(1) Luca Buoninfante; Anupam Mazumdar; Jun Peng ; Nonlocality amplifies echoes, Physical Review D, 2019, 100(10): 0-104059
(2)Jun Peng;Minyong Guo;Xing-Hui Feng;Observational signature and additional photon rings of an asymmetric thin-shell wormhole,Physical Review D,2021,104(12)
(3)K.Sravan Kumar;Shubham Maheshwari;Anupam Mazumdar;Jun Peng;Stable,nonsingular bouncing universe with only a scalar mode,Physical Review D,2020,102(2):0-024080
(4)K.Sravan Kumar;Shubham Maheshwari;Anupam Mazumdar;Jun Peng ;An anisotropic bouncinguniverse in non-local gravity,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2021(07)
(5)Jun Peng;Xing-Hui Feng;Blandford-Znajek process in Einsteinian cubic gravity,TheEuropean Physical Journal C,2023,83(9)
(6)Feng,Xing-Hui;Peng,Jun;Axial gravitational perturbations of slowly rotating compact objects in general relativity and beyond,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2024,110(6)
(7)Jun Peng;Minyong Guo;Xing-Hui Feng;Influence of quantum correction on black holeshadows,photon rings,and lensing rings,Chinese Physics.C,2021,45(8)