[1]Yu Zhou, Jianfeng Li, Shiping Zuo, Jie Zhang, Mingjie Dong*, Zhongbo Sun*. An online estimating framework for ankle actively exerted torque under multi-dof coupled dynamic motions via semg. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3515966.
[2]Ju Jie, Dong Mingjie, Zuo Guoyu, Li Jianfeng, Zuo Shiping*. Mechatronic 5-DOF parallel external fixator with correction-assisted software for correcting foot-ankle deformities. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3432804.
[3]Li Jianfeng, Liu Wenjie, Li Haozhe, Jiao Ran, Dong Mingjie*. Nonlinear observer-based sliding mode control for robot-aided bilateral human-compliant rehabilitation training of upper limb. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Doi: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3499329.
[4]Zhang Leiyu, Chang Yawei, Zhang Feiran*, Li Jianfeng*. A review on combined strategy of non-invasive brain stimulation and robotic therapy. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Doi: 10.1186/s10033-024-01106-5.
[5]Wang Yu, Dong Mingjie, Zuo Guoyu, Li Jianfeng, Ju Jie, Ma Qianhui, Zuo Shiping*. POE-based error modeling and multiple plane constraint-based parameter identification for the kinematic calibration of a 4-UPS/SPR parallel external fixator. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024, (133): 394-413.
[6]Li, Jianfeng, Wang Xin, Jiao Ran*, Dong Mingjie. Asymmetric Integral barrier lyapunov function- based human-robot interaction control for human-compliant space-constrained muscle strength. Training. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2024, 54(7): 4305-4317.
[7]Li Guotong*, Tang Xiaoqiang, Li Jianfeng, Dong Mingjie. A novel approach to characterize the correction path features for the tibia deformity correction. Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2024, 14(3): 511-521.
[8]Zhou Yu,Li Jianfeng,Dong Mingjie*.Prediction ofactivelyexertedtorquefromanklejointcomplexbased onmusclesynergy.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2024, 71(22):1729-1737.
[9]Leiyu Zhang, Zhendong Yu, Peng Su*, Jianfeng Li*, Ruidong Ge. Design of a parallel wrist rehabilitation robot and analysis of physiological effect on training. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024, 29(5): 3401-3414,
[10]Ran Jiao, Wenjie Liu, Ramy Rashad, Jianfeng Li*, Mingjie Dong, Stefano Stramigioli. A novel robotic system enabling multiple bilateral upper limb rehabilitation training via an admittance controller and force field. Mechatronics, 2024, (97) 103112: 1-11.
[11]Dong Mingjie,Wang Zeyu,Li Jianfeng*,Rong Xi,Zhou Yu,Jiao Ran. Evaluation of different robot-assisted ankle muscle strength training modes based on angle/torque and sEMG characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 2023, 5(2): 401-410.
[12]Li Jianfeng, Zhou Yu, Dong Mingjie*, Rong, Xi, Jiao Ran. Clinically oriented ankle rehabilitation robot with a novel mechanism. Robotica, 2023, 41(1): 277-291.
[13]Jiao Ran, Rong Yongfeng, Dong Mingjie, Li Jianfeng*. Hybrid-disturbance-observer-based interaction control for a fully actuated UAV with tether-based positioning system. Industrial Robot, 2023, 50(5): 740-752.
[14]Li Guotong*, Tang Xiaoqiang, Li Jianfeng, Dong, Mingjie. Error identification and compensation regarding the kinematic parameter of the MD-PEF for tibial deformity correction. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023, (158) 106813: 1-10.
[15]Li Jianfeng, Fang Qiulin, Dong Mingjie*, Rong Xi, Jiang Liwei, Jiao Ran. Reconfigurable muscle strength training robot with multi-mode training for 17 joint movements. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 212-224.
[16]Li Jianfeng, Wang Shuang, Zuo Shiping, Dong Mingjie*, Jiao Ran. A 3-DOF electromotor-driven external fixator for foot and ankle deformity correction based on X-ray digital measurement. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2023, 19(3): 1-17.
[17]Zuo Shiping, Li Jianfeng, Dong Mingjie*, Jiao Ran, Wang Shuang, Ju Jie, Wang Yu. Design of composite parallel external fixator for multisegment foot and ankle deformity correction: a correction requirement- dominated approach. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023, 28(4): 2271-2281.
[18]Li Jianfeng, Zhou Yu, Dong Mingjie*, Rong Xi. Isokinetic muscle strength training strategy of an ankle rehabilitation robot based on adaptive gain and cascade PID control. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2023, 15(1): 100-110.
[19]Zhang Leiyu, Ye Tuxian, Zhang Feiran*, Li Jianfeng*. Design and dynamic modelling of chain telescopic robot. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2023, (181) 105204: 1-19.
[20]Dong Mingjie, Fan, Wenpei, Li Jianfeng*, Zhang Pengfei. Patient-specific exercises with the development of an end-effector type upper limb rehabilitation robot. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022, 4125606: 1-10.
[21]Zuo Shiping, Dong Mingjie*, Tao Chunjing, Jiao Ran, Li Guotong, Li Jianfeng. Configuration synthesis and structural design of lower-mobility parallel external fixators based on corrective degree-of-freedom classification. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 168(104593): 1-16.
[22]Li Jianfeng, Kong Yuan, Dong Mingjie*, Jiao Ran. Development of a linear-parallel and self-adaptive under-actuated hand compensated for the four-link and sliding base mechanism. Robotica, 2022, 40(6): 2047-2064.
[23]Cao Qiang,Li Jianfeng,Dong, Mingjie*. Comparative analysis of three categories of four-DOFs exoskeleton mechanism based on relative movement offsets. Industrial Robot, 2022, 49(4): 672-687.
[24]Zuo Shiping,Li Jianfeng,Dong Mingjie*,Tao Chunjing,Jiao Ran; Li Guotong. Towards collision detection in foot and ankle deformity correction using parallel external fixator: A novel analytical approach.Applied Mathematical Modelling,2022,112:324-340.
[25]Zuo Shiping,Li Jianfeng,Dong Mingjie*. Design, modeling, and manipulability evaluation of a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for dexterous in-hand manipulation. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021, 35(7): 3145-3160.
[26]Li Guotong,Li Jianfeng,Zuo Shiping,Dong Mingjie*. Influence of parameter deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator based on a novel collision detection algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 37(7): 1-18.
[27]Mingjie Dong, Yu Zhou, Jianfeng Li*, Xi Rong, Wenpei Fan, Xiaodong Zhou, Yuan Kong. State of the art in parallel ankle rehabilitation robot: a systematic review. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2021, 18(1): 52-66.
[28]Jianfeng Li, Qiang Cao, Mingjie Dong*, Chunzhao Zhang. Compatibility evaluation of a 4-DOF ergonomic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156(2021), 104146: 1-15.
[29]Mingjie Dong, Wenpei Fan, Jianfeng Li*, Xiaodong Zhou, Yuan kong, Yu Zhou. A new ankle robotic system enabling whole-stage compliance rehabilitation training. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, 26(3): 1490-1500.
[30]Leiyu Zhang, Jianfeng Li*, Ying Cui, Mingjie Dong, Bin Fang, Pengfei Zhang. Design and performance analysis of a parallel wrist rehabilitation robot (PWRR). Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 125 (2020), 103390: 1-11.
[31]Chunzhao Zhang, Mingjie Dong, Jianfeng Li*, and Qiang Cao. A modified kinematic model of shoulder complex based on Vicon motion capturing system: Generalized GH joint with floating centre. Sensors, 2020, 20(13): 1-23.
[32]Li Jianfeng, Zhang Leiyu*, Dong Mingjie, Zuo Shiping, He Yandong, and Zhang Pengfei. Velocity and force transfer performance analysis of a parallel hip assistive mechanism. Robotia, 38 (2020): 747-759.
[33]Shiping Zuo, Jianfeng Li, Mingjie Dong*, Xiaodong Zhou, Wenpei Fan, Yuan Kong. Design and performance evaluation of a novel wearable parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2020, 14(9): 1-14.
[34]Jianfeng Li, Shiping Zuo, Leiyu Zhang* Mingjie Dong, Chunjing Tao, and Run Ji. Mechanical design and performance analysis of a novel parallel robot for ankle rehabilitation. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2020, 12(5), 051007: 1-17.
[35]Li Jianfeng,Fan Wenpei,Dong Mingjie*,Rong Xi. Implementation of passive compliance training on a parallel ankle rehabilitation robot to enhance safety. Industrial Robot, 2020, 47(5): 747-755.
[36]Mingjie Dong, Yuan Kong, Jianfeng Li*, Wenpei Fan. Kinematic calibration of a parallel 2-UPS/RRR ankle rehabilitation robot. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020(3053629): 1-16.
[37]Jianfeng Li, Shiping Zuo, Leiyu Zhang*, Chunjing Tao, Run Ji. Influence of a compatible design on physical human-robot interaction force: a case study of a self-adapting lower-limb exoskeleton mechanism. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2020, 98(2): 525-538.
[38]Jianfeng Li, Guotong Li*, Xiaojie Hu, Mingjie Dong, Chunjing Tao and Run Ji. Investigation of correction trajectory considering bone end-plane orientation and the shortest growth path. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 142(10), 101003: 1-15.
[39]Jianfeng Li, Guotong Li*, Mingjie Dong, Ying Chen, Shiping Zuo. Comparison of three different correction trajectories for foot and ankle deformity treated by supramalleolar osteotomy using a novel external fixator. Int J Numer Meth Biomed Enging, 2020, 36(12), e3400: 1-21.
[40]Shiping Zuo, Mingjie, Dong. Jianfeng Li*, Chunjing Tao* and Run Ji. Configuration design and correction ability evaluation of a novel external fixator for foot and ankle deformity treated by U osteotomy. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2020, 58(3): 541-558.
[41]Jianfeng Li, Qiang Cao*, Chunzhao Zhang, Chunjing Tao, Run Ji. Position solution of a novel four- DOF self-aligning exoskeleton mechanism for upper limb rehabilitation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 141 (2019): 14-39.
[42]Leiyu Zhang, Jianfeng Li*, Peng Su, Mingjie Dong, Qiang Cao. Improvement of human-machine compatibility of upper-limb rehabilitation exoskeleton using passive joints, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 112 (2019): 22-31.
[43]Li Jianfeng*, Li Shicai, Zhang Leiyu, Tao Chunjing and Ji Run. Position solution and kinematic interference analysis of a novel parallel hip-assistive mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 120 (2018): 265-287.
[44]Leiyu Zhang, Jianfeng Li*, Junhui Liu, Peng Su and Chunzhao Zhang. Design and kinematic analysis of co-exoskeleton with passive translational joints for upper-limb rehabilitation. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2018, 15(5): 23-37.
[45]Xia Zhao, Jianfeng Li*. The influence of pin deviation on the fracture correction and the fixator adjustment with sensitivity and kinematic analysis. Biomed Research International, 2018, 18(5): 1-16.
[46]Jianfeng Li, Xia Zhao*, Xiaojie Hu, Chunjing Tao, Run Ji. Numerical investigation of the relationship between pin deviations and joint coordinates of a unilateral external fixator. Clinical Biomechanics, 2018, 53(2): 107- 116.
[47]Jianfeng Li, Xia Zhao*, Xiaojie Hu, Chunjing Tao and Run Ji. A finite element analysis for monitoring the healing progression of fixator-bone system under three loading conditions. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2018, 29(4): 473-483.
[48]张雷雨李剑锋*刘钧辉 侯增广 彭亮 王卫群.上肢康复外骨骼的设计与人机相容性分析.机械工程学报,2018, 54(5): 20-28.
[49]Li Jianfeng*, Zhang Ziqiang, Tao Chunjing, Ji Run. A number synthesis method of the self-adapting upper-limb rehabilitation exoskeletons. Int. J. of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017, 14(3): 1-14.
[50]李剑锋*,徐成辉,陶春静,季润,李世才,张兆晶.基于3-UPS/RRR的并联踝关节康复机构及其性能分析.自动化学报, 2016, 42(12): 1794-1807.