



王健菲,博士,副教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师。入选北京市海外高层次人才和北京工业大学高层次人才(校聘教授),主要从事飞行器复合材料结构动力学研究,研究方向包括工程结构动力学、智能结构振动与控制、航空复合材料损伤评估等。主持国家自然科学基金和北京市自然科学基金等项目,在Nonlinear Dynam.、Comput. Method. Appl. M.、Compos. Struct.、Mech. Syst. Signal. Pr.、Thin Wall. Struct.、Appl. Math. Model.等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,Google Scholar引用1000余次。担任中国振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会委员,以及多个学术期刊的编委和青年编委。欢迎感兴趣的力学、机械、土木、数学等专业学生联系。


2013.09 – 2016.08香港城市大学 博士

2010.09 – 2013.04上海大学 硕士

2006.09 – 2010.06河北师范大学 学士


2018.06 –至今 北京工业大学副教授

2017.02 – 2018.05北京工业大学 讲师








1. J.F. Wang*, Z.L. Chang, T. Liu, L.H. Chen. A review of linear and nonlinear vibration analysis of composite laminated structures by computational approaches: 2015-2024. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2025, 1-21.

2. P.L. Zhang, X.L. Li, J.F. Wang*. Nonlinear effect on stable state and snap-through bistability of square composite laminate. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids. 2025, 109:105431.

3. J.F. Wang*, Z.L. Chang, G. Cao, Siu-Kai Lai. Predicting delamination in composite laminates through semi-analytical dynamic analysis and vibration-based quantitative assessment. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 204: 112346.

4. J.F. Wang*, P.H. Li, X.B. Tian, S.Q. Shi, Lik-ho Tam*. Molecular investigation on temperature-dependent mechanical properties of PMMA/CNT nanocomposite. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2023:109705.

5. X.L. Li, J.F. Wang*, Effects of layer number and initial pressure on the continuum-based buckling analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes accounting for van der Waals interaction. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 2022, 43: 1857-1872

6. J.F. Wang*, S.Q. Shi, Y.Z. Liu, J.P. Yang, L.-h. Tam*,Multiscale simulation of temperature- and pressure-dependent nonlinear dynamics of PMMA/CNT composite plates. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022: 1-34.

7. J.F. Wang, J.P. Yang, L.-h. Tam*, W. Zhang*, Effect of CNT volume fractions on nonlinear vibrations of PMMA/CNT composite plates: A multiscale simulation. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022, 170:108513.

8. J.F. Wang, S.Q. Shi, J.P. Yang, W. Zhang, Multiscale analysis on free vibration of functionally graded graphene reinforced PMMA composite plates. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021, 98: 38-58

9. J.F. Wang, J.P. Yang, L.-h. Tam, W. Zhang, Molecular dynamics-based multiscale nonlinear vibrations of PMMA/CNT composite plates. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 153: 107530.

10. J.F. Wang, S.H. Cao, W. Zhang, Thermal vibration and buckling analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite quadrilateral plate. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids. 2021, 85: 104105.

11. J.F. Wang, J.P. Yang, S.K. Lai, W. Zhang. Stochastic meshless method for nonlinear vibration analysis of composite plate reinforced with carbon fibers. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 105:105919.

12. J. F. Wang, W. Zhang. An equivalent continuum meshless approach for material nonlinear analysis of CNT-reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 2018, 188: 116-125.

13. J.F. Wang, L.W. Zhang, K.M. Liew. Multiscale simulation of mechanical properties and microstructure of CNT-reinforced cement-based composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 319: 393-413.

14. J.F. Wang, L.W. Zhang, K.M. Liew. A multiscale modeling of CNT-reinforced cement composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 309: 411-433.

15. J.F. Wang, K.M. Liew. On the study of elastic properties of CNT-reinforced composites based on element-free MLS method with nanoscale cylindrical representative volume element. Composite Structures, 2015, 124: 1-9.


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