2009.12至今, 北京工业大学应用数理学院,硕士研究生导师
2007.12至今, 北京工业大学应用数理学院,副教授
2005.6 首都师范大学数学系,获得博士学位
1.Wu YP,Xing XX. The stability of travelling fronts for general scalar viscous balance law. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 305 (2005), 698–711.
2.Wu YP, Xing XX, Ye QX. Stability of travelling waves with algebraic decay for n-degree Fisher-type equations. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 16 (2006), 47-66.
3.Wu YP, Xing XX. Stability of traveling waves with critical speeds for p-degree Fisher-type equations. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 2 (2008), 1123-1139.
4.Xing XX, Zhou YL, Adelstein JS, Zuo XN. PDE-based spatial smoothing: a practical demonstration of impacts on MRI brain extraction, tissue segmentation and registration. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 29 (2011), 731-738.
5.Zuo XN, Xing XX. Effects of non-local diffusion on structural MRI preprocessing and default network mapping: statistical comparisons with isotropic/anisotropic diffusion. PLoS One, 6 (2011), e26703.
6.Zuo XN, Xing XX. Test-retest reliabilities of resting-state FMRI measurements in human brain functional connectomics: a systems neuroscience perspective. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 45 (2014), 100-118.
7.Xu T, Yang Z, Jiang LL, Xing XX, Zuo XN. A Connectome Computation System for discovery science of brain. Sci. Bull., 60 (2015), 86–95.
8.Xing XX, Zuo XN. The anatomy of reliability: a must read for future human brain mapping. Sci. Bull., 63 (2018), 1606-1607.