[1]Zhen Wang*,Dayou Ma,Fei Qin. Smeared fixed crack model for quasi-static and dynamic biaxial flexural response analysis of aluminosilicate glass plates[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 205: 112533.
[2]Zhen Wang*,Tengfei Ren,Sheng Sang,Fei Qin, Chao Zhang*. Experimental and numerical investigation on the discrete fracture property and dynamic flexural response of aluminum nitride ceramics[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 308: 110384.
[3]Zhen Wang, Yihang Li, Dayou Ma, Xiang Wang, Yulong Li, Tao Suo*, Andrea Manes*. Experimental and numerical investigation on the ballistic performance of aluminosilicate glass with different nosed projectiles[J]. Ceramics International, 2023, 49: 17729-17745.
[4] Zhouyi Li,Zhen Wang*. Effect of interlayer carbon nanotube films on the quasi-static and dynamic mode Ⅰ fracture behavior of laminated composites – An experimental and numerical investigation. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2023,125: 103932.
[5]Zhen Wang, Dayou Ma, Tao Suo, Yulong Li, Andrea Manes*. Investigation into different numerical methods in predicting the response of aluminosilicate glass under quasi-static and impact loading conditions[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021,196: 106286.
[6]Zhen Wang, Tao Suo*, Andrea Manes*. Effect of chemical strengthening residual stress on the flexural performance and fracture behavior of aluminosilicate glass[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021,258: 108104.
[7]Zhen Wang, Tengfei Ren, Tao Suo*, Andrea Manes*. Quasi-static and low-velocity impact biaxial flexural fracture of aluminosilicate glass – an experimental and numerical study[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2021,165: 107939.
[8]Zhen Wang, Jinbin Fu, Andrea Manes*. Discrete fracture and size effect of aluminosilicate glass under flexural loading: Monte Carlo simulations and experimental validation[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2021,111: 102864.
[9]Zhen Wang, Tianhao Guan, Tengfei Ren, Haokang Wang, Tao Suo*, Yulong Li, Takeshi Iwamoto, Xiang Wang, Yinmao Wang, Guozhong Gao. Effect of normal scratch load and HF etching on the mechanical behavior of annealed and chemically strengthened aluminosilicate glass. Ceramics International, 2020. 46:4813–4823.
[10]Zhen Wang, Tao Suo*, Muhammad Zakir Sheikh, Yulong Li, Xiang Wang, Yinmao Wang. Quasi-static and dynamic flexural behavior of annealed and chemically strengthened aluminosilicate glass with notch defects. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 521:119479.
[11]Zhen Wang, Zhenbiao Hu, Tao Suo*,Fenghua Zhou, Yulong Li,Muhammad Zakir Sheikh,Xiang Wang, Yinmao Wang. A comparative study on the effect of loading speed and surface scratches on the flexural strength of aluminosilicate glass: annealed vs. chemically strengthened[J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(10): 11239-11256.