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[6] T. Yuan, D. Xu, X. Jiang, P. Zhao, S. Chen, Enhanced strength-plasticity of 2319 Al-Cu alloy formed by hybrid interlayer friction stir processing and wire-arc additive manufacturing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 321 (2023) 118146.
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[8] M. Xu, H. Zhang, T. Yuan, Z. Yan, S. Chen, Microstructural characteristics and cracking mechanism of Al-Cu alloys in wire arc additive manufacturing, Materials Characterization 197 (2023) 112677.
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[14] X. Li, S. Chen, T. Yuan, X. Jiang, Y. Han, Improving the properties of friction stir welded 2219-T87 aluminum alloy with GTA offset preheating, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 51 (2020) 10-18.
[15] T. Yuan, Z. Yu, S. Chen, M. Xu, X. Jiang, Loss of elemental Mg during wire + arc additive manufacturing of Al-Mg alloy and its effect on mechanical properties, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 49 (2020) 456-462.
[16] Z. Yu, T. Yuan, M. Xu, H. Zhang, X. Jiang, S. Chen, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy fabricated by wire + arc additive manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 62 (2021) 430-439.
[17] J. Xiaoqing, L. Yongyong, T. Yuan, C. Shujun, W. Lei, J. Wang, Enhanced mechanical properties of dissimilar Al and Mg alloys fabricated by pulse current assisted friction stir welding, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 76 (2022) 123-137.
[18] T. Yuan, H. Zhang, X. Jiang, S. Chen, M. Xu, X. Liu, Investigation on liquation cracks of dissimilar magnesium alloy welds using the circular-patch experiment and numerical simulation, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 75 (2022) 49-59.
[19] S. Wang, S. Chen, T. Yuan, X. Jiang, P. Zhao, W. Ding, X. Li, Insights into microstructure evolution and fracture mechanisms of welded joints of high strength steel patchwork components, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 118 (2024) 32-44.
[20] Z. Yan, S. Chen, X. Li, T. Yuan, Preliminary study of friction stir overlap welding on variable polarity plasma arc weld, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (2020) 322-330.
[21] S. Chen, M. Xu, T. Yuan, X. Jiang, H. Zhang, X. Zheng, Thermal-microstructural analysis of the mechanism of liquation cracks in wire-arc additive manufacturing of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 16 (2022) 1260-1271.
[22] T. Yuan, X. Ren, S. Chen, X. Jiang, Grain refinement and property improvements of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy by heterogeneous particle addition during wire and arc additive manufacturing, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 16 (2022) 824-839.