分别在《Journal of Algebra》、《Letter in Mathematical Physics》、《Journal of Mathematical Physics》、《Algebra and Representation Theory》、《Communications in Algebra》、《中国科学》(中英文版)、《数学学报》(中英文版)、《数学年刊》(中英文版)等国内外学术刊物上发表论文90余篇。
[1] Xu, Yongjun;Yang, Shilin, PBW-deformations of quantum groups. J. Algebra , 408 , 2014, 222–249.
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[3] Hou, Bo; Yang, Shilin, Generalized McKay quivers, root system and Kac-Moody algebras. J. Korean Math. Soc.52(2), 2015, 239–268.
[4] Xu, Huabo; Yang Shilin; Yao, Hailou, Gorenstein theory for
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[5] Ai, Chunrui; Yang, Shilin, Two-parameter Quantum Superalgebras and PBW Theorem, Algebra Colloq. 23(2), 2016, 303-324.
[6] Gao, Fengxia; Yang, Shilin, H-simple module algebras for eight-dimensional non-semisimple Hopf algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,15(7), 2016, 1650134 (25 pages).
[7] Cheng, Cheng; Yang, Shilin, Weak Hopf algebras corresponding to non-standard quantum groups. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 54 (2017), no. 2, 463–484.
[8]高凤霞,杨士林,3阶全矩阵代数的-模代数结构,数学年刊A,38 (2017), no. 2, 215–226; Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 38 (2017), no. 2, 175–186.
[9] Su, Dong; Yang, Shilin, Representation rings of small quantum groups,J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017), no. 9, 091704, 24 pp.
[10] Xu, Huabo; Yang, Shilin, Algebras associated to σ-persymmetric matrices and KLR algebras. Adv. Math. (China) 46 (2017), no. 6, 875–887.
[11] Su, Dong; Yang, Shilin, Green rings of weak Hopf algebras based on generalized Taft algebras. Period. Math. Hungar. 76 (2018), no. 2, 229–242.
[12] Chen, Jialei; Yang, Shilin, Ribbon Hopf superalgebras and Drinfel'd double. Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 39 (2018), no. 6, 1047–1064.
[13] Su, Dong; Yang, Shilin, Automorphism group of representation ring of the weak Hopf algebra. Czechoslovak Math. J. 68(143) (2018), no. 4, 1131–1148.
[14]高凤霞;杨士林,Sweedler 4维Hopf代数的Rota-Baxter代数结构,数学学报(中文版),62 (2019), 71–86.
[15] Su, Dong; Yang, Shilin, Representations of the small nonstandard quantum groups. Comm. Algebra 47 (2019), no. 12, 5039–5062.
[16] Hou, Bo; Yang, Shilin, The duality of Auslander-Reiten quiver of path algebras. Czechoslovak Math. J. 69(144) (2019), no. 4, 925–943.
[17] Yang, Shilin; Zhang, Yongfeng, Ore extensions of automorphism type for Hopf algebras. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 46 (2020), no. 2, 487–501.
[18] Yang, Shilin; Zhang, Yongfeng, Ore Extensions for the Sweedler's Hopf Algebra
, Mathematics, 8(8), 1293,DOI: 10.3390/math8081293
[19] Chen, Jialei; Yang, Shilin; Wang, Dingguo; Grothendieck rings of a class of Hopf algebras of Kac-Paljutkin type. Front. Math. China 16 (2021), no. 1, 29–47.
[20] Yang, Ruifang; Yang, Shilin, The Grothendieck rings of Wu-Liu-Ding algebras and their Casimir numbers (II). Comm. Algebra 49 (2021), no. 5, 2041–2073.
[21]Gao, Yun; Gao, Jian; Yang, Shilin; Fu, Fang-Wei,
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[22] Gao, Yun; Yang, Shilin; Fu, Fang-Wei; Some optimal cyclic
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