[1] Haozhe Wang, Peng Gao*, You Yuan, Min Wang, Tao Zan. Effects of heat treatment on mechanical properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg alloy [J]. JOM,2024.
[2] Peng Gao,Wang J, Sun T, Wang M, Zan T, Zhao X. Cutting performance of multi-tooth milling cutter for cortical bone longitudinal torsional ultrasonic vibration assisted cutting [J]. Composites and Advanced Materials, 2024,33:1-15.
[3] PengGao, Zhiyu Xu, Xinlong Zhao, Shengqi Li, Min Wang, Linkai Jing, Tao Zan*.Cutting behaviors of cortical bone ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting immersed in physiological saline [J]. Ultrason Sonochem, 2024, 111:107135.
[4] Gao, Peng, Xinlong Zhao, Min Wang, Xiangsheng Gao, Tao Zan, and Linkai Jing. Crack Propagation Determined by Energy Release Rate in Cortical Bone Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Cutting [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2024, 118453.
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[8]高鹏. Surface morphology generation mechanism of cortical bone tissue longitudinal-torsional ultrasonic vibration micro-milling [C], 2023全国生物制造工程学术年会暨生物制造国际研讨会,北京, 2023.3.17-2023.3.19.
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[10]高鹏,梁志强,王西彬等.骨组织微创伤超小直径微细铣刀设计制备及铣削实验研究[J].兵工学报, 2020, 41(1): 143-151.
[11] Peng Gao, Xibin Wang, Zhiqiang Liang,et al. Effects of machining inclination angles on microgroove quality in micro ball end milling of Ti-6Al-4V [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017:1-10.
[12] Peng Gao, Zhiqiang Liang, Xibin Wang,et al. Cutting edge damage in grinding of cemented carbides micro end mills [J]. Ceramics International, 2017:11331-11338
[13] Peng Gao, Zhiqiang Liang, Xibin Wang,et al. Fabrication of micro-lens array structure mold by micro ball end milling [J]. Micromachines, 2018, 9(3), 9.
[14] Peng Gao, Xibin Wang, Zhiqiang Liang, et al. Effects of WC grain size and Co content on microscale wear behavior of micro end mills in aluminum alloy 7075 machining [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019:11-12.
[1]高鹏,袁有,赵新龙,王民,高相胜,昝涛.一种手术装置[P] (申请号:202410410363.6).
[2]高鹏,王俊翔,衣杰,王民,高相胜,昝涛.一种骨科手术机器人及其运行方法[P] (申请号:CN2023111779598).
[3]高鹏,沈佳乐,杨明星.一种柔性机械臂、手术机器人及控制方法[P] (申请号:CN2024101331363).
[4]袁有,高鹏,金一丹,高瑞杰,王民,高相胜,昝涛.多关节臂超声振动脊柱钙化组织介入手术去除装置[P] (专利号:ZL 2022 2 3178042.3,授权).
[5]张建富,高鹏,杜天宇等.分体式TBM刀盘结合部特性缩尺测量方法及系统[P] (申请号:CN201910619131.0,授权).
[6]张建富,高鹏,王骁等.一种数控机床自适应加工装置与方法[P] (申请号:CN202010930080.6,授权).