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[2](王术)Global well-posedness of a new class of initial-boundary value problem on incompressible MHD/MHD-Boussinesq equations.J. Differential Equations,363(2023), 465–490.SCI
[3](王术,S.Z. Zhang)The initial value problem for the equations of motion of fractional compressible viscous fluids.J. Differential Equations,377(2023), 369–417.SCI
[4](Y.H. Feng, X. Li, M. Mei,王术)Asymptotic decay of bipolar isentropic/non-isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes-Maxwell systems.J. Differential Equations,301(2021), 471–542.SCI
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[6](L. Shen,王术,R.Yang)Existence of local strong solutions for the incompressible viscous and non-resistive MHD-structure interaction model.J. Differential Equations,272(2021), 473–543.SCI
[7](王术,L.M. Jiang, C.D. Liu)Quasi-neutral limit and the boundary layer problem of Planck-Nernst-Poisson-Navier-Stokes equations for electro-hydrodynamics.J. Differential Equations,267(2019), no. 6,3475–3523.SCI
[8](王术,B.Y. Wang,C. D. Liu,N. Wang)Boundary layer problem and viscosity-diffusion vanishing limit of the incompressible 2D/3D magnetohydrodynamic system with no-slip boundary conditions,Journal of Differential Equations,263(2017), 4723-4749. SCI
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[12](王术,K. Wang)The mixed layer problem and quasi-neutral limit of the drift-diffusion model for semiconductors,SIAM J Math. Anal.,44(2)(2012), 699-717.SCI
[13](王术, Y. H. Feng,X. Li)The asymptotic behavior of globally smooth solutions of bipolar non-isentropic compressible Euler-Maxwell system for plasma,SIAM J Math. Anal., 44(5) (2012), 3429–3457.SCI
[14](Y. Ueda,王术,S. Kawashima)Dissipative structure of the regularity-loss type and time asymptotic decay of solutions for the Euler--Maxwell system,SIAM J Math. Anal.,44(3)(2012), 2002-2017.SCI
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[19](王术,S. Jiang)The convergence of Navier-Stokes-Poisson system to the incompressible Euler equation,Commun. in Partial Differential Equation,31(2006), 1-21. SCI
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[22](Q.H.Shi, W.T.Li,王术)Kato-type estimates for NLS equation in a scalar field and unique solvability of NKGS system in energy space.J. Differential Equations,256(2014), no.10, 3440–3462.SCI
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[24](K. Wang,王术)Quasi-neutral limit to the drift-diffusion models for semiconductors with physical contact-insulating boundary conditions.Journal of Differential Equations,249(2010), 3291-3311.SCI
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[36](王术,Y.X.Wang, J.T. Liu)Regularity criteria to the incompressible axisymmetric Boussinesq equations.Appl. Math. Lett.,112 (2021), 106800, 7 pp.76D99。SCI
[37](王术)The viscosity vanishing limit and global well-posedness of the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with smooth large initial data in spherical coordinates.Appl. Math. Lett.,103 (2020), 106195, 6 pp。SCI
[38](Q.H.Shi, W.T.Li,王术)Blowup results for the KGS system with higher order Yukawa coupling.J. Math. Phys.,56(2015),no. 10,101504, 18 pp.SCI
[39](Q. H. Shi,王术,Y. Li,C. Y. Wang)Well posedness for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon -Schrodinger equations with hetero-interactions.J. Math. Phys.,51(3)(2010), 032102. SCI
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