1) 全柔顺并联空间微振动校准系统的设计及精度保证技术研究(北京市自然科学基金面上项目,负责人)
2) 高频振动柔性机构的设计及精度保证技术研究(北京市自然科学基金青年项目,负责人)
3) 传感器低频振动校准系统的智能控制方法研究(智能感知与自主控制教育部工程研究中心基金,负责人)
4) 湖南企业科协联合会中小企业创新方法推广示范应用基地(国家科技部项目,负责人)
5) 载人登月着陆器地面分离模拟试验支撑系统研制(企事业委托项目,负责人)
6) 载人登月着陆器地面分离登月舱研制(企事业委托项目,负责人)
[1] Yunsong Du, Tianbao Pan, Chongxin Qiao, A novel mechanical model based on the dynamic stiffness matrix for unified dynamic and static modeling of planar compliant mechanisms [J]. Precision engineering, 2024, 91: 396-417.
[2] Yunsong Du, Chongxin Qiao, Tiemin Li, Design and dynamic analysis of a novel six-DOF flexure-based compliant stage for micro-vibration [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2024, 38(3): 1079-1088.
[3] Yunsong Du, Pengchao Dang, Zhihua Liu, Performance Analysis and Control of a Low-Frequency Vibration Generator for Accelerometer Calibration [J]. Experimental Techniques, 2024, 48(6):1-11.
[4] Yunsong Du, Shuoshuo Liu, Tiemin Li, Development of novel multiple-axis flexure hinges based on hook function curve and a generalized model for multiple-axis flexure hinges [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2024, 238(12):5638-5658.
[5] Yunsong Du, Pengwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Contact force measurement of the compliant gripper based on a force sensing model [J]. Review of scientific instruments, 2024, 95(12).
[6] Yunsong Du, Chongxin Qiao, Guohua Gao, Tiemin Li, Input coupling modeling method for a three-PRR flexure-based compliant stage [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2023, 237(12): 2753-2761.
[7] Yunsong Du, Pengchao Dang, Zhihua Liu, Chongxin Qiao, Performance improvement of a low-frequency vibration generator by using iterative learning control [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, 93(10).
[8] Yunsong Du, Haibin Liu, Circular Tracking Performance of a Flexure-Based Micro-Motion Stage [J]. Experimental Techniques, 2022, 46(3): 497-507.
[9] Yunsong Du, Pengchao Dang, Tiemin Li, Design and Testing of a Novel Two-Axial Flexure-Based Vibration Stage [J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2022: 10(2): 499-509.