结题,主持
1.Yan-Gang Zhao,Zhao-Hui Lu. (2020).Structural Reliability: Approaches From Perspectives of Statistical Moments. New York: Wiley.
2.Zhao-Hui Lu, Zhao Zhao,*Xuan-Yi Zhang, Chun-Qing Li, Xiao-Wen Ji, Yan-Gang Zhao. (2020). “Simulating stationary non-Gaussian processes based on unified Hermite polynomial model”.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 146(7): 0****0067
3.Zhao-Hui Lu,*Chao-Huang Cai, Yan-Gang Zhao, Yu Leng, You Dong. (2020). “Normalization of correlated random variables in structural reliability analysis using fourth-moment transformation”.Structural Safety, 82: 101888.
4.Zhao-Hui Lu, Yu Leng, You Dong, Chao-Huang Cai,*Yan-Gang Zhao. (2019). “Fast integration algorithms for time-dependent structural reliability analysis considering correlated variables”.Structural Safety, 78: 23-32.
5.Zhao-Hui Lu, Chao-Huang Cai, *Yan-Gang Zhao. (2017). “Structural reliability analysis including correlated random variables based on third-moment transformation”.Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(8): 0****7067.
6.Zhao-Hui Lu, Dong-Zhu Hu, *Yan-Gang Zhao. (2017). “Second-order fourth-moment method for structural reliability”.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 143(4): 0****6010.
7.Chao-Huang Cai,*Zhao-Hui Lu, Yan-Gang Zhao. (2020). “Moment method with Box-Cox transformation for structural reliability”.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 146(8): 0****0086.
8.Xuan-Yi Zhang,*Zhao-Hui Lu, Yan-Gang Zhao, Chun-Qing Li. (2021). “Reliability analysis of CRTS II track slab considering multiple failure modes”.Engineering Structures, 229: 111557.
9.Long-Wen Zhang, *Zhao-Hui Lu, Cheng Chen. (2020). “Seismic fragility analysis of bridge piers using methods of moment”.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 134: 106150.
10.*Yan-Gang Zhao,Zhao-Hui Lu.(2007). “Fourth-moment standardization for structural reliability assessment”.Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE, 133(7): 916-924.