



1987年毕业于南京工业大学(原南京化工学院)化学工程系化学工程专业,同年考入北京工业大学化学与环境工程学系多相催化研究方向硕士研究生,1990年获工学硕士学位。自1990年8月至1998年3月在北京化工大学应用化学系任教,主讲《实用催化》、《精细化工工艺学》、《专业外语》和《结构化程序设计》等本科生课程。1998年3月赴香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University)化学系学习多相催化,于2001年3月获理学博士学位。自2001年4月起,先后在香港浸会大学化学系、美国著名高等学府加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)化学工程系和劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)化学部从事博士后研究工作,分别师从于表面科学与催化专家Chak Tong Au教授(“Applied Catalysis A: General”主编)和Ching Fai Ng教授(香港浸会大学前校长)以及世界著名催化专家、美国工程院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士Alexis T. Bell教授(“Catalysis Review-Science and Engineering”主编)和美国工程院院士Enrique Iglesia教授(“Journal of Catalysis”前主编)。2003年9月受聘于北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院化学化工系,担任教授,博士生导师,系主任,化学工程与技术一级硕士学科责任教授,化学工程与技术北京市重点建设学科负责人,主讲《分析化学》、《催化化学》、《催化剂工程》、《化学反应动力学》、《工业催化工程技术》、《现代化工进展》及《高等波谱学》等本科生和研究生课程。

戴洪兴教授先后获得过北京化工大学校优秀班主任、应用化学系先进工作者、教学评估优秀奖、香港浸会大学研究生奖学金、香港李宝椿奖学金、美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后奖研金、北京工业大学“教学名师”奖、北京工业大学教学优秀奖、北京工业大学“优秀教师标兵”、北京工业大学“优秀共产党员”、北京工业大学“立德树人榜样”和北京工业大学“立德树人榜样---我心目中最喜爱的老师”奖等众多荣誉。2011年获北京市优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖2012年获全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖2014~2022年入选爱思维尔中国化学工程领域高被引作者榜单。2014~2023年荣获Journal of Catalysis、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Catalysis Science & Technology、ChemCatChem、Applied Catalysis A: General、Applied Surface Science、Catalysis Today、Catalysis Communications、Wiley-VCH ChemPucSoc Europe、Materials Research Bulletin、Journal of Solid State Chemistry、Solid State Sciences、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Chemosphere、Fuel、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry、Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry、Journal of Hazardous Materials、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、Advanced Powder Technology、Process Safety and Environmental Protection、Journal of Rare Earths、Fuel Processing Technology、Journal of Materials Research and Technology、Materials Letters、Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers、Journal of CO2Utilization、Materials Science & Engineering B、Ceramics International、Waste Management、Applied Clay Science、Solar Energy等国际学术期刊的杰出论文审稿专家称号。




3. 多孔或规整纳米材料的可控制备与物化性质表征,旨在研究新型纳米功能材料的合成机理及其多相催化应用;















目前担任国际学术期刊“Journal of Materials and Polymer Science”主编(Editor-in-Chief)、“Pollution Prevention and Control”主编(Editor-in-Chief)、“Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences”主编(Editor-in-Chief)、“The Global Environmental Engineers”共同主编(Co-Editor-in-Chief)、“The Open Conference Proceedings Journal”共同编辑(Co-Editor)、“Universal Journal of Catalysis Science”学术编辑(Academic Editor)、“Journal of Applied Chemistry”编辑(Editor)、“The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology”编辑(Editor)、“Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Journal”编辑(Editor)和“Catalysts”客座编辑(Guest Editor-Special Issue: Advances in Catalytic Oxidation of Methane and Carbon Monoxide; Guest Editor-Special Issue: Exclusive Papers in Environment-Friendly Catalysis in China),兼任国际学术期刊“ChemCatChem”(International Advisory Board)、“Catalysts”、“The Open Catalysis Journal”、“Current Catalysis”、“The Scientific World Journal”、“Advances in Environmental Research”、“International Journal of Environment and Resource”、“Journal of Environmental and Human”、“SOP Transactions on Catalysis”、“Aperito Journal of Nanoscience Technology”、“American Journal of Modern Chemical Engineering”、“Jacobs Journal of Inorganic Chemistry”、“Current Updates in Nanotechnology”、“Heighten Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering”、“Annals of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”、“SF Journal of Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology”、“Portico Journal of Chemistry”、“Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Mining”、“International Journal of Green Technology”、“Nanoscience Journal”、“Journal of Nanotechnology Open Access”、“Region - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering”、“Modern Concepts in Material Science”、“Frontiers in Nanotechnology”、“Journal of Nanoparticles & Nanotechnology”、“Materials Chemistry Scientific Research”、“Nessa Journal of Environmental Science (NJES)”、“Research and Application of Materials Science”、“International Journal of Green Technology”、“Archives of Environmental Science and Technology”、“American Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnolog”、“Researches in Science and Technology”、“Viser Technology Pte. Ltd.”、“Annals of Applied Sciences”、“Archives of Advanced Chemistry”、“American Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine”、“American Journal of Materials & Applied Science”、“Journal of Nanosciences Research & Reports”和“Photocatalysis: Research and Potential”编委,中文期刊“材料研究学报”、“工业催化”、“山东化工”、“当代化工研究”、“能源发展前沿”、“资源与环境科学进展”编委和“精细石油化工”特邀编委,中国化学会催化专业委员会委员,中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专业委员会常委委员,中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会委员,全国环境催化与环境材料学术委员会委员, The 7~8thChina-Japan Workshop on Environmental Catalysis and Eco-Materials学术委员会委员,美国化学会(ACS)会员, International Association of Advanced Materials(IAAM)会员,中国化工学会无机酸碱盐专业委员会第三、第五届“无机化工领域学术带头人”,北京市化工行业职称评定委员会主任委员,北京市工程技术系列高级专业技术资格评审委员会评审委员,北京市高校教师职务专业学术评议委员会评审专家、北京市教委中小学教师高级职称评定委员会委员化学组组长。2016~2017年担任Bentham Ambassador。2020年担任ChemCatChem期刊的Ambassador。


担任180余种国内外学术期刊的审稿专家:Nature Communications;Journal of the American Chemical Society; Angewandte Chemie International Edition; Nano Today; Nano Energy; ACS Catalysis; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; Applied Catalysis A & B; Nanoscale; Journal of Catalysis;iScience; Chemistry of Materials; Journal of Materials Chemistry A; Environmental Science & Technology; Small;Environmental Science: Nano;Chemical Communications; Inorganic Chemistry; Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Chemical Engineering Journal; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Applied Surface Science; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Catalysis Science & Technology; Catalysis Today; Journal of Molecular Catalysis A (Molecular Catalysis); Catalysis Communications; ChemSusChem; ChemPlusChem; ChemCatChem; ChemPhotoChem; Chemistry - A European Journal; ChemNanoMat; ChemistrySelect; Scripta Materialia; Scientific Reports; The AIChE Journal; Langmuir; Carbon; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Crystal Growth & Design; ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering; ACS Omega; ACS Applied Nano Materials;Journal of Organic Chemistry;Chemical Engineering Science; Microporous and Mesoporous Materials; Chemosphere; Energy & Fuels; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; New Journal of Chemistry; Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A; Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; Physica B-Condensed Matter; Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Journal of Solid State Chemistry; Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry; Materials Letters; Solid State Sciences; Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie; Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry; Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers; Chinese Journal of Chemistry; Applied Organometallic Chemistry; Chemistry Letters; Journal of CO2Utilization;Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Rare Metals; Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineerin; European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry等。中国科学B辑;科学通报;化学学报;化学通报;高等学校化学学报;高等学校化学研究;中国稀土学报;石油化工;催化学报;中国化学;化工环保;环境化学;物理化学学报;材料研究学报;无机材料学报;无机化学学报;应用化学;人工晶体学报;等。


发表SCI论文380余篇,JCR一区论文260余篇(ESI高被引论文20余篇),包括发表在Nature Communications(1篇)、Journal of the American Chemical Society(2篇)、Angewandte Chemie International Edition(2篇)、ACS Nano(1篇)、Nano Energy(1篇)、Journal of Catalysis(19篇)、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(33篇)、Environmental Science & Technology(11篇)、Small(1篇)、ACS Catalysis(2篇)、Nanoscale(5篇)、Journal of Materials Chemistry A(2篇)、Journal of Hazardous Materials(9篇)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(4篇)、Science Bulletin(4篇)、Chinese Journal of Catalysis(15篇)、Catalysis Today(28篇)、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(7篇)、ChemSusChem(1篇)、Chemical Communications(2篇)、Chemical Engineering Journal(5篇)、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(1篇)、Sustainable Materials and Technologies(1篇)、Cell Reports Physical Science(1篇)、Green Energy & Environment(1篇)、Nano Research(1篇)、Bioresource Technology(1篇)、Applied Surface Science(5篇)、Chemosphere(1篇)、Inorganic Chemistry(6篇)、Journal of Physical Chemistry C(4篇)、The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(1篇)、Catalysis Science & Technology(6篇)、Environmental International(1篇)、Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical(11篇)、Applied Catalysis A: General(21篇)、Journal of Molecular Liquids(1篇)、Journal of CO2Utilization(2篇)、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science(1篇)、Applied Clay Science(3篇)、Catalysts(15篇)、Microporous and Mesoporous Materials(9篇)、Catalysis Communications(3篇)、ChemCatChem(3篇)、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(6篇)、Science of the Total Environment(1篇)、Advanced Sustainable Systems(1篇)、Energy & Fuels(1篇)、RSC Advances(1篇)、New Journal of Chemistry(4篇)、Journal of Environmental Sciences(23篇)等影响因子高于3.0的论文300余篇以及综述论文20余篇;科学通报、高等学校化学学报、催化学报等核心期刊论文90余篇;国内外学术会议论文或摘要360余篇;主编和与他人合编教材或参考书7部(其中包括2部英文专著中的各一章),获授权发明专利90余项(其中美国发明专利2项)。













1.精细化工工艺学》(约40万字), 1993年北京化工大学出版.

2.《合成化学》(其中第六章,约3万字), 1996年台湾文津图书公司出版.

3.《环境催化-原理及应用》(第五章、第八章,约9万字),贺泓等编著,科学出版社出版(书号:ISBN 978-7-03-022687-7), 2008年10月第1版, 2020年修订版.

4.《实用催化》(第二版) (约43万字),高正中、戴洪兴编著, 2012年1月化学工业出版社出版(书号:ISBN 7-5025-1624-7/G×419).

5.《典型化工有机废气催化净化基础与应用》(约5万字),张润铎、戴洪兴、刘志明、刘宁、刘雨溪、邓积光著, 2016年9月科学出版社出版(书号:ISBN 978-7-03-049886-1).

6.《结构催化剂与反应器》(刘雨溪、邓积光、戴洪兴撰写第十一、十二章,约8.5万余字),路勇、巩金龙、朱吉钦等编著,化工过程强化关键技术丛书,“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目, 2020年6月化学工业出版社出版(书号:ISBN 978-7-122-34408-3).

7.Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Chapter 1.Controlled fabrication and catalytic applications of specifically morphological and porous perovskite-type oxides.InPerovskite: Structure, Properties and Uses(Maxim Borowski (Ed.)), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011-3rd Quarter, Page 1-66.https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products _id=14317.ISBN 978-1-61668-870-7.https://doi.org/10.1002/chin.201121204.

8.Kunfeng Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*.Chapter 21: Photocatalytic removal of organics over BiVO4-based photocatalysts.InSemiconductor Photocatalysis - Materials, Mechanisms and Applications(book edited by Wenbin Cao, ISBN 978-953-51-2483-2, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2484-9, Published: August 24, 2016 under CC BY 3.0 license). http://www.intechopen.com/photocatalysis. 2016, Page 559-611.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/62745.


Publications in 2023

460.Ali Rastegarpanah, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing,WenboPei, Jia Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Bamboo-likeMnO2×Co3O4: High-performance catalysts for the oxidative removal of toluene,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2023.04.005.

459.Jia Wang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing,Xiuqing Hao, Xing Zhang, Xiaohui Yu,Hongxing Dai*.PdPtVOx/CeO2-ZrO2: Highly efficient catalysts with good sulfur dioxide-poisoning reversibility for the oxidative removal of ethylbenzene,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024,138:153-166.

458.Yijie Shi, Ying Feng, Zhiwei Wang, Xun Wang, Yunpeng Jiang, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai, Yuxi Liu*.Light-driven photothermocatalytic performance of the Pt/Co3O4catalyst for toluene oxidation,Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2023,in press.

457. Wencheng Hao, Zhiwei Wang*, Shaohua Xie, Lu Wei, Zhiquan Hou, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Catalytic performance of Nb2O5modified Ru/CeO2for dichloromethane oxidation,Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2023.08.008.

456.Han Li, Lu Wei*, Yuxi Liu, Zhiwei Wang,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Synergistic removal of NO and chlorinated organics on CeO2-based catalysts,Environmental Functional Materials, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.efmat.2023.05.002.

455. Qichao Zhang, Yajie Sun, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Yun Hau Ng*, Lin Jing*,Hongxing Dai.Defect-rich selenium doped graphitic carbon nitride for high-efficiency hydrogen evolution photocatalysis,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.04.319.

454. Xiuqing Hao, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*.Bimetallic CoNi single-atoms supported on three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous chromia: Highly active catalysts for n‑hexane combustion,Green Energy & Environment, 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2022.12.008.

453.Lu Wei, Yuxi Liu, Suping Cui, Can Wang, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Erhong Duan, Yue Peng,Hongxing Dai, Guangsheng Guo, Jiguang Deng*.Separated active site and reaction space for multi-pollutant elimination significantly enhancing low toxic product selectivity,Advanced Functional Materials, 2023,doi: 10.1002/adfm.202306129.

452.Hongxing Dai*, Xiang Wang*, Yujun Zhu*, Haibao Huang*, Yunkun Zhao*.Exclusive papers in environment-friendly catalysis in China (Editorial),Catalysts, 2023,doi: 10.3390/xxxxx.

451.Jinxiong Tao, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng,Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Lu Wei, Zhiwei Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Methane combustion over zeolite-supported palladium-based catalysts,Catalysts, 2023,13(9):1251.

450. Zeya Li, Ruyi Gao, Zhiquan Hou, Xiaohui Yu,Hongxing Dai,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu*.Tandem supported Pt and ZSM-5 catalyst with separated catalytic functions for promoting multicomponent VOCs oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023,339:123131.

449. Yuan Feng, Lu Wei, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Zhenxia Zhao, Jiguang Deng*.Rapid supplement of active oxygen by constructing Pt-Fe alloy structure to improve catalytic stability for furniture paints industry VOCs removal,Separation and Purification Technology, 2023,324:124621.

448. Kunfeng Zhang, Hongxia Chen, Wenbo Pei,Hongxing Dai, Junshan Li, Yongfa Zhu*.Enhanced photocatalytic performance of Bi4O5Br2with three-dimensionally ordered macroporous structure for phenol removal,Nano Research, 2023,16(7):8871-8881.

447.Zhiquan Hou, Yue Lu, Yuxi Liu*, Ning Liu, Jingcong Hu, Lu Wei, Zeya Li, Xinrong Tian, Ruyi Gao, Xiaohui Yu, Yuan Feng, Linke Wu, Jiguang Deng, Dingsheng Wang, Manling Sui,Hongxing Dai*, Yadong Li*.A general dual-metal nanocrystals dissociation strategy to generate robust high-temperature-stable alumina supported single-atom catalysts,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2023,145(29):15869-15878.

446. Ying Feng, Zhiwei Wang, Mengwei Hua, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Xun Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Linke Wu, Yunpeng Jiang, Jiguang Deng*,Hongxing Dai*.Differences between atomically-dispersed and particulate Pt supported catalysts on synergistic photothermocatalytic oxidation ofVOCs from cooking oil fumes,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023,339:123116.

445. Zhiquan Hou,Meiqi Chen, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Ruyi Gao, Wenbo Pei, Zeya Li,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced moisture resistance and catalytic stability of ethylene oxidation at room temperature by the ultrasmall MnOxcluster/Pt hetero-junction,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023,339:123115.

444. Ruyi Gao, Xinrong Tian, Xinlei Ding, Zhiquan Hou, Zeya Li, Xiaohui Yu, Jia Wang, Linke Wu, Lin Jing, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu*,Hongxing Dai*.Regulating catalytic stability of PtSnM/CeO2(M = Mn, W, Nb) catalysts via the closely coupled multi-active sites to promote multicomponent VOCs oxidation,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,471:144456.

443.XinpengWang, Qing Ye*, Wenyi Liu, Fanwei Meng, Fan Yang, Xin Zhang,Hongxing Dai.Improved sulfur dioxide resistance of the Mn/Fe-PILC catalyst by the doping of ceria in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2023,136(3):1263-1281.

442.Meng Guo, Peijie Ma, Lu Wei, Jiayi Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Kun Zheng, Daojian Cheng, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Guangsheng Guo, Erhong Duan, Jiguang Deng*.Highly selective activation of C−H bond and inhibition of C−C bond cleavage by tuning strong oxidative Pd sites,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023,145(20):11110-11120.

441. Wenbo Pei, Kuan Yang, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Zhiquan Hou, Jia Wang, Yuan Feng, Xiaohui Yu,Hongxing Dai*.SO2-tolerant mesoporous iron oxide supported bimetallic single atom catalyst for methanol removal,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023,335:122888.

440. Linlin Li, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Ruyi Gao,Hongxing Dai*.Pt/CeMnOx/diatomite: A highly active catalyst for the oxidative removal of toluene and ethyl acetate,Catalysts, 2023,13(4):676.

439.Minming Bao, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Zhiwei Wang, Lu Wei,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic performance and reaction mechanisms of ethyl acetate oxidation over the Au-Pd/TiO2catalysts,Catalysts,2023,13(4):643.

438. Yajie Sun, Xinya Pei, Bo Wang, Yun Hau Ng, Ruixue Zhu, Qichao Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing*,Hongxing Dai.Point defect engineering of elemental phosphorus for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,463:142488.

437.Linke Wu, Xun Wang, Hongxia Lin, Jinxiong Tao, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing,Hongxing Dai*.Methane oxidation over the zeolites-based catalysts,Catalysts, 2023,13(3):604.

436.XinpengWang, Qing Ye*, Wenyi Liu, Fanwei Meng, Fan Yang, Xin Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced resistance to Pb poisoning of the Co-modified Mn/Fe-pillared clay catalysts for NH3-SCR at low temperatures,ChemistrySelect, 2023,8(10):e20220433.

435. Yuan Feng, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Review and perspectives of enhancement in the catalytic stability for the complete combustion of CO, CH4, and VOCs,Energy & Fuels, 2023,37(5):3590-3604.

434.Kemeng Ji*, Guohong Liang, Yuhao Shen,Hongxing Dai, Jiuhui Han, Yoshikazu Ito, Takeshi Fujita, Jun-ichi Fujita, Chengyang Wang, Mingming Chen.Ordered macroporous graphenic carbon-based framework materials and their low-temperature co-sacrificial template synthesis mechanism,Cell Reports Physical Science,2023,4(2):101283.

433.Hongxia Lin, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing,Hongxing Dai*.Synthesis of porous composite metal oxides(This entry is adapted from10.3390/catal13020427), Retrieved fromhttps://encyclopedia.pub/entry/41684.

432. Hongxia Lin, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing,Hongxing Dai*.Methane combustion over the porous metal oxides-based catalysts,Catalysts, 2023,13(2):427.

431. Leila Jafari Foruzin*, Kamelia Nejati,Hongxing Dai*, Zolfaghar Rezvani.Ultrasonic-assisted synthesis of Ni based-layered double hydroxide doped carbon nanotube and its highly efficient in water oxidation reaction,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023,48(9):3429-3439.

430.Chunxiao Wu, Yi Dong, Yun Hau Ng*, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing*,Hongxing Dai.Nickel-assisted synthesis of elemental crystalline phosphorus photocatalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution,Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 2023,35:e00551.

429. Xun Wang, Linke Wu, Zhiwei Wang, Ying Feng, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Zhihua Wang*, Jiguang Deng*.Photothermal synergistic catalytic oxidation of ethyl acetate over MOFs-derived mesoporous N-TiO2supported Pd catalysts,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023,322:122075.ESI高被引论文】

428. Ning Dong, Mengyue Chen, Qing Ye*, Dan Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Promotional effect of cobalt doping on catalytic performance of cryptomelane-type manganese oxide in toluene oxidation,Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences, 2023,126:263-274.

427. Hongxia Lin, Jinmo Wu, Fan Zhou, Xiaolong Zhao, Pengfei Lu, Guanghui Sun, Yuhan Song, Yayun Li, Xiaoyong Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Graphitic carbon nitride-based photocatalysts in the applications of environmental catalysis,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023,124:570-590.

Publications in 2022

426. Sijie Lv, Chunxiao Wu, Yun Hau Ng,Yafei Zhang, Jiahuan Peng, Yuxi Liu, Qichao Zhang, Shuang Li, Yajie Sun, Lin Jing*, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai.Phosphorus-containingg-C3N4photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution: A review,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022,47(100):42136-42149.

425.Ying Feng, Peijie Ma, Zhiwei Wang, Yijie Shi, Zhihua Wang*, Yue Peng, Lin Jing, Yuxi Liu, Xiaohui Yu, Xun Wang, Xiaofan Zhang, Jiguang Deng*,Hongxing Dai.Synergistic effect of reactive oxygen species in photothermocatalytic removal of VOCs from cooking oil fumes over Pt/CeO2/TiO2,Environmental Science & Technology, 2022,56(23):17341-17351.

424.Dan Zhang, Qing Ye*, Ning Dong, Wenjin Wang, Yang Xiao,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced catalytic performance and sulfur dioxide resistance of reduced graphene oxide-promoted MnO2nanorods-supported Pt nanoparticles for benzene oxidation,Catalysts,2022,12(11):1426.

423.Haohao Miao, Wei Zeng*, Jianmin Li, Hong Liu, Mengjia Zhan,Hongxing Dai, Yongzhen Peng.Simultaneous nitrate and phosphate removal based on thiosulfate-driven autotrophic denitrification biofilter filled with volcanic rock and sponge iron,Bioresource Technology, 2022,366:128207.

422. Jingjing Sun, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Minming Bao, Qinpei Sun, Linlin Li,Hongxing Dai*.PdPty/V2O5-TiO2: Highly active catalysts with good moisture- and sulfur dioxide-resistant performance in toluene oxidation,Catalysts, 2022,12(11):1302.

421. Xiaohui Yu, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic applications of single-atom catalysts(This entry is adapted from10.3390/catal12101239), Retrieved fromhttps://encyclopedia.pub/entry/32763.

420.Xiaohui Yu, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei,Hongxing Dai*.Single-atom catalysts: preparation and applications in environmental catalysis(Invited Review),Catalysts, 2022,12(10):1239.

419.Kai Wu, Qing Ye*, Lanyang Wang, Fanwei Meng,Hongxing Dai*.Polyethyleneimine-modified layered double hydroxide/SBA-15 composites: A novel kind of highly efficient CO2adsorbents,Applied Clay Science, 2022,229:106660.

418.Xiaohui Yu,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu,Lin Jing, Ruyi Gao, Zhiquan Hou, Zexu Zhang,Hongxing Dai.Enhanced water resistance and catalytic performance of Ru/TiO2by regulating Brønsted acid and oxygen vacancy for the oxidative removal of 1,2-dichloroethane and toluene,Environmental Science & Technology, 2022,56(16):11739-11749.

417.Xiaofan Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Linke Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic performance and SO2resistance of zirconia-supported platinum-palladium bimetallic nanoparticles for methane combustion,Catalysis Today, 2022,402:138-148.

416.Yuan Feng, Lu Wei, Zhiwei Wang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Can Wang, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Erhong Duan, Yue Peng, Jiguang Deng*.Boosting catalytic stability for VOCs removal by constructing PtCu alloy structure with superior oxygen activation behavior,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,439:129612.

415. Ruyi Gao, Manchen Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng, Xiaoxing Ke, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Xing Zhang, Fudong Liu*,Hongxing Dai.Engineering platinum catalysts via a site-isolation strategy with enhanced chlorine resistance for the elimination of multicomponent VOCs,Environmental Science & Technology, 2022,56(13):9672-9682.

414.Xiuqing Hao, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Jia Wang, Zhiwei Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous NaxMnOy-supported platinum-cobalt bimetallic single-atom catalysts with good sulfur dioxide tolerance in propane oxidation,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022,10(26):8326-8341.

413.Ying Feng, Lingyun Dai, Zhiwei Wang, Yue Peng, Erhong Duan, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Xun Wang, Ali Rastegarpanah,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Photothermal synergistic effect of Pt1/CuO-CeO2single-atom catalysts significantly improving toluene removal,Environmental Science & Technology, 2022,56(12):8722-8732.ESI高被引论文】

412. Meng Guo, Peijie Ma, Jiayi Wang, Haoxiang Xu, Kun Zheng, Daojian Cheng, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai, Erhong Duan, Jiguang Deng.Synergy in Au-CuO janus structure for catalytic isopropanol oxidative dehydrogenation to acetone,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022,61(27):e202203827.ESI高被引论文】

411.Zhiquan Hou, Lingyun Dai, Jiguang Deng, Guofeng Zhao,Lin Jing, Yueshuai Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Ruyi Gao, Xinrong Tian,Hongxing Dai*, Dingsheng Wang*, Yuxi Liu*.Electronically engineering water resistance in methane combustion with an atomically dispersed tungsten on PdO catalyst,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022,61(27):e202201655.ESI高被引/热点论文】

410.Hualian Chen,Yuxi Liu*,Ruyi Gao, Tiantian Dong, Zhiquan Hou, Lin Jing, Erhong Duan,Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.N-doped carbon-modified palladium catalysts with superior water resistant performance for the oxidative removal of toxic aromatics,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,437:129358.

409.Kunfeng Zhang, Hongxia Chen, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Ali Rastegarpanah, Wenbo Pei, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Two-dimensional Bi2WxMo1-xO6solid solution nanosheets for enhanced photocatalytic toluene oxidation to benzaldehyde,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,315:121545.

408.Tiantian Dong, Kun Liu, Ruyi Gao, Hualian Chen, Xiaohui Yu, Zhiquan Hou, Lin Jing, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu*,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced chlorine-resistant performance of supported ternary metal catalysts for the oxidation of toluene in the presence of trichloroethylene,Catalysts, 2022,12(5):541.

407. Chunxiao Wu, Ruixue Zhu, Wey Yang Teoh, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai, Lin Jing*, Yun Hau Ng*, Jimmy C. Yu*,Hetero-phase dendritic elemental phosphorus for visible light photocatalytic hydrogen generation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,312:121428.

406.Ning Dong, Qing Ye*, Yang Xiao, Dan Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Enhancement in catalytic performance of birnessite-type MnO2-supported Pd nanoparticles by the promotional role of reduced graphene oxide for toluene oxidation,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2022,12(7):2197-2209.

405.Kai Wu, Qing Ye*, Lanyang Wang, Fanwei Meng,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous alumina-supported layered double hydroxidefor efficientCO2capture,Journal of CO2Utilization, 2022,60:101982.

404.Yucheng Du*, Shuang Zhen, Jinshu Wang, Yanlong Ma, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.FeOOH-MnO2/sepiolite and Fe2O3-MnO2/diatomite: Highly efficient adsorbents for the removal of As(V),Applied Clay Science, 2022,222:106491.

403.Ning Dong, Qing Ye*, Yang Xiao, Dan Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Reduced graphene oxide as an effective promoter to the layered manganese oxide-supported Ag catalysts for the oxidation of ethyl acetate and carbon monoxide,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,431:128518.

402.Kai Wu, Qing Ye*, Lanyang Wang, Fanwei Meng,Hongxing Dai*.Graphene oxide-doped stearate-intercalated layered double oxide nanocomposites as high-performance CO2adsorbents,Separation and Purification Technology, 2022,288:120686.

401.Linke Wu, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Xiaohui Yu, Xing Zhang, Ruyi Gao, Wenbo Pei, Xiuqing Hao, Ali Rastegarpanah,Hongxing Dai*.Pd/silicalite-1: An highly active catalyst for the oxidative removal of toluene,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022,116:209-219.

400. Jia Wang, Lingyun Dai, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Wenbo Pei, Zhiquan Hou, Xing Zhang, Xiaohui Yu,Hongxing Dai*.Experimental and density functional theory investigations on the oxidation of typical aromatics over the intermetallic compounds-derived AuMn/meso-Fe2O3catalysts,Journal of Catalysis, 2022,405:273-287.

399.Xiaohui Yu, Lingyun Dai,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu,Lin Jing,Xing Zhang,Ruyi Gao, Zhiquan Hou, Lu Wei,Hongxing Dai*.An isotopic strategy to investigate the role of water vapor in the oxidation of 1,2-dichloroethane over the Ru/WO3or Ru/TiO2catalyst,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,305:121037.

398. Lu Wei, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Suping Cui, Can Wang, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Erhong Duan, Yue Peng, Jiguang Deng*.Electronic structure tailoring of Al3+- and Ta5+-doped CeO2for the synergistic removal of NO and chlorinated organics,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,304:120939.

397.Yuan Feng, Chongchen Wang, Can Wang, Haibao Huang, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Erhong Duan, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Catalytic stability enhancement for pollutant removal via balancing lattice oxygen mobility and VOCs adsorption,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,424:127337.

396.Karuppaiah Selvakumar, Yueshuai Wang, Yue Lu*, Bohai Tian, Zeyu Zhang, Jingcong Hu, Annamalai Raja, Muthuraj Arunpandian, Meenakshisundaram Swaminathan,Hongxing Dai, Manling Sui*.Single metal atom oxide anchored Fe3O4-ED-rGO for highly efficient photodecomposition of antibiotic residues under visible light illumination,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022,300:120740.

395. Ning Dong, Mengyue Chen, Qing Ye*, Dan Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.An investigation on catalytic performance and reaction mechanisms of Fe/OMS-2 for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, and toluene,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022,112:258-268.

394.He Zeyuan, Zhu Yufei, Zhang Guizhen*, Li Shuzhen, Yang Xiaodong, Qiu Wenge,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Effect of atomic layer deposition metal oxide layer on three-way catalytic performance and thermal stability of the Pt/Al2O3catalysts,Industrial Catalysis,2022,30(6):46-52 (inChinese).

Publications in 2021

393.Xiaohui Yu,Lingyun Dai,Yue Peng,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu,Lin Jing,Xing Zhang,Zhiquan Hou, Jia Wang,Hongxing Dai.High selectivity to HCl for the catalytic removal of 1,2-dichloroethane over RuP/3DOM WOx: Insights into the effects of P-doping and H2O introduction,Environmental Science & Technology,2021,55(21):14906-14916.

392.Jing Li, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Combustion of acetylene over the mesoporous CeO2-supported IrFe bimetallic catalysts,Catalysis Today, 2021,382:22-33.

391. Chenxi Li, Jin Cheng, Qing Ye*, Fanwei Meng, Xinpeng Wang,Hongxing Dai*.The deactivation mechanism of the Mo-Ce/Zr-PILC catalyst induced by Pb for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Nanomaterials, 2021,11(10):2641.

390. Hao Wu, Rowshanak Irani, Kunfeng Zhang, Lin Jing,Hongxing Dai, Hoi Ying Chung, Fatwa Abdi*, Yun Hau Ng*.Unveiling carrier dynamics in periodic porous BiVO4photocatalyst for enhanced solar water splitting,ACS Energy Letters, 2021,6(10):3400-3407.

389.Xiuqing Hao,Lingyun Dai, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*.Nanotubular OMS-2 supported single-atom platinum catalysts highly active for benzene oxidation,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021,125(32):17696-17708.

388. Zhiwei Wang, Shaohua Xie, Ying Feng, Peijie Ma, Kun Zheng, Erhong Duan, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Simulated solar light driven photothermal catalytic purification of toluene over iron oxide supported single atom Pt catalyst,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,298:120612.

387.Xiaohui Yu,Lingyun Dai,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu,Lin Jing,Xing Zhang,Xiyun Jiang, Zhiquan Hou, Jia Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic performance and intermediates identification oftrichloroethyleneoxidation over the Ru/3DOM SnO2catalysts,Journal of Catalysis, 2021,400:310-324.

386. Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu, Lanyang Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Highly efficient CO2adsorption of corn kernel-derived porous carbon with abundant oxygen functional groups,Journal of CO2Utilization, 2021,51:101620.

385. Zhuo Han, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Ling Jing, Yingxin Zhang, Kunfeng Zhang, Xing Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei,Hongxing Dai*.AuPd/Co3O4/3DOM MnCo2O4: Highly active catalysts for methane combustion,Catalysis Today, 2021,376:134-143.

384.Xing Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng,Lin Jing, Xiaohui Yu,Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of transition metal oxide doping on catalytic activity of titania for the oxidation of 1,2-dichloroethane,Catalysis Today, 2021,375:623-634.

383.ZhidanFu,Mengyue Chen,Qing Ye*, Ning Dong,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced performance of the OMS-2-supported CuOxcatalysts for carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, and toluene oxidation,Catalysts,2021,11:713.

382. Ning Dong, Mengyue Chen, Qing Ye*, Dan Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic elimination of carbon monoxide, ethyl acetate, and toluene over the Ni/OMS-2 catalysts,Catalysts, 2021,11:581.

381.Sijie Lv, Yun Hau Ng, Ruixue Zhu, Shuang Li, Chunxiao Wu, Yuxi Liu, Yafei Zhang, Lin Jing*, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai.Phosphorus vapor assisted preparation of P-doped ultrathin hollow g-C3N4sphere for efficient solar-to-hydrogen conversion,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,297:120438.

380.Shuang Li, Yun Hau Ng, Ruixue Zhu, Sijie Lv, Chunxiao Wu,Yuxi Liu, Lin Jing*, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai.In situ construction of elemental phosphorus nanorod-modified TiO2photocatalysts for efficient visible-light-driven H2generation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,297:120412.

379.Shahla Karimi, Fatemeh Bibak, Fereshteh Meshkani*, Ali Rastegarpanah*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Promotional roles of second metals in catalyzing methane decomposition over the Ni-based catalysts: A critical review,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021,46(39):20435-20480.

378. Lu Wei, Zhiwei Wang, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai, Suping Cui, Jiguang Deng*.Support promotion effect on the SO2and K+co-poisoning resistance of MnO2/TiO2for NH3-SCR of NO,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,416:126117.

377.Jia Wang,Lingyun Dai,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu,Lin Jing, Xiuqing Hao, Wenbo Pei, Xiaohui Yu,Ali Rastegarpanah,Hongxing Dai*.An investigation on catalytic performance and reaction mechanism of RuMn/meso-TiO2derived from RuMn intermetallic compounds for methyl ethyl ketone oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,296:120361.

376. Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Efficient abatement of NOxemitted from automotive engines via adsorption on the Ba-CMK-3 adsorbents,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021,28(17):21369-21380.

375.Ali Rastegarpanah, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Mehran Rezaei*,Hongxing Dai*.Influence of preparation method on catalytic performance of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous NiO-CuO for CO oxidation,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021,297:122091.

374. Chenxi Li, Jin Cheng, Qing Ye*, Fanwei Meng, Xinpeng Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Poisoning effects of alkali and alkaline earth metal doping on selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3over the Nb-Ce/Zr-PILC catalysts,Catalysts, 2021,11:329.

373.Chunxiao Wu, Lin Jing*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Shuang Li, Sijie Lv, Yajie Sun, Qichao Zhang,Hongxing Dai.Elemental red phosphorus-based photocatalysts for environmental remediation: A review,Chemosphere, 2021,274:129793.

372.Zhiquan Hou, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Kunfeng Zhang, Ruyi Gao, Meng Guo, Wenbo Pei, Minming Bao,Hongxing Dai.Highly efficient and enhanced sulfur resistance alumina-supported bimetallic single-atom palladium-cobalt catalysts for benzene oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,285:119844.

371.Xing Zhang, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Peng Xu, Wenbo Pei, Zhiquan Hou, Jia Wang,Hongxing Dai.Effect of support nature on catalytic activity of the RuCo nanoparticles for the oxidative removal of 1,2-dichloroethane,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021,285:119804.

370.Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Potassium-modified ordered mesoporous carbon materials (K-CMK-3): Highly efficient adsorbents for NO adsorption at low temperatures,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021,294:121844.

369.Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Low-temperature (NO + O2) adsorption performance of alkaline earth metal-doped C-FDU-15,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021,103:172-184.

Publications in 2020

368.Qi Gao, Qing Ye*, Shuai Han,Hongxing Dai*.Calcium poisoning mechanism of Cu-SAPO-18 for selective catalytic reduction of NOxwith ammonia,ChemistrySelect, 2020,5(43):13477-13486.

367.Zhenhua Zhang,XiaoxingKe*, Bin Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Weiwei Liu,Hongxing Dai, Fu-Rong Chen,Manling Sui*.Facet-dependentcobaltionsdistribution on Co3O4nano-catalystsurface,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020,11(22):9913-9919.

366. Ning Dong, Jiaoli Fu, Qing Ye*, Mengyue Chen, Zhidan Fu,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of preparation method on catalytic performance of Ag/OMS-2 for the oxidation of ethyl acetate and formaldehyde,Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2020,24(4):259-268.

365. Kaiyue Zhang, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Yijing Liang, Xing Zhang, Jia Wang, Yuan Feng,Hongxing Dai.Insights into the active sites of chlorine-resistant Pt-based bimetallic catalysts for benzene oxidation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020,279:119372.

364.Kai Wu, Qing Ye*, Runping Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Alkali metal-promoted aluminum-pillared montmorillonites: High-performance CO2adsorbents,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2020,291:121585.

363.Kai Wu, Qing Ye*, Runping Wu, Sha Chen,Hongxing Dai*.Carbon dioxide adsorption behaviors of aluminum-pillared montmorillonite-supported alkaline earth metals,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,98:109-117.

362.Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang,Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Oxidative removal of volatile organic compounds over the supported bimetallic catalysts(Invited Review Article),The Global Environmental Engineers, 2020,7:1-27.

361.Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Jun Yang, Xingtian Zhao, Zhuo Han, Kunfeng Zhang, Yue Lu, Fudong Liu*,Hongxing Dai*.Carbon monoxide oxidation over rGO-mediated gold/cobalt oxide catalystswith strong metal-support interaction,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020,12(28):31467-31476.

360. Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Qi Gao,Hongxing Dai*.Improved SO2tolerance of Cu-SAPO-18 by Ce-doping in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Catalysts, 2020,10(7):783.

359.Xing Zhang,Lingyun Dai,Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng,Lin Jing, Xiaohui Yu,Zhuo Han,Kunfeng Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.3DOM CeO2-supported RuyM (M = Au, Pd, Pt) alloy nanoparticles with improved catalytic activity and chlorine-tolerance in trichloroethylene oxidation,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2020,10(11):3755-3770.

358. Jin Cheng, Qing Ye*, Chenxi Li, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Ceria-modified Al-Mn-pillared clay catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3at low temperatures,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020,15:e2439.

357.Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Alkali-modified C-FDU-15: Highly efficient adsorbents for adsorption of NO and O2at low temperatures,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020,577:217-232.

356.Yu Xia, Zhiwei Wang, Yuan Feng, Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.In situ molten salt derived iron oxide supported platinum catalyst with high catalytic performance foro-xylene elimination,Catalysis Today,2020,351:30-36.

355.Qi Gao, Qing Ye*, Shuai Han, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of Ce doping on hydrothermal stability of Cu-SAPO-18 in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2020,24(2):134-142.

354.Honghong Zhang, Lingyun Dai, Yuan Feng, Yuhan Xu, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai, Chongchen Wang, Can Wang, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, Haibao Huang,Jiguang Deng*.A resource utilization method for volatile organic compounds emission from the semiconductor industry: Selective catalytic oxidation of isopropanol to acetone over Au/a-Fe2O3nanosheets,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020,275:119011.

353. Zhiwei Wang, Peijie Ma, Kun Zheng, Can Wang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Chongchen Wang, Jiguang Deng*.Size effect, mutual inhibition and oxidation mechanism of the catalytic removal of a toluene and acetone mixture over TiO2nanosheet-supported Pt nanocatalysts,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020,274:118963.

352. Ning Dong,Qing Ye*, Mengyue Chen, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Sodium-treated sepiolite-supported transition metal (Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn or Co) catalysts for HCHO oxidation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020,41(11):1734-1744.

351.Wenbo Pei, Lingyun Dai, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng,Lin Jing, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Zhuo Han, Xingtian Zhao,Hongxing Dai*.PtRu nanoparticles embedded in the 3DOM Ce0.7Zr0.3O2skeleton: Active and stable catalysts for toluene oxidation,Journal of Catalysis, 2020,385:274-288.

350. Ali Rastegarpanah, Fereshteh Meshkani, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Wenbo Pei, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Zhuo Han, Mehran Rezaei*,Hongxing Dai*.Toluene oxidation over the M-Al (M = Ce, La, Co, Ce-La, and Ce-Co) catalysts prepared by the "one-pot" evaporation-induced self-assembly method: Effects of microwave or ultrasound irradiation and noble metal loading on catalytic activity and stability,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020,59(13):5624-5635.

349. Qi Gao, Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effects of lanthanide doping on the catalytic activity and hydrothermal stability of Cu-SAPO-18 for the catalytic removal of NOx(NH3-SCR) from diesel engines,Catalysts, 2020,10(3):336.

348. Ning Dong, Qing Ye*, Mengyue Chen,Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic oxidation of HCHO over the sodium-treated sepiolite-supported rare earth (La, Eu, Dy, and Tm) oxide catalysts,Catalysts, 2020,10(3):328.

347. Xiaohang Fu, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing, Xing Zhang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han, Xiyun Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.Intermetallic compound PtMny-derived Pt-MnOxsupported on mesoporous CeO2: Highly efficient catalysts for the combustion of toluene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2020,595:117509.

346. Zhiquan Hou, Wenbo Pei, Xing Zhang, Kunfeng Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lin Jing,Hongxing Dai*.Rare earth oxides and their supported noble metals in the application of environmental catalysis,Journal of Rare Earths,2020,38(8):819-839.

345.Zhiwei Wang, Huanggen Yang, Rui Liu, Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Haibao Huang, Jiguang Deng*.Probing toluene catalytic removal mechanism over supported Pt nano- and single-atom-catalyst,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,392:122258.

344. Ali Rastegarpanah, Mehran Rezaei*, Fereshteh Meshkani,Hongxing Dai*.3D ordered honeycomb-shaped CuO×Mn2O3: Highly active catalysts for CO oxidation,Molecular Catalysis, 2020,485:110820.

343. YANG Huang-Gen, CHEN Yuan*, WANG Zhi-Wei, YANG Jia-Tian, ZHU Li-Gang, QIN Li-Qin,DAI Hong-Xing*.Facile solvothermal synthesis of porous persimmon-like BiOBr photocatalyst,Chinese Journal ofInorganic Chemistry, 2020,36(2):333-344.

342. Jun Yang,Yutong Xue, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Xiyun Jiang, Huan Chen,Hongxing Dai*.Controlled preparation ofthree-dimensionallyordered mesoporous CoO-supported Pt nanocatalysts and their superior performance for benzene oxidation(Perspective Article),Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,90:170-179.

341.Runping Wu, Qing Ye*, Kai Wu, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Adsorption performance of CMK-3 and C-FDU-15 in NO removal at low temperatures,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,87:289-298.

340. Xing Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han, Xiyun Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.3DOMCr2O3-CeO2: High-performance catalysts for the oxidative removal of trichloroethylene,Catalysis Today, 2020,339:200-209.

339. JING Lin*, WU Chunxiao, DENG Jiguang, LIU Yuxi,DAI Hongxing.Research progress of elemental red phosphorus photocatalyst for energy conversion and environmental remediation(Review Article),Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2020,46(6):645-654 (in Chinese).

338. Zhang Xing, Pei Wenbo, Hou Zhiquan,Liu Yixi, Deng Jiguang, Jing Lin,Dai Hongxing*.Preparation of porous mixed metal oxides and their catalytic applications in the removal of volatile organic compounds(Review Article),Industrial Catalysis, 2020,28(4):39-51 (in Chinese).

337.Lin Hongxia, Sun Guanghui, Wu Jinmo, Lu Pengfei, Zhou Fan, Liu Xiaoyong,Dai Hongxing*.Supported noble metal catalysts for the application in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds(Review Article),Industrial Catalysis, 2020,28(4):16-27 (in Chinese).

336. HOU Zhiquan, GUO Meng, LIU Yuxi, DENG Jiguang,DAI Hongxing*.Synthesis of intermetallic compounds and their catalytic applications(Review Article),Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2020,34(2):81-91(in Chinese).

Publications in 2019

335. Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Kenya Kani, Yuan Wang, Bo Jiang, Jeonghun Kim, Masahiro Yoshino, Mehran Rezaei, Alan E. Rowan,Hongxing Dai*, Yusuke Yamauchi*.Correction to “Highly selective reduction of carbon dioxide to methane on novel mesoporous Rh catalysts”,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019,11(49):46398.

334. Kunfeng Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Wenbo Pei, Zhuo Han, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang,Hongxing Dai*.Ru nanoparticles supported on oxygen-deficient 3DOM BiVO4: High-performance catalysts for the visible-light-driven selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol,ChemCatChem, 2019,11:6398-6407.

333.Lingling Li, Linlin Yang, Tianhua Zhang, Xiuyun Wang*, Xing Zhang, Bingyu Lin, Jun Ni,Hongxing Dai, Chak-Tong Au,Lilong Jiang*.Three-dimensional ordered macroporous Ru-substituted BaZrO3perovskite: Active catalysts for ammonia synthesis under mild conditions,Catalysis Science & Technology,2019,9:6217-6221.

332. ZHAO Kang Feng, SONG Yu Qing, ZHANG Rui Hua, YANG Xiao Yan, SUN Bo, HOU Zhi Quan, PU Xiao Ping,DAI Hong Xing, BAI Xue Tao.Comparative toxicity of nanomaterials to air-blood barrier permeability using an in vitro model,Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2019,32(8):602-613.

331. Qi Gao, Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effects of Cu/Al mass ratio and hydrothermal aging temperature on catalytic performance of Cu-SAPO-18 for the NH3-SCR of NO in simulated diesel exhaust,Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2019,23(4):344-356.

330. Soheila Sanati, Zolfaghar Rezvani*, Reza Abazari, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai.Hierarchical CuAl-layered double hydroxide@CoWO4nanocomposites with enhanced efficiency in supercapacitors with long cyclic stability,New Journal of Chemistry, 2019,43:15240-15248.

329.Xingtian Zhao, Ran Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Peng Xu, Shuang Li, Sijie Lv, Wenbo Pei, Kunfeng Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Pd/meso-CoO derived from in situ reduction of the one-step synthesized Pd/meso-Co3O4: High-performance catalysts for benzene combustion,New Journal of Chemistry, 2019,43:12358-12368.

328. Jin Cheng, Qing Ye*, Changkun Zheng, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of ceria loading on Zr-pillared clay catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,New Journal of Chemistry, 2019,43:10850-10858.

327.Xing Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng,Xiaohui Yu,Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Alloyingof goldwith palladium: An effective strategy to improvethechlorine-resistant behaviorandcatalyticstabilityof3DOM CeO2-supportedcatalysts intrichloroethylenecombustion,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019,257:117879.

326.Wenbo Pei, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Xingtian Zhao,Hongxing Dai*.Partially embedding Pt nanoparticles in the skeleton of 3DOM Mn2O3: An effective strategy for enhancing catalytic stability in toluene combustion,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019,256:117814.

325.Yijing Liang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhiquan Hou, Xingtian Zhao, Xing Zhang, Kaiyue Zhang, Rujian Wei,Hongxing Dai.Coupled palladium-tungsten bimetallic nanosheets/TiO2hybrids with enhanced catalytic activity and stability for the oxidative removal of benzene,Environmental Science & Technology, 2019,53(10):5926-5935.

324.Leila Jafari Foruzin*, Zolfaghar Rezvani,Kamellia Nejati, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*, Karim Asadpour-Zeynali.High quantum efficiency of photocatalytic water oxidation over the TiO2/MMO nanocomposite under visible-light irradiation,Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019,288:111035.

323. Zhiwei Wang, Sha Li, Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai, Guangsheng Guo, Jiguang Deng*.Supported ultralow loading Pt catalysts with high H2O-, CO2-, and SO2-resistance for acetone removal,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2019,579:106-115.

322. Jun Yang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Zhiquan Hou, Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.PtxCo/meso-MnOy: Highly efficient catalysts for low-temperature methanol combustion,Catalysis Today,2019,332:168-176.

321. Yang Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie, Haibao Huang, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng*.Supported ceria-modified silver catalysts with high activity and stability for toluene removal,Environmental International, 2019,128:335-342.

320.Jun Yang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.AgAuPd/meso-Co3O4: High-performance catalysts for methanol oxidation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2019,40(6):837-848.

319. Jin Cheng, Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effects of hydrothermal aging at high and low temperatures on the selective catalytic reduction of NOxwith NH3over Cu/SAPO-34,Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2019,45(4):2023-2044.

318. Xiuzhong Fang, Luoji Xu, Xianhua Zhang, Kunfeng Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Wenming Liu, Xianglan Xu, Xiang Wang*, Wufeng Zhou.Effect of rare earth element (Ln = La, Pr, Sm, and Y) on physicochemical property of the Ni/Ln2Ti2O7catalysts for the steam reforming of methane,Molecular Catalysis, 2019,468:130-138.

317.Zhuo Han, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Zhiquan Hou, Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Jun Yang,Hongxing Dai*.Preparation and catalytic performance of Co3O4-MnO2for o-xylene combustion,Catalysis Today,2019,327:246-253.

316. Ali Rastegarpanah, Mehran Rezaei*, Fereshteh Meshkani, Kunfeng Zhang, Xingtian Zhao, Wenbo Pei, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Influence of group VIB metals on activity of the Ni/MgO catalysts for methane decomposition,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2019,248:515-525.

315. Xionghui Fei, Wenbao Jia, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai, Qing Shan, Daqian Hei, Yongsheng Ling*.Effect of γ-ray irradiation on the catalytic activity of perovskite-type oxides,Radiation Physics and Chemistry,2019,158:143-147.

314.Ali Rastegarpanah, Mehran Rezaei*, Fereshteh Meshkani, Kunfeng Zhang, Xingtian Zhao, Wenbo Pei, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous Ni/MeOx(Me = Al, Mg, Ti, and Si): Highly efficient catalysts in the decomposition of methane for hydrogen production,Applied Surface Science,2019,478:581-593.

313. Reza Abazari, Ali Reza Mahjoub*, Soheila Sanati, Zolfaghar Rezvani, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*.Ni-Tilayered double hydroxide@graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet: A novel nanocomposite with high and ultrafastsonophotocatalytic performance for degradation of antibiotics,Inorganic Chemistry, 2019,58(3):1834-1849.

312. Jin Cheng, Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3over the Cu/SAPO-34 catalysts derived from different Cu precursors,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019,278:423-434.

311.Kuan Yang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous iron oxide-supported single-atom platinum: Highly active catalysts for benzene combustion,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019,244:650-659.

310. Shuai Han, Jin Cheng, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Ce doping to Cu-SAPO-18: Enhanced catalytic performance for the NH3-SCR of NO in simulated diesel exhaust,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019,276:133-146.

309. Jiang Xiyun, Yang Jun, Liu Yixi, Deng Jiguang, Jing Lin,Dai Hongxing*.Research advancements in the oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds(Review Article),Industrial Catalysis, 2019,27(8):23-35 (in Chinese).

308.DAI Hongxing*, HOU Zhiquan, ZHANG Xing, ZHANG Kunfeng.Catalytic performance of regularly morphological and porous catalysts for the oxidation of volatile organic compounds(Review Article),Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2019,45(11):1095-1114(in Chinese).

307. ZHAO Kang-feng, SONG Yu-qing, DONG Li, ZHANG Xing,DAI Hong-xing, ZHANG Hong-wei, LU Bo, BAI Xue-tao.Construction and evaluation of an in vitro alveolar-capillary barrier model for permeability screening,Journal of Toxicology, 2019,36(5):346-350, 356(in Chinese).

306. ZHAO Kang-feng, SONG Yu-qing, HOU Zhi-quan, GU Wen, ZHANG Hong-wei,DAI Hong-xing, LU Bo, BAI Xue-tao.Impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on permeability of alveolar-capillary barrier in vitro,Journal of Environment and Health, 2019,36(3):189-193(in Chinese).

Publications in 2018

305. Kemeng Ji*, Jiuhui Han, Bo Wang, Yuan Tian, Akihiko Hirata, Lijing Kang, Pan Liu,Hongxing Dai, Takeshi Fujita, Yoshikazu Ito, Yutaka Oyama.Nanocrystalline C-Ni hybrid nanoporous monoliths for large-capacity and ultrahigh-rate energy storage, 2018, Cell Press, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3207211 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3207211.

304. Zhiquan Hou, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Yue Lu, Xiuzhong Fang,Hongxing Dai*.Highly active and stable Pd-GaOx/Al2O3catalysts derived from intermetallic Pd5Ga3nanocrystals for methane combustion,ChemCatChem,2018,10(24):5637-5648.

303. Xing Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Kunfeng Zhang, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.AuPd/3DOM TiO2catalysts: Good activity and stability for theoxidation of trichloroethylene,Catalysts, 2018,8(12):666.

302. Jiaoli Fu, Ning Dong, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced performance of the OMS-2 catalyst by Ag loading for the oxidation of benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde,New Journal of Chemistry, 2018,42(22):18117-18127.

301.Xingtian Zhao, Ran Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng, Peng Xu, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han, Zhiquan Hou,Hongxing Dai*, Chak-Tong Au*.In-situ reduction-derivedPd/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4MnO3:Good catalytic stability in methane combustion,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2018,568:202-212.

300.Yuan Wang, HamidrezaArandiyan*,YuxiLiu, YijingLiang, Yue Peng,Stuart Bartlett,HongxingDai,Sadegh Rostamnia,Junhua Li.Template-free scalable synthesis of flower-like Co3-xMnxO4spinel catalysts for toluene oxidation,ChemCatChem, 2018,10(16):3429-3434.

299.Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Kenya Kani, Yuan Wang, Bo Jiang, Jeonghun Kim, Masahiro Yoshino, Mehran Rezaei, Alan E. Rowan,Hongxing Dai*, Yusuke Yamauchi*.Highly selective reduction of carbon dioxide to methane on novel mesoporous Rh catalysts(Back Cover Article),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018,10(30):24963-24968.

298. Ali Rastegarpanah, Mehran Rezaei*, Fereshteh Meshkani,Hongxing Dai*, Hamidreza Arandiyan.Thermocatalytic decomposition of methane over mesoporous Ni/xMgO×Al2O3nanocatalysts,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018,43:15112-15123.

297.Hongxia Lin,Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Au-Pd/meso-Fe2O3: Highly active photocatalysts for the visible-light-driven degradation of acetone,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2018,70:74-86.

296.Hamidreza Arandiyan⁠*⁠,⁠Ghasem Kasaeian, Behzad Nematollahi⁠, Yuan Wang⁠, Hongyu Sun⁠, Stuart Bartlett⁠,Hongxing Dai*, Mehran Rezaei⁠*.Self-assembly of flower-like LaNiAlO3-supported nickel catalysts for CO methanation,Catalysis Communications, 2018,115:40-44.

295.Peng Xu, Xing Zhang, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Zhiquan Hou, Lu Bai, Huaiqiu Chang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*, Chak-Tong Au*.Preparation, characterization, and catalytic performance of PdPt/3DOM LaMnAl11O19for the combustion of methane,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2018,562:284-293.

294. Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Yuan Wang, Hongyu Sun, Mehran Rezaei,Hongxing Dai*.Ordered meso- and macroporous perovskite oxide catalysts for emerging applications(Feature Article),Chemical Communications, 2018,54(50): 6484-6502.

293.Yucheng Du*, Xuekai Wang, Jinshu Wang, Junshu Wu, Yang Li,Hongxing Dai*.Mg3Si4O10(OH)2and MgFe2O4in situ grown on diatomite: Highly efficient adsorbents for the removal of Cr(VI),Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018,271:83-91.

292. Zhuo Han, Jingyu Fang, Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.AuRu/meso-Mn2O3: A highly active and stable catalyst for methane combustion,Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology (MET 2017, December 22-24, 2017, Sanya, China ), IOP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering, 2018,359:012022.

291.Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Yuan Wang, Jason Scott*, Sara Mesgari,Hongxing Dai, Rose Amal*.In situ exsolution of bimetallic Rh-Ni nanoalloys: a highly efficient catalyst for CO2methanation(Front Cover Article),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018,10(19):16352-16357.

290. Xiangyu Li, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Xingtian Zhao, Yang Zhang, Kunfeng Zhang, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.3DOM LaMnAl11O19-supported AuPd alloy nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for methane combustion,Catalysis Today, 2018,308:71-80.

289. Yucheng Du*, Shihao Zhang, Jinshu Wang, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Nb2O5nanowires in-situ grown oncarbon fiber: A high-efficiency material for the photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI),Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018,66:358-367.

288.Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Jason Scott*,Hongxing Dai, Rose Amal*.Hierarchically porous network-like Ni/Co3O4: Noble metal-free catalysts for carbon dioxide methanation,Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2018,2(3):1700119.

287. Yunsheng Xia,Lu Xia, Tao Yang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng*,Hongxing Dai.Concurrent catalytic removal of typical volatile organic compound mixtures over Au-Pd/a-MnO2nanotubes,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2018,64:276-288.

286.Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Jun Yang, Xingtian Zhao, Zhuo Han, Kunfeng Zhang, Yuan Wang,Hamidreza Arandiyan*,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous CoO-supported palladium nanocatalysts with high performance foro-xylene combustion,Catalysis Science & Technology,2018,8:806-816.

285.Jin Cheng, Yong Song, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.A mechanistic investigation on the selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia over the V-Ce/Ti-PILC catalysts,Molecular Catalysis,2018,445:111-123.

284.Kunfeng Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Co-Pd/BiVO4: High-performance photocatalysts for the degradation of phenol under visible light irradiation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2018,224:350-359.

283.Zhao Kangfeng, Song Yuqing, Gu Wen, Dong Li, Zhang Xing,Dai Hongxing, Bai Xuetao.Assessment of copper oxide nanoparticles(CuO-NPs) ionization level in in vitro culture system and its contribution to cytotoxicity,Journal of Environmental Hygiene,2018,8(3):163-167 (in Chinese).

282. Tan Wei, Yuan Zhen, Jiang Jinyuan, Cheng Yongquan,Dai Hongxing.Preparation of different morphologies of Au/a-MnO2catalyst for oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology, 2018,8(2):142-148 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2017

281.Xiyun Jiang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Xingtian Zhao, Shan Sun, Chengwei Zhai, Fei Peng,Hongxing Dai*.AuPt/3DOM CoCr2O4: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of methane,The Global Environmental Engineers, 2017,4:24-36.

280. Lisha Liu, Yong Song, Zhidan Fu, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced catalytic performance of Cu- and Mn-loaded Fe-Sep catalysts for the oxidation of CO and ethyl acetate,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017,25(10):1427-1434.

279.Xingtian Zhao, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Jun Yang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous PdxPt alloys: High-performance catalysts for methane combustion,Molecular Catalysis,2017,442:191-201.

278.Jun Yang,Yuxi Liu,Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.PtxNi/meso-Al2O3(x= 0.60-2.07): High-performance catalystsfor thehydrogenation ofn-butanalat low temperatures,Materials in Environmental Engineering-Proceedings of the4th annual International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering (MSEE 2016),De Gruyter Publishers, e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-051662-3, e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-051573-2, Chapter One: Material Science and Advanced Materials, 2017, 197-208.

277.Yue Lu, Jiguo Geng, Kuan Wang, Wei Zhang, Wenqiang Ding, Zhenhua Zhang, Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai, Fu-Rong Chen*, Manling Sui*.Modifying surface chemistry of metal oxides for boosting dissolution kinetics in water by liquid cell electron microscopy,ACS Nano,2017,11(8):8018-8025.

276. Peng Xu, Xingtian Zhao, Xing Zhang, Lu Bai, Huaiqiu Chang, Yuxi Liu,Jiguang Deng,Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous LaMnAl11O19-supported palladium nanocatalysts highly active for methane combustion,Molecular Catalysis, 2017,439:200-210.

275. Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu*,Jiguang Deng*,Jun Yang, Xingtian Zhao, Zhuo Han, Kunfeng Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Insights into the active sites of ordered mesoporous cobalt oxide catalysts for the total oxidation of o-xylene,Journal of Catalysis,2017,352:282-292.

274. Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Hassan A. Tahini, Jason Scott, Xin Tan,Hongxing Dai, Julian D. Gale, Andrew L. Rohl, Sean C. Smith*, Rose Amal*.The controlled disassembly of mesostructured perovskites as an avenue to fabricating high performance nanohybrid catalysts,Nature Communications, 2017,8:15553.

273.Shuai Han, Jin Cheng, Changkun Zheng, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of Si/Al ratio on catalytic performance of hydrothermally aged Cu-SSZ-13 for the NH3-SCR of NO in simulated diesel exhaust,Applied Surface Science,2017,419:382-392.

272.Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Ali Bagheri, Jason Scott*,Hongxing Dai*, Rose Amal.Recentadvances inporousmetaloxides forheterogeneouscatalysis: Areview(Invited Review Article),Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017,5:8825-8846.

271. Zhidan Fu, Lisha Liu, Yong Song, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide, toluene, and ethyl acetate over thexPd/OMS-2 catalysts: effect of Pd loading,Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2017,11(2):185-196.

270.Yong Song, Lisha Liu, Zhidan Fu, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Excellent performance of the Cu-Mn/Ti-Sepiolite catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017,11 (2):5.

269.Shuai Han, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of hydrothermal aging temperature and Cu/Al ratio on the hydrothermal stability of CuSSZ-13 catalysts for NH3-SCR,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017,7:703-717.

268. Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Simiao Zang, Zhenhua Zhang, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Efficient removal of methane over the cobalt monoxide doped AuPd nanocatalysts,Environmental Science & Technology,2017,51 (4):2271-2279.

267.Xiangyu Li, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Kunfeng Zhang, Shaohua Xie, Xiantian Zhao, Jun Yang, Hongxia Lin, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced catalytic performance for methane combustion of 3DOM CoFe2O4by co-loading MnOxand Pd-Pt alloy nanoparticles,Applied Surface Science, 2017,403:590-600.

266.Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of transition metal doping on the catalytic performance of Au-Pd/3DOM Mn2O3for the oxidation of methane ando-xylene,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017,206:221-232.

265.Zhiwei Wang, Yuxi Liu, Tao Yang, Jiguang Deng*,Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic performance of cobalt oxide-supported gold-palladium nanocatalysts for the removal of toluene and o-xylene,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017,38(2):207-216.

264.Peng Xu, Zhixing Wu, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic performance enhancement by alloying Pd with Pt on ordered mesoporous manganese oxide for methane combustion,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017,38(1):92-105.

263.Hongxia Lin, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Graphitic carbon nitride-supported iron oxides: High-performance photocatalysts for the visible-light-driven degradation of 4-nitrophenol,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2017,336:105-114.

262.Lisha Liu, Yong Song, Zhidan Fu, Qing Ye*, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Effect of preparation method on the surface characteristics and activity of the Pd/OMS-2 catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, toluene, and ethyl acetate,Applied Surface Science, 2017,396:599-608.

261.Kunfeng Zhang, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Hongxia Lin, Xingtian Zhao, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Fe2O3/3DOM BiVO4: High-performance photocatalysts for the visible light-driven degradation of 4-nitrophenol,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017,202:569-579.

260.Zhiwei Wang, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Huanggen Yang, Shaohua Xie, Zhixing Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous CoCr2O4-supported Au-Pd alloy nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for methane combustion,Catalysis Today, 2017,281:467-476.

259. Yang Jiang, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Jiguang Deng,Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Mn3O4-Au/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4CoO3: High-performance catalysts for toluene oxidation,Catalysis Today, 2017,281:437-446.

258. Zhao Kang-feng, Hou Zhi-quan, Zhang Li-xia,Dai Hong-xing, Zhang Shao-ping, Zhang Ming, Li Yi-min, Bai Xue-tao.Effect of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) on the permeability of guinea pigs blood-brain barrier (BBB),Journal of Toxicology, 2017,31(5):340-344(in Chinese).

Publications in 2016

257.Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan*, Jason Scott*, Mandana Akia,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou, Rose Amal.Highperformance Au-Pdsupported on 3Dhybridstrontium-substitutedlanthanummanganiteperovskitecatalystsformethanecombustion(Front Cover Article),ACS Catalysis, 2016,6(10):6935-6947.

256.Kemeng Ji*, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Pan Liu, Ling Zhang, Jiuhui Han, Yacong Xue, Jungang Hou*,Hongxing Dai*.Interfacial insights into 3D plasmonic multijunction nanoarchitecture toward efficient photocatalytic performance,Nano Energy, 2016,27:515-525.

255. Shaohua Xie, Yuxi Liu*, Jiguang Deng*, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Kunfeng Zhang, Zhuo Han,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous CeO2-supported Pd@Co nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for methane oxidation,Journal of Catalysis, 2016,342:17-26.

254.Peng Xu, Jianxun Xu, Meng He, Lexin Song, Dongliang Chen*, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Morphology and chemical characteristics of micro- and nano-particles in the haze in Beijing studied by XPS and TEM/EDX,Science of the Total Environment, 2016,565:827-832.

253. Kunfeng Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*.Chapter 21: Photocatalytic removal of organics over BiVO4-based photocatalysts,Semiconductor Photocatalysis - Materials, Mechanisms and Applications(book edited by Wenbin Cao, ISBN 978-953-51-2483-2, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2484-9, Published: August 24, 2016 under CC BY 3.0 license). http://www.intechopen.com/photocatalysis. ISBN 978-953-51-2484-9. 2016, pp. 559-611.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/62745.

252. Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Zhiwei Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic removal of volatile organic compounds using ordered porous transition metal oxide and supported noble metal catalysts(Invited Review Article),Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016,37(8):1193-1205.

251. Huanggen Yang,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie,Zhixing Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Pt/Co3O4/3DOM Al2O3: Highly effective catalysts for toluene combustion,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016,37(6):934-946.

250.Zhiliang Li, Fengmei He, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Preparation, characterization, and catalytic properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4MnO3-supported Au or Pd nanoparticles for CO oxidation,Proceedings of The 2016 International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Application (ICMSEA 2016), Wuhan, China, January 9-10, 2016.Lancaster, PA, USA: DEStech Publications, Inc., CD-ROM—350-361. ISBN: 978-1-60595-310-6.

249. Jun Yang, Xingtian Zhao, Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Fabrication and catalytic performance of Au/3DOM Fe2O3catalysts for the oxidative removal of toluene,Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Protection (meep-15),Part of Series:Advances in Physics Research, Editors: Panos M. Pardalos and Bharat Bhushan, March 2016, 0108-0113,doi:10.2991/meep-15.2016.30.

248. Hamidreza Arandiyan, Jason Scott, Yuan Wang,Hongxing Dai, Hongyu Sun, Rose Amal*.Meso-molding three-dimensional macroporous perovskites: A new approach to generate high-performance nanohybrid catalysts(Front Cover Article),ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016,8(4):2457-2463.

247.Zhixing Wu, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Xingtian Zhao, Kunfeng Zhang, Hongxia Lin, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous Cr2O3supported Au-Pd alloy nanoparticles: High-performance catalysts for the oxidation of toluene,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016,224:311-322.

246. Huanggen Yang,Jiguang Deng*,Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie,Zhixing Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Preparation and catalytic performance of Ag, Au, Pd or Pt nanoparticles supported on 3DOM CeO2-Al2O3for toluene oxidation,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016,414:9-18.

245. Li Dong, Wen Gu, Xiaoyan Yang,Hongxing Dai, Xingtian Zhao, Yu Wu, Jianjun Zhou, Hongwei Zhang, Xuetao Bai.Cytotoxicity of nanometer alumina with different shapes to astrocytes of cerebral cortex of rats,Journal of Environment and Health, 2016,33(2):95-99 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2015

244. Huanggen Yang,Jiguang Deng*,Shaohua Xie,Yang Jiang,Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au*.Au/MnOx/3DOM SiO2: Highly active catalysts for toluene oxidation,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015,507:139-148.

243.Zhixing Wu, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie, Yang Jiang, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous Co3O4supported Au-Pd alloy nanoparticles: High-performance catalysts for methane combustion,Journal of Catalysis, 2015,332:13-24.

242. Yujuan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties of MnOx/SBA-16 for toluene oxidation,Materials Science and Energy Engineering (CMSEE 2014):Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference(Edited by: Shyan-Lung Chung and Xiaolong Li;Sanya, China,Dec. 12-14, 2014), inChapter 1: Material Science and Material Processing Technology,May 2015, pp. 154-167.doi: 10.1142/9789814678971_0024.

241.Hongxing Dai*.Environmental catalysis: A solution for the removal of atmospheric pollutants(Invited Overview),Science Bulletin, 2015,60(19):1708-1710.

240. Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Zhenhua Zhang, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au*.Excellent catalytic performance, thermal stability, and water resistance of 3DOM Mn2O3-supported Au-Pd alloy nanoparticles for the complete oxidation of toluene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015,507:82-90.

239. Jiguang Deng*, Shengnan He, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yuxi Liu, Guangsheng Guo,Hongxing Dai*.Ultralow loading of silver nanoparticles on Mn2O3nanowires derived with molten salts: A high-efficiency catalyst for the oxidative removal of toluene,Environmental Science & Technology,2015,49(18):11089-11095.

238. Xingtian Zhao, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Catalytic removal of volatile organic compounds over porous catalysts(Invited Review Article),The Global Environmental Engineers, 2015,2(1):1-14.

237. Yilong Yang, Jinshu Wang*, Yongli Li*, Yan Zhang, Di He, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Seed-induced construction of N-doped TiO2-bronze@g-C3N4two-dimensional binary nanojunctions with enhanced photocatalytic activity,RSC Advances, 2015,5(63):50833-50842.

236.Hamidreza Arandiyan*,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Yanyan Zhao, Junhua Li*.Enhanced catalytic efficiency of Pt nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macro-/mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2for methane combustion(FrontispieceCover Article),Small, 2015,11(20):2366-2371.

235.Wei Tan, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nanorods supported gold and palladium alloy nanoparticles:High-performancecatalystsfortolueneoxidation,Nanoscale, 2015,7:8510-8523.

234.Yucheng Du*, Liping Wang, Jinshu Wang*, GuangweiZheng, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.Flower-, needle-, wire-,andsheet-like MnO2depositeddiatomites:Highly efficient absorbents for the removal ofCr(VI),Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015,29:71-81.

233.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng*, Han Zhang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Pr6O11and Tb4O7with mesoporous walls: preparation, characterization, and catalytic activity for CO oxidation,Catalysis Today, 2015,245:28-36.

232.Hamidreza Arandiyan*,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Junhua Li*.Pt nanoparticles embedded in colloidal crystal templating derived 3D ordered macroporous Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2: Highly efficient catalysts for methane combustion,ACS Catalysis, 2015,5:1781-1793.

231. Yang Jiang, Jiguang Deng*,Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*.Au/MnOx/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4MnO3: Highly active nanocatalysts for the complete oxidation of toluene,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015,54(3):900-910.

230.Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*,Jiguang Deng, Hongjun Zang, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Hamidreza Arandiyan.3DOM BiVO4supported silver bromide and noble metals: High-performance photocatalysts for the visible-light-driven degradation of 4-chlorophenol,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,168:274-282.

229. Kemeng Ji, Jiguang Deng*, Hongjun Zang, Jiuhui Han, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Fabrication and high photocatalytic performance of noble metal nanoparticles supported on 3DOM InVO4-BiVO4for the visible-light-driven degradation of rhodamine B and methylene blue,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,165:285-295.

228.Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng*, Simiao Zang, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo,Hamid Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.Au-Pd/3DOM Co3O4: Highly active and stable nanocatalysts for toluene oxidation,Journal of Catalysis, 2015,322:38-48.ESI高被引论文】

227. Yong Qin, Zhimin Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Photocatalytic synthesis of isopentenyl polyether-acrylate copolymer over Fe-TiO2and its performance,Journal of Shanxi University (Nat. Sci. Ed.), 2015,38(1):125-129 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2014

226.Hongxing Dai*.Editorial,The Global Environmental Engineers, 2014,1(1):1-2.

225.Wei Tan, Guangsheng Guo*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.Au/Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nanorods:Highlyactivecatalystsfor the oxidation ofcarbon monoxide and toluene,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014,53(48):18452-18461.

224. Yazhou Wang, Jiguang Deng, Sixu Deng, Hao Wang*, Hui Yan,Hongxing Dai.Morphologically controlled synthesis of porous spherical and cubic LaMnO3with high activity for the catalytic removal of toluene,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014,6(20):17394-17401.

223. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng*, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeOx/SBA-15 for toluene combustion(Front Cover Article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59(31):3993-4002.

222. Yucheng Du*, GuangweiZheng, Liping Wang, Jinshu Wang*, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.MnO2nanowires in situ grown ondiatomite: Highly efficient absorbents for the removal of Cr(VI) and As(V),Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014,200:27-34.

221. Qing Ye*, Heng Lu, Haixia Zhao, Jun Zhao, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tainfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*, Dao Wang.A comparative investigation on catalytic oxidation of CO, benzene, and toluene over birnessites derived from different routes,Applied Surface Science, 2014,317:892-901.

220. Fang Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han.Nanoplate-aggregate Co3O4microspheres for toluene combustion,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014,35(9):1475-1481.

219. Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng*, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Guangsheng Guo.Preparation and high catalytic performance of Au/3DOM Mn2O3for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014,279:392-401.

218.Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Wen Han, Wei Tan, Yang Jiang, Chak Tong Au.Porous cube-aggregated Co3O4microsphere-supported gold nanoparticles for oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,ChemSusChem, 2014,7(6):1745-1754.

217. Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuan Wang, Hongyu Sun, Shaohua Xie, Bingyang Bai, Yuxi Liu, Kemeng Ji, Junhua Li*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4MnO3supported Ag nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of methane(Front Cover Article),Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014,118(27):14913-14928.

216. Zongcheng Zhan, Xiaojun Liu, Dongzhu Ma, Liyun Song, Jinzhou Li, Hong He*,Hongxing Dai.Novel synthetic approaches and TWC catalytic performance of flower-like Pt/CeO2,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2014,8(4):483-495.

215. Wen Han, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au.Gold supported on iron oxide nanodisk as efficient catalyst for the removal of toluene,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014,53(9):3486-3494.

214. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Han Zhang, Lei Zhang, Haiyan Jiang.Catalytic toluene oxidation over the three-dimensionally ordered macroporous EuFeO3catalysts fabricated by the sucrose-assisted polymethyl methacrylate-templating method,Solid State Sciences, 2014,27:36-42.

213.Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng*, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wei Tan, Wen Han, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo.Mesoporous Co3O4supported gold nanocatalysts: Highly active for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, benzene, toluene, ando-xylene,Journal of Catalysis, 2014,309:408-418.ESI高被引论文】

212. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng*, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeOx/SBA-15 for toluene combustion(Front Cover Article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59(26):2595-2603 (in Chinese).

211. Deng Jiguang, He Shengnan, Xie Shaohua, Yang Huanggen, Liu Yuxi,Dai Hongxing*.Research advancements of ordered porous metal oxide catalysts for the oxidative removal of volatile organic compounds,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2014,35(6):1119-1129 (in Chinese).

210. Du Yu-Cheng*, Zheng Guang-Wei, Meng Qi, Wang Li-Ping, Fan Hai-Guang,Dai Hong-Xing.Fabrication and excellent catalytic performance of three-dimensional ordered mesoporous molybdenum oxides,Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2014,29(2):124-130 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2013

209. Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuan Wang, Shaohua Xie, Junhua Li*.Dual-templating synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4MnO3-supported Ag nanoparticles: controllable alignments and super performance for the catalytic combustion of methane,Chemical Communications, 2013,49(91):10748-10750.

208.Baozu Gao, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Zhenxuan Zhao, Xinwei Li, Yuan Wang,Hongxing Dai*.Mesoporous LaFeO3catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2013,34(12):2223-2229.

207. Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng*, Yuxi Liu, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang, Wei Tan, Aisun Ao, Guangsheng Guo.Au/3DOM Co3O4: Highly active nanocatalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Nanoscale, 2013,5(22):11207-11219.

206. Yuan Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Xinwei Li, Baozu Gao, Shaohua Xie.3DOM InVO4-supported chromia with good performance for the visible-light-driven photodegradation of rhodamine B,Solid State Sciences, 2013,24:62-70.

205. Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Bingyang Bai, Yuan Wang, Xinwei Li, Shaohua Xie, Junhua Li*.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4MnO3with high surface areas: Active catalysts for the combustion of methane,Journal of Catalysis, 2013,307:327-339.

204. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Zhenxuan Zhao, Xinwei Li, Yuan Wang, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo.Controlled generation of uniform spherical LaMnO3, LaCoO3, Mn2O3, and Co3O4nanoparticles and their high catalytic performance for carbon monoxide and toluene oxidation,Inorganic Chemistry, 2013,52:8665-8676.

203. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Chak Tong Au.Effect of sulfur doping on the photocatalytic performance of BiVO4under visible light illumination,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2013,34:1617-1626.

202. Xinwei Li,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Shaohua Xie, Zhenxuan Zhao, Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan.Au/3DOM LaCoO3: High-performance catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,228:965-975.ESI高被引论文】

201. Yucheng Du*,Haiguang Fan, Liping Wang, Jinshu Wang*, Jinshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.α-Fe2O3nanowires depositeddiatomite:highly efficient absorbents for the removal of arsenic,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013,1:7729-7737.

200. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Xinwei Li, Yuan Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo.Au/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4MnO3: Highly active nanocatalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Journal of Catalysis, 2013,305:146-153.

199. Yuan Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Zhenxuan Zhao, Xinwei Li, Hamidreza Arandiyan.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous InVO4: Fabrication and excellent visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance for methylene blue degradation,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,226:87-94.

198. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yucheng Du, Xinwei Li, Zhenxuan Zhao, Yuan Wang, Baozu Gao, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo.In-situ poly(methyl methacrylate)-templating generation and excellent catalytic performance of MnOx/3DOM LaMnO3for the combustion of toluene and methanol,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013,140-141:493-505.

197. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Baozu Gao, Yuan Wang, Xinwei Li, Shaohua Xie, Guangsheng Guo.PMMA-templating generation and excellent catalytic performance of chain-like ordered macroporous LaMnO3supported gold nanocatalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013,140-141:317-326.

196. Xinwei Li,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Zhenxuan Zhao, Yuan Wang, Baozu Gao, Huanggen Yang.In situ PMMA-templating preparation and excellent catalytic performance of Co3O4/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4CoO3for toluene combustion,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013,458:11-20.

195. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Yuan Wang, Xinwei Li, Guangmei Bai, Baozu Gao, Chak Tong Au.Porous FeOx/BiVO4-dS0.08: Highly efficient photocatalysts for the degradation of methylene blue under visible-light illumination,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013,25(10):2138-2149.

194. Guangmei Bai,Hongxing Dai*, Yuxi Liu, Kemeng Ji, Xinwei Li, Shaohua Xie.Preparation and catalytic performance of cylinder- and cake-like Cr2O3for the oxidation of toluene,Catalysis Communications, 2013,36:43-47.

193. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Chak Tong Au.Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities of porous olive-shaped sulfur-doped BiVO4-supported cobalt oxides,Solid State Sciences, 2013,18:98-104.

192.Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Shaohua Xie, Wen Han, Chak Tong Au.One-pot hydrothermal preparation and catalytic performance of porous strontium ferrite hollow spheres for the combustion of toluene,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013,370:189-196.

191. Guangmei Bai,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Wenge Qiu, Zhenxuan Zhao, Xinwei Li.The microemulsion preparation and high catalytic performance of mesoporous NiO nanorods and nanocubes for toluene combustion,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,219:200-208.

190. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Liyun Song, Shaohua Xie, Wen Han.Glucose-assisted hydrothermalpreparationandcatalytic performanceofthree-dimensionally porousLaFeO3for toluene combustion,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2013,199:164-170.

189. Haiyan Jiang,Hongxing Dai*,Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Lei Zhang, Kemeng Ji.Porous F-doped BiVO4: Synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic performance for the degradation of phenol under visible-light illumination,Solid State Sciences, 2013,17:21-27.

188. Qing Ye*, Jiansheng Zhao, Feifei Huo, Lina Yan, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Nanosized Au supported on three-dimensionally ordered mesoporousb-MnO2: highly active catalysts for the low-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide, benzene, and toluene,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013,172:20-29.

187. Guangmei Bai,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Fang Wang, Zhenxuan Zhao, Wenge Qiu, Chak Tong Au.Porous Co3O4nanowires and nanorods: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of toluene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013,450:42-49.

186. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jianxing Dai, Jiguang Deng, Fang Wang, Han Zhang, Lei Zhang.PMMA-templating preparation and catalytic activities of three-dimensional macroporous strontium ferrites with high surface areas for toluene combustion,Catalysis Today, 2013,201:40-48.

185. Rui Wang, Hong He*, Jianing Wang, Licheng Liu,Hongxing Dai.Shape-regulation: An effective way to control CO oxidation activity over noble metal catalysts,Catalysis Today, 2013,201:68-78.

184. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Haiyan Jiang, Lei Zhang, Han Zhang, Yijia Cao.Catalytic removal of toluene over three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Eu1-xSrxFeO3perovskites,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,214:262-271.

183. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yucheng Du, Yuxi Liu, Lei Zhang.Preparation of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Bi0.2O3-dand their excellent catalytic performance for the combustion of toluene,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013,366:116-125.

182. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Liyun Song, Baozu Gao, Yuan Wang, Xinwei Li.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Eu0.6Sr0.4FeO3supported cobalt oxides: Highly active nanocatalysts for the combustion of toluene,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013,129:539-548.

181. Liu Beibei, Zhang Guizhen*, He Hong, Li Jinzhou, Zi Xuehong, Qiu Wenge,Dai Hongxing.Three-way catalytic activities and thermal stabilities of Pd@SiO2/Ce0.4Zr0.6O2nanocatalysts with core-shell structure,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2013,34(8):1936-1944 (in Chinese).

180. Li Jinzhou, Zhang Guizhen, He Hong*, Zhan Zongcheng, Liu Beibei, Zi Xuehong, Qiu Wenge,Dai Hongxing.Pd/Ce0.6Zr0.4-xMxO2three-way nanocatalysts prepared from colloidal palladium nanoparticles,Journal of Rare Earths, 2013,31(5):563-572 (in Chinese).

179.Deng Jiguang, Liu Yuxi, Zhang Lei,Dai Hongxing*.Advancements in catalysts for catalytic combustion of natural gas (II),Petrochemical Technology, 2013,42(2):125-133 (in Chinese).

178. Deng Jiguang, Liu Yuxi, Zhang Lei,Dai Hongxing*.Advancements in catalysts for catalytic combustion of natural gas (I),Petrochemical Technology, 2013,42(1):1-7 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2012

177.Yucheng Du*,Qi Meng, Ruiqin Hou, Jing Yan,Hongxing Dai, Tong Zhang.Fabrication of nano-sized Ca(OH)2with excellent adsorption ability for N2O4,Particuology, 2012,10:737-743.

176. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Xinwei Li, Yuan Wang, Baozu Gao, Guangmei Bai, Chak Tong Au.A comparative study of bulk and 3DOM-structured Co3O4, Eu0.6Sr0.4FeO3, and Co3O4/Eu0.6Sr0.4FeO3: Preparation, characterization, and catalytic activities for toluene combustion,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012,447-448:41-48.

175. Guangmei Bai,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Kemeng Ji.Porous NiO nanoflowers and nanourchins: Highly active catalysts for toluene combustion,Catalysis Communications,2012,27:148-153.

174. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yucheng Du, Yuxi Liu, Lei Zhang.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-d: High-efficiency catalysts for the combustion of toluene,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2012,163:131-139.

173.Yucheng Du*,Qi Meng,Jinshu Wang*, Jing Yan, Haiguang Fan, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.Three-dimensional mesoporous manganese oxides and cobalt oxides: High-efficiency catalysts for the removal of toluene and carbon monoxide,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2012,162:199-206.

172. Fengjuan Shi, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Poly[[dodecaaquabis(m3-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)tetrakis(m2-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)tricalciumdieuropium(III)]10.5-hydrate],Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012,E68, m685-m686.

171. Fengjuan Shi, Fang Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jianxing Dai, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Guangmei Bai, Kemeng Ji, Chak Tong Au.Rod-, flower-, and dumbbell-like MnO2: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of toluene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012,433-434:206-213.

170. Qing Ye*, Lina Yan, Feifei Huo, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Enhanced catalytic performance of rare earth-doped Cu/H-Sep forthe selective catalytic reduction of NO with C3H6,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012,431-432:42-48.

169. Rui Wang, Hong He*, Li-Cheng Liu,Hong-Xing Dai, Zhen Zhao.Shape-dependent catalytic activity of palladium nanocrystals for the oxidation of carbon monoxide,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2012,2:575-580.

168. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Fang Wang, Haiyan Jiang, Chak Tong Au.Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous SrFeO3-dwith high surface area: Active catalysts for the complete oxidation of toluene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012,425-426:153-160.

167. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*,Yucheng Du,Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang,Zhenxuan Zhao.Lysine-aided PMMA-templatingpreparation and high performance of three-dimensionally orderedmacroporousLaMnO3with mesoporous wallsfor the catalytic combustion of toluene,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012,119-120:20-31.

166. Haiyan Jiang, Xue Meng,Hongxing Dai*,Yuxi Liu,Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Zhenxuan Zhao, Ruzhen Zhang.High-performance porous spherical or octapod-like single-crystalline BiVO4photocatalysts for the removal of phenol and methylene blue under visible-light illumination,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012,217-218:92-99.

165. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Chak-Tong Au.Three-dimensional ordered macroporous bismuth vanadates: PMMA-templating fabrication and excellent visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance for phenol degradation,Nanoscale, 2012,4:2317-2325.

164. Fang Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Guangmei Bai, Kemeng Ji,Yuxi Liu.Manganese oxides with rod-, wire-, tube-, and flower-like morphologies: Highly effective catalysts for the removal of toluene,Environmental Science & Technology, 2012,46(7):4034-4041.

163. Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*,Yucheng Du,Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang,Zhenxuan Zhao, Chak Tong Au.Controlled preparation and high catalytic performance of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous LaMnO3with nanovoid skeletons for the combustion of toluene,Journal of Catalysis, 2012,287(1):149-160.Top Cited Articles 2012

162. Yucheng Du*, Jing Yan, Qi Meng,Hongxing Dai*, Jinshu Wang.Fabrication and excellent conductive performance of antimony-doped tin oxide-coated diatomite withporous structure,MaterialsChemistryand Physics, 2012,133(2-3):907-912.

161. Fengjuan Shi, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Diaquabis(4-hydroxy-5- nitropyridine-2-carboxylato-k2N1,O2)copper(II).Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012,E68, m46.

160. Haiyan Jiang,Hongxing Dai*, Xue Meng,Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Chak Tong Au.Hydrothermal fabrication and excellent visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance of bismuth vanadate with multiple morphologies and/or porous structures for methyl orange degradation,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012,24(3):449-457.

159. Lei Zhang, Yue Zhang, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*.Surfactant-aided hydrothermal preparation and catalytic performanceofLa2-xSrxCuO4single-crystallites for methane combustion,Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 2012,21(1):69-75.

158.Dai Hongxing*, Deng Jiguang, Xia Yunsheng, Zhang Ruzhen, Zhang Lei.Hard-templating fabrication and catalytic applications of three-dimensionally ordered meso- and macroporous transition-metal oxides,Inorganic Chemicals Industry, 2012,44(5):55-58 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2011

157. Jianing Wang,Hongxing Dai, Hong He*.Morphology effect on CO oxidation activity of the supported platinum model catalysts,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(8):1329-1335.

156.Haiyan Jiang,Hongxing Dai*, Xue Meng, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Kemeng Ji.Porous olive-like BiVO4: Alcoho-hydrothermal fabrication and excellent visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance for the degradation of phenol,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2011,105(3-4):326-334.

155. Jing Yuan,Hongxing Dai*, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Yuxi Liu, Han Zhang, Haiyan Jiang, Hong He.PMMA-templating preparation and catalytic properties of high-surface-area three-dimensional macroporousLa2CuO4for methane combustion,Catalysis Today, 2011,175(1): 209-215.

154. Qing Ye*, Jiansheng Zhao, Feifei Huo, Juan Wang, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Nanosized Ag/a-MnO2catalysts highly active for the low-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide and benzene,Catalysis Today, 2011,175(1):603-609.

153. Xuehong Zi,Licheng Liu, Bin Xue,Hongxing Dai, Hong He*.The durability of alumina supported Pd catalysts for the combustion of methane in the presence of SO2,Catalysis Today, 2011,175(1):223-230.

152. Han Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Kemeng Ji.Surfactant-mediated PMMA-templating fabrication and characterization of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Eu2O3and Sm2O3with mesoporous walls,MaterialsChemistryand Physics, 2011,129(1-2):586-593.

151.Ruzhen Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Yucheng Du, Lei Zhang,Jiguang Deng,Yunsheng Xia, Zhenxuan Zhao, Xue Meng, Yuxi Liu.P123-PMMA dual-templating generation and unique physicochemical properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous iron oxides with nanovoids in the crystalline walls,InorganicChemistry,2011,50(6):2534-2544.

150. Zaixing Yang, Wei Zhong*, Lei Zhang, Chaktong Au,Hongxing Dai*, Youwei Du.An environmentally benign solvothermal method for the synthesis of nanostructured Cd5(OH)8(NO3)2(H2O)2: templates for the generation of nanoporous CdO materials with photocatalytic properties,Nanoscale, 2011,3(4):1887-1893.

149. Pengna Li, Xianluo Hu*, LeiZhang,HongxingDai*, Lizhi Zhang*.Sol-gel nanocasting synthesis of patterned hierarchical LaFeO3fibers with enhanced catalytic CO oxidation activity,Nanoscale, 2011,3(3):974-976.

148. Zhenxuan Zhao,Hongxing Dai*,Yucheng Du,Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Fengjuan Shi.Solvo- or hydrothermal fabrication and excellent carbon dioxide adsorption behaviors of magnesium oxides with multiple morphologies and porous structures,MaterialsChemistryand Physics, 2011,128(3):348-356.

147.Haiyan Jiang,Hongxing Dai*, Xue Meng, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Kemeng Ji.Morphology-dependent photocatalytic performance of monoclinic BiVO4for methyl orange degradation under visible-light irradiation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(6):939-949.【Top Cited Papers for 2009-2012

146. Xuehong Zi, Rui Wang, Licheng Liu,Hongxing Dai, Guizhen Zhang, Hong He*.Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide assisted preparation and Characterizationof Pd nanoparticles with spherical, wire-like and network-like morphologies,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(5):827-835.

145.Han Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Haiyan Jiang, Fengjuan Shi, Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*.Dual-templating preparation and enhanced low-temperature reducibility of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous ceria with mesoporous walls,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(5):842-852.【Top Cited Papers for 2013

144.Yucheng Du*, Shuli Shi, Cangyou Bu,Hongxing Dai, Zhenguang Guo, Guiyan Tang.Effect of particle size distribution of calcined diatomites on the extinction performance,Particulate Science and Technology,2011,29(4):368-377.

143. Yucheng Du*, Shuli Shi,Hongxing Dai.Water-bathing synthesis of high-surface-area zeolite P from diatomite,Particuology,2011,9(2):174-178.

142. Yucheng Du*, Shuli Shi, Hong He,Hongxing Dai.Fabrication and characterization of Ce0.7Zr0.3O2nanorods with high specific surface area and large oxygen storage capacity,Particuology,2011,9(1):63-68.

141. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Caixin Liu,Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*. Single-crystallinemesoporous CaO supported Cr-Vbinary oxides: Highly active catalystsfor the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane,Catalysis Today,2011,164(1):347-352.

140. Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*, Haiyan Jiang, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Chak Tong Au.Three-dimensionally ordered and wormhole-like mesoporous iron oxide catalysts highly active for the oxidation of acetone and methanol,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,186(1):84-91.

139. Zhenxuan Zhao,Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*,Yucheng Du,Xue Meng, Ruzhen Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng.Surfactant-assisted solvo- or hydrothermal fabrication and characterization of high-surface-area porous calcium carbonate with multiple morphologies,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2011,138(1-3):191-199.

138.Xue Meng,Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*,Zhenxuan Zhao, Ruzhen Zhang, Yuxi Liu.Surfactant-assisted hydrothermal fabrication and visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue over multiple morphological BiVO4single-crystallites,MaterialsChemistryand Physics, 2011,125(1):59-65.

137. Yao Honghua, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Activity of bimetallic RhAu/g-Al2O3catalyst for CO catalytic oxidation,Industrial Catalysis, 2011,19(8):16-23 (in Chinese).

136. Jiang Haiyan,Dai Hongxing*, Meng Xue, Zhang Lei, Deng Jiguang, Ji Kemeng.Morphology-dependent photocatalytic performance of monoclinic BiVO4for methyl orange degradation under visible-light irradiation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(6):939-949 (in Chinese).

135. Du Yucheng*, Yan Jing, Meng Qi, Li Yang,Dai Hongxing.Fabrication and characterization of antimony-doped tin oxide coating diatomite conductive material with microporous structure,Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2011,26(10):1031-1036 (in Chinese).

134.Dai Hongxing*, Deng Jiguang, Zhang Lei, Zhao Zhenxuan, Wang Guozhi, Liu Caixin, Li Huining.Soft- and hard-templating fabrication of porous MgO, CaO, and CaCO3,Inorganic Chemicals Industry, 2011,43(5):18-20, 54 (in Chinese).

133. Zi Xuehong, Wang Rui, Liu Licheng,Dai Hongxing, Zhang Guizhen,He Hong*.Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide assisted preparation and characterization of Pd nanoparticles with spherical, worm-like, and network-like morphologies,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011,32(5):827-835 (in Chinese).

132. Zhang Han, Zhang Lei, Deng JIguang, Liu Yuxi, Jiang Haiyan, Shi Fengjuan, Ji Kemeng,Dai Hongxing*.Dual-templating preparation and enhanced low-temperature reducibility of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous ceria with mesoporous walls,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2011,32(5):842-852 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2010

131. Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*, Lei Zhang, Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Ultrasound-assisted nanocasting fabrication and high catalytic activity of three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous chromia for the combustion of formaldehyde, acetone, and methanol,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010,100(1-2):229-237.

130. Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*, Haiyan Jiang, Lei Zhang.Three-dimensional ordered mesoporous cobalt oxides: Highly active catalysts for the oxidation of toluene and methanol,Catalysis Communications,2010,11(15):1171-1175.

129.Lixia Sang*,Hongxing Dai, Jihong Sun, Lixian Xu, Feng Wang, Chongfang Ma.Fabrication of the hydrogen-evolving photocatalyst with mesoporous structure,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010,35(13):7098-9103.

128. Guozhi Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Caixin Liu, Hong He, Chak Tong Au*.CrOx/nano-Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2catalysts that are highly selective for the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane to isobutene,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010,375(2):272-278.

127. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Haiyan Jiang,Yunsheng Xia,Huan Zhang, Hong He.Ultrasound-assistednanocasting fabrication of ordered mesoporous MnO2and Co3O4with highsurfaceareasand polycrystallinewalls,TheJournal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010,114(6):2694-2700.

126. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.A comparative investigation ofNdSrCu1-xCoxO4-dandSm1.8Ce0.2Cu1-xCoxO4-d(x= 0-0.4)for NO decomposition,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010,22(3):448-453.

125. Haiyan Jiang,Hongxing Dai*, Yunsheng Xia, Hong He.Synthesis and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous SnO2with high surface areas,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2010,31(3):295-301.

124. Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*, Yuxi Liu,Haiyan Jiang,Lei Zhang,Guozhi Wang, Hong He,ChakTongAu.Hydrothermal fabrication andcatalytic properties of La1-xSrxM1-yFeyO3(M = Mn, Co)that are highly active for the removal of toluene,Environmental Science & Technology, 2010,44(7):2618-2623.

123. Yue Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.Hydrothermal fabrication and catalytic properties of YBa2Cu3O7single crystallites for methane combustion,Catalysis Letters, 2010,135(1-2):126-134.

122. Lei Zhang, Yue Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Li Wei, Hong He.Hydrothermal synthesis and catalytic performance of single-crystallineLa2-xSrxCuO4for methane oxidation,Catalysis Today, 2010,153(3-4):143-149.

121. Qing Ye*, Juan Wang, Jiansheng Zhao, Dao Wang, Shuiyuan Cheng, Tianfang Kang,Hongxing Dai*.Pt or Pd-doped Au/SnO2catalysts: high activity for low-temperature CO oxidation,Catalysis Letters, 2010,138(1-2):56-61.

120. Lijing Meng, Licheng Liu, Xuehong Zi,Hongxing Dai, Zhen Zhao, Xinping Wang, He Hong*.Preparation of ceria-zirconia solid solution with enhanced oxygen storage capacity and redox performance,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 2010,4(2):164-171.

119. Licheng Liu, Ting Wei, Xuehong Zi, Hong He*,Hongxing Dai.Research on assembly of nano-Pd colloid and fabrication of supported Pd catalysts from the metal colloid,Catalysis Today, 2010,153(3-4):162-169.

118. Xia Yunsheng,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Fabrication and characterization of sphere-like and rod-like Eu2O3and Sm2O3nanoparticles,Journal of Beijing University of Technology,2010,36(1):87-91(in Chinese).

117. Zhang Lei, Mu Qing,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of Ce0.6Zr0.4O2and BaSO4micro/nano-particles,Journal of Beijing University of Technology,2010,36(3):359-363(in Chinese).

116. Jiang Haiyan,Dai Hongxing*, Xia Yunsheng, He Hong.Preparation and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous SnO2with high surface area,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2010,31(3):295-301(in Chinese).

115. Liu Licheng, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, Zhao Zhen, Wang Xinping, He Hong*.Preparation and characterization of RhAu/γ-Al2O3three-way nanocatalysts,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2010,31(7):781-787(in Chinese).

114. Wei Ting, Liu Licheng, Zi Xuehong, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing.Supported Pd/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2catalyst prepared from colloidal palladium nanoparticles,Journal of Rare Earths, 2010,28 (1):16-21(in Chinese).

113. Wang Rui, Zi Xuehong, Liu Licheng,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.The study and application of core-shell structure bimetallic nanoparticles,Progress in Chemistry, 2010,22(2-3):358-366(in Chinese).

112. Zhao Weifeng, Zi Xuehong, Liu Licheng,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Effects of carrier cell density on catalytic combustion of natural gas,Industrial Catalysis, 2010,18(2):12-17 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2009

111. Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*,Haiyan Jiang,Jiguang Deng,Hong He,and Chak Tong Au*.Mesoporous chromia with ordered three-dimensional structure for the complete oxidation of toluene and ethyl acetate,Environmental Science & Technology, 2009,43(21):8355-8360.

110. Huining Li,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.A simple strategy to fabricate unusually large-pore-volume 3D ordered macro- and mesoporous silica with PMMA and P123 as templates,Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings,2009,1(2-3):186-189.

109. Yunsheng Xia,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.Ultrasound-assisted hard-templating fabrication of 3D ordered mesoporous samarium oxide and europium oxide,Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings,2009,1(2-3):146-150.

108. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,HongxingDai*, Chak Tong Au.A studyon therelationship between low-temperature reducibility and catalytic performance of single-crystalline La0.6Sr0.4MnO3+δmicrocubesfor toluene combustion,Catalysis Letters, 2009,130(3-4):622-629.

107. Licheng Liu, Xiao Guan, Zhimei Li, Xuehong Zi, Hong He*,Hongxing Dai.Supported bimetallic AuRh/γ-Al2O3nanocatalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by propylene,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2009,90(1-2):1-9.

106. Licheng Liu, Ting Wei, Xiao Guan, Xuehong Zi, Hong He*,Hongxing Dai.Size and morphology adjustment of PVP-stabilized silver and gold nanocrystals synthesized by hydrodynamic assisted self-assembly,TheJournal of Physical Chemistry C,2009,113(20):8595-8600.

105. Huining Li, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.Facile synthesis and unique physicochemical properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous magnesium oxide, gamma-alumina, and ceria-zirconiasolid solutionswith crystalline mesoporous walls,Inorganic Chemistry, 2009,48(10):4421-4434.

104. Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He,Chak Tong Au.Preparation, characterization, and catalytic properties of NdSrCu1-xCoxO4-dand Sm1.8Ce0.2Cu1-xCoxO4+d(x= 0, 0.2 and 0.4) formethane combustion,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009,89(1-2):87-96.

103. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.Controlled synthesis, characterization, and morphology-dependent reducibility of ceria-zirconia-yttria solid solutions with nanorod-like, microspherical, microbowknot-like, and micro-octahedral shapes,Inorganic Chemistry, 2009,48(5):2181-2192.

102. Guozhi Wang, Lei Zhang,Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Preparation, characterization, and catalytic activity of chromia supported on SBA-15 for the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2009,355(1-2):192-201.

101. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Chak Tong Au,Hongxing Dai*.Template-free synthesis of high surface area single-crystalline lanthanum hydroxide nanorods via a low-temperature solution route,Materials Letters, 2009,63(6-7):632-634.

100. Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au.Binary Cr-Mo oxide catalysts supported onin-situMgO-coated polyhedral three-dimensional mesoporous SBA-16 for the oxidative dehydrogenation ofiso-butane,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2009,354(1-2):72-81.

99. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Hydrothermally fabricated single-crystalline strontium-substituted lanthanum manganite microcubes for catalytic combustion of toluene,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009,299(1-2):60-67.

98. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, C.T. Au.In situhydrothermallysynthesizedmesoporous LaCoO3/SBA-15 catalysts: highactivityfor the complete oxidation of toluene and ethylacetate,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2009,352(1-2):43-49.

97. Lixia Sang, Lixian Xu, Chongfang Ma,Hongxing Dai*.Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activities of InVO4/SBA-15 photocatalyst,Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2009,35(Suppl.):97-103(in Chinese).

96. Li Huining,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Synthesis and characterization of three-dimensional ordered macroporous Ce0.6Zr0.4O2solid solutions with mesoporous walls,Journal of Rare Earths, 2009,27(4):583-586 (in Chinese).

95. Zhang Yue, Zhang Lei, Deng Jiguang, Wei Li,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Hydrothermal fabrication and catalytic performance of single-crystalline La2-xSrxCuO4(x= 0, 1) with specific morphologies for methane oxidation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2009,30(4):347-354 (in Chinese).

94. Qiu Wen-ge*, Han Chun-huiLi Chuan-qiang, Bai Guang-mei, Song Xiu-qing,Dai Hongxing, He Hong.Synthesis of novel porphyrin derivatives with peripheral ligands,Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry, 2009,17(5): 591-593 (in Chinese).

93. Yang Liu, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Ba-doped CeO2-ZrO2solid solution: a novel O2and NO storage material,Industrial Catalysis, 2009,17(2):65-69 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2008

92. Caixin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Qing Mu,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He.Surfactant-aided hydrothermal synthesis and carbon dioxide adsorption behavior of three-dimensionally mesoporous calcium oxidesingle-crystallites with tri-, tetra- and hexagonal morphologies,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008,112(49):19248-19256.

91. Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, C.T. Au.Strontium-doped lanthanum cobaltite and manganite: highly active catalysts for toluene complete oxidation,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008,47(21):8175-8183.

90. Jiguang Deng, Yue Zhang,Hongxing Dai*,Lei Zhang,Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Effect of hydrothermal treatmenttemperature on the catalytic performanceofsingle-crystallineLa0.5Sr0.5MnO3-δmicrocubesfor the combustion of toluene,Catalysis Today,2008,139(1-2):82-87.

89. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Wenge Qiu,Hongxing Dai*,Hong He.AuOx/Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nano-sized catalysts active for the oxidation of methane,Catalysis Today,2008,139(1-2):29-36.

88. Guozhi Wang, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Caixin Liu, Hong He, Chak Tong Au*.P123-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of rectangular parallelepiped and hexagonal prism single-crystalline MgO with three-dimensional wormholelike mesopores,Inorganic Chemistry,2008,47(10):4015-4022.

87. Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Single-crystalline La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-dnanowires/nanorods derived hydrothermally without the use of a template: catalysts highly active for toluene complete oxidation,Catalysis Letters, 2008,123:294-300.

86. WeiLiu, SukYinLai,HongxingDai, Shuiju Wang, Haizhen Sun, ChakTongAu*.MgO-modified VOx/SBA-15 as catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation ofn-butane,Catalysis Today, 2008,131(1-4):450-456.

85. Lei Zhang, Yanhui Zhao,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, C. T. Au*.A comparative investigation on the properties of Cr-SBA-15 and CrOx/SBA-15,Catalysis Today,2008,131(1-4):42-54.

84. Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Application of natural gas catalytic combustion in infrared heating,Industrial Catalysis, 2008,16(8):43-47 (in Chinese).

83. Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Application of natural gas catalytic combustion in gas turbines and boilers,Industrial Catalysis, 2008,16(6): 40-44 (in Chinese).

82. Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Studies on natural gas catalytic combustion catalysts (II),Industrial Catalysis, 2008,16(5): 35-41 (in Chinese).

81. Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong*.Studies on natural gas catalytic combustion catalysts (I),Industrial Catalysis, 2008,16(4): 43-48 (in Chinese).

80. Wang Liang, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong, Wang Zhenyang, Zhao Weifeng.Premixed catalytic combustion of nature gas over Pd-based catalyst in multi-micro-channel,Journal of Rare Earths, 2008,26(3):281-285 (in Chinese).

79. Zhang Lei,Dai Hongxing*, Lu Xinyue, Wang Guozhi, He Hong.Synthesis and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous Al2O3,Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2008,34(7):750-754 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2007

78. Huining Li,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Chak Tong Au.Facile route using highly arrayed PMMA spheres as hard template for the fabrication of 3D ordered nanoporous MgO,Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007,20(6):697-700.

77. Wen-Ge Qiu*, Zong-Feng Li, Guang-Mei Bai, Sheng-Nan Meng,Hong-Xing Dai, Hong He.Interaction of water-soluble cationic porphyrin with anionic surfactant.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007,68(5):1164-1169.

76. Wen-Ge Qiu*, Zong-Feng Li, Guang-Mei Bai, Sheng-Nan Meng,Hong-Xing Dai, Hong He.Study on the inclusion behavior betweenmeso-tetrakis [4-(3-pyridiniumpropoxy) phenyl]porphyrin tetrakisbromide and β-cyclodextrin derivatives in aqueous solution.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007,66(4-5):1189-1193.

75. Jianrong Niu, Jiguang Deng, Wei Liu, Lei Zhang, Guozhi Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Xuehong Zi.Nanosized perovskite-type oxides La1-xSrxMO3-d(M = Co, Mn;x= 0, 0.4) for the catalytic removal of ethylacetate,Catalysis Today,2007,126(3, 4):420-429.

74. Hong He*, Mei Liu,Hongxing Dai, Wenge Qiu, Xuehong Zi.An investigation of NO/CO reaction over perovskite-type oxides La0.8Ce0.2B0.4Mn0.6O3(B = Cu or Ag) catalysts fabricated by reverse microemulsion,Catalysis Today, 2007,126(3, 4):290-295.

73. WeiLiu, SukYinLai,HongxingDai, Shuiju Wang, Haizhen Sun, ChakTongAu*.Oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butane over mesoporous VOx/SBA-15 catalysts,Catalysis Letters, 2007,113(3, 4):147-154.

72. Wang Guozhi, Zhang Lei, Deng Jiguang,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong.Synthesis and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2solid solutions,Chinese Science Bulletin,2007,52(2):175-180.

71. Zhang Yujuan, Wang Guozhi, Zhang Lei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong.Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of three-dimensional wormhole-like mesoporous Ag2O/Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2nanoparticles in methane oxidation,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2007,28(10):1929-1934(in Chinese).

70. Wang Liang, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong, Xue Bin, Wang Zhenyang, Zhao Weifeng.Characteristics of premixed catalytic combustion of natural gas,Journal of Combustion Science and Technology,2007,13(5):474-477(in Chinese).

69. Wang Zhenyang, Guan Xiao, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong.Preparation of Ag nanoparticles by ultrasound-assisted membrane reaction,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2007,28(9):1756-1758(in Chinese).

68. Xue Bin,He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong, Wang Liang, Wang Zhenyang.Effect of CeO2and Ce0.6Zr0.4O2solid solution on sulfur tolerance of Pd-based catalysts,Industrial Catalysis, 2007,15(9):19-24 (in Chinese).

67. He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong, Wang Zhenyang, Guan Xiao.High-performance nanosized Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2solid solutions prepared by ultrasound-assisted membrane reaction,Industrial Catalysis, 2007,14(z1):417-420 (in Chinese).

66. Xi Xiping, Chen Xiaobin, Wang Wei, Lu Yuanwei,Dai Hongxing, Ma Chongfang*.Preparation of TiO2nanopowder by liquid phase hydrolysis and its technology,Applied Chemical Industry, 2007,36(1):1-4 (in Chinese).

65. Xu Lixian, Ma Chongfang*, Sang Lixia, Li Qunwei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Highly efficient photocatalystInVO4/CNTs for water decomposition to produce hydrogen under visible light irradiation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2007,28(12):1083-1088 (in Chinese).

64. Xu Lixian, Sang Lixia,Dai Hongxing, Ma Chongfang*.Synthesis and characterization of SBA-15 and InVO4/SBA-15,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007,17(1):240-247 (in Chinese).

63. Xu Lixian, Li Qunwei, Sang Lixia, Meng Sheng,Dai Hongxing, Ma Chongfang*.Preparation of nanosized photocatalyst InVO4and its photocatalytic activity for water decomposition,Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2007,33(1):51-56 (in Chinese).

62. Sang Lixia, Xu Lixian, Li Qunwei,Dai Hongxing, He Hong, Ma Chongfang*.Preparation and hydrogen evolution from water of high-efficiency visible light-driven InVO4/CNTs photocatalysts,Journal of Molecular Catalysis ( China ), 2007,21(z1):379-380 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2006

61. Niu Jianrong, Liu Wei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong, Li Peiheng.Preparation and characterization ofhighly active nanosized strontium-doped lanthanum cobaltate catalysts with high surface areas,Chinese Science Bulletin,2006,51(14):1673-1681.

60. Lixian Xu, Lixia Sang, Chongfang Ma*, Yuanwei Lu, Feng Wang, Qunwei Li,Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Jihong Sun.Preparation of mesoporous InVO4photocatalyst and its photocatalytic performance for water splitting,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2006,27(2):100-102.

59. He Hong*, Zhang Jianxia, Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong.Catalytic combustion of methane over noble metals supported fibers catalysts,Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2006,32(12):1097-1101, 1110 (in Chinese).

58. Sang Lixia, Ma Chongfang*, Sun Jihong,Dai Hongxing, Wang Feng, Li Jun.Synthesis and characterization of doped mesoporous TiO2materials,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2006,27(9):1608-1611 (in Chinese).

57. Sang Lixia*, Li Qunwei, Ma Chongfang*, Xu Lixian, Sun Jihong,Dai Hongxing, He Hong.Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water over layered K-Fe-Ti metal oxides,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2006,27(10):880-884 (in Chinese).

56. Wang Guozhi, Zhang Lei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong.Preparation and characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2solid solutions,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006,51(18):2109-2113 (in Chinese).

55. Wang Zhenyang, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong, Wang Liang, Xue Bin.Research progress in photocatalysis of rare earth-doped titanium oxides,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):94-99 (in Chinese).

54. Deng Jiguang, Wang Guozhi, Zhang Yujuan,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Qiu Wenge, Zi Xuehong.Advancement of preparation strategies and photocatalytic performance of perovskite-type oxides,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):80-93 (in Chinese).

53. Niu Jianrong, Deng Jiguang, Wang Guozhi,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Qiu Wenge, Zi Xuehong.Preparation of high-surface-area LaOBr by novel method,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):46-49 (in Chinese).

52. Sang Lixia, Liu Yu, Li Qunwei, Xu Lixian, Ma Chongfang*,Dai Hongxing, He Hong.Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water over nano perovskites LaFeO3,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):42-45 (in Chinese).

51. Zhang Jianxia, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Zi Xuehong.Catalytic combustion of methane over ceria-doped palladium supported fibers catalysts,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):24-27 (in Chinese).

50. Zhang Yujuan, Niu Jianrong, Wang Guozhi, Li Dong,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Qiu Wenge.Investigation on catalytic behaviors of PdO/nano-Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2in methane oxidation,Journal of Rare Earths, 2006,24(z1):1-5 (in Chinese).

49. Niu Jianrong, Liu Wei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong, Li Peiheng.Preparation and characterization ofhighly active nanosized strontium-doped lanthanum cobaltate catalysts with high surface areas,Chinese Science Bulletin,2006,51(8):912-918(in Chinese).

48. Xu Lixian, Sang Lixia, Li Qunwei,Dai Hongxing, Ma Chongfang*.Preparation of carbon nanotubes-supported InVO4and photocatalytic performance for water splitting,Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2006,28(z1): 154-156 (in Chinese).

47. Xu Lixian, Sang Lixia, Ma Chongfang*, Lu Yuanwei, Wang Feng, Li Qunwei,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Sun Jihong.Preparation of mesoporous InVO4photocatalystand its photocatalytic performance for water splitting,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2006,27(2):100-102 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2005

46. Chaktong Au*, Zhongyu Wang, Weijie Ji*, Kinmei Cammy Liu,Hongxing Dai.Activation and conversion of propane over nanosized MnOx-MOy(M = Cu, V) promoted, sulfated yttria-stabilized zirconia-titania catalysts,Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis), 2005,87(1):59-66.

45. Chen Xiaobin, Xi Xiping,Dai Hongxing, Lu Yuanwei, Ma Chongfang*.Research progress on the fiber- and nanoclay-reinforced concretes,Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2005,22(z1):188-192 (in Chinese).

44. Liu Wei, Li Peiheng*,Dai Hongxing, He Hong, Sun Jihong, Zi Xuehong.Effect of different types of surfactants on properties of ceria-zirconia solid solutions,Journal of Rare Earths, 2005,23(z1):17-20 (in Chinese).

43. Niu Jiangrong, Liu Wei, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Li Peiheng.Preparation, characterization, and catalytic performance of La1-xSrxMnO3-δ(x= 0, 0.4) nanoparticles,Journal of Rare Earths, 2005,23(z1):12-16 (in Chinese).

42. Wang Guozhi, Niu Jianrong,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Zi Xuehong, Li Peiheng.Preparation methods of one to three0dimensional rare earth compound nanoparticles,Journal of Rare Earths, 2005,23(z1):1-11 (in Chinese).

41. Niu Jiangrong, Liu Wei, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Li Peiheng.Preparation and characterization of high-surface-area La2O2CO3nanowires,Journal of Rare Earths, 2005,23(z1):33-36 (in Chinese).

40. Xu Lixian, Sang Lixia, Wang Feng, Li Qunwei, Ma Chongfang*,Dai Hongxing.A study on the synthesis and photocatalytic performance of mesoporous InVO4nanoparticles for hydrogen production via a water splitting route.Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences)---Proceedings of the 6thNational Symposium on Catalysts Preparation Science and Technology, 2005,34(11):201-204 (in Chinese).

39. Liu Mei, He Hong*, Niu Jianrong,Dai Hongxing, Qiu Wenge, Zi Xuehong.W/O microemulsion preparation and catalytic performance of La0.8Ce0.2Mn1-xBxO3(B= Cu, Ag),Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences)---Proceedings of the 6thNational Symposium on Catalysts Preparation Science and Technology, 2005,34(11):83-85 (in Chinese).

38. Niu Jianrong, Liu Wei, Liu Mei, Zi Xuehong,Dai Hongxing*, He Hong.Hydrothermalsynthesis and catalytic performance of high-surface-area La1-xSrxMnO3nanoparticles,Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences)---Proceedings of the 6thNational Symposium on Catalysts Preparation Science and Technology, 2005,34(11):79-82 (in Chinese).

37. Yan Zhi-hui, He Hong*, Zhang Mi-lin*,Dai Hong-xing, Sun Ji-hong, Zi Xue-hong.Preparation of Ba0.8La0.2MnAl11O19and catalytic activity of methane combustion”,Applied Science and Technology, 2005,32(5):61-64(in Chinese).

Publications in 2004

36.Hongxing Dai, Alexis T. Bell*, Enrique Iglesia*.Effects of molybdena on the catalytic properties of vanadia domains supported on alumina for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane,Journal of Catalysis,2004,221(2):491-499.

35.Hongxing Dai*, Hong He, Peiheng Li, Lizhen Gao, Chak-Tong Au.The relationship of structural defect-redox property-catalytic performance of perovskites and their related compounds for CO and NOxremoval,Catalysis Today, 2004,90(3-4):231-244.

34. Hong He*,Hongxing Dai, Chak-Tong Au.Defective structure, oxygen mobility, oxygen storage capacity, and redox properties of RE-based (RE = Ce, Pr) solid solutions,Catalysis Today, 2004,90(3-4):245-254.

33.Hongxing Dai, Larry Chen, T. Don Tilley, Enrique Iglesia*, Alexis T. Bell*.Effects of additives on the activity and selectivity of supported vanadia catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2004,147:679-684.

32.Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Li Peiheng, Sun Jijong,A.T. Bell, E. Iglesia.Raman and TPR investigations on the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over the VOx/MoOx/Al2O3catalysts,Petrochemical Technology, 2004,33(z1):540-542 (in Chinese).

31. Tang Xuan, Wang Zhongshi, Zhang Xiaoqiang,Dai Hongxing, He Hong, Sun Jihong*.The tracking study on mesoporous molecular sieve TUD-1,PetrochemicalTechnology, 2004,33(z1):1122-1123 (in Chinese).

30. He Hong,Dai Hongxing, Li Peiheng, Au Chak Tong*.CO surface oxidative reaction and18O-16O isotopic exchange over Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2and Pr0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2catalysts,Journal of Rare Earths, 2004,22(4):547-550 (in Chinese).

29.Liu Mei, He Hong*,Dai Hongxing.Research progress on preparation of ceria-zirconia solid solutions,Journal of Rare Earths,2004,22(z2):1-6 (in Chinese).

28. Li Peiheng*, Liu Wei, Sun Guangmin, Huang Zhiyong, He Hong,Dai Hongxing.Simulation and optimization of design of three-way catalysts containing CexZr1-xO2by using neural networks,Journal of Rare Earths, 2004,22(z2):7-11 (in Chinese).

27.Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Li Peiheng, Sun Jihong, Zi Xuehong.Investigation on rare earth perovskite-type oxide catalysts for CO low-temperature oxidation,Journal of Rare Earths,2004,22(z2):22-25 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2003

26. H. He,H.X. Dai, K.W. Wong, C.T. Au*.RE0.6Zr0.4-xYxO2(RE= Ce, Pr;x= 0, 0.05) solid solutions: An investigation on defective structure, oxygen mobility, oxygen storage capacity, and redox properties,Applied CatalysisA: General, 2003,251(1):61-74.

25.Dai Hongxing*, He Hong, Li Peiheng, Zi Xuehong.Research progress of rare earth perovskite-type oxide catalysts,Journal of Rare Earths,2003,21(z2):1-15 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2002

24. H. He*,H.X. Dai*, L.H. Ng, K.W. Wong, C.T. Au*.Pd-, Pt-, and Rh-loaded Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2three-way catalysts: An investigation on performance and redox properties,Journal of Catalysis, 2002,206(1):1-13.

23.H.X. Dai, C.T. Au*.The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethene (A Comprehensive Review Article),Current Topics in Catalysis, 2002,3(1):33-80.

22.H.X. Dai, Z.L. Yu, C.T. Au*.M/BCS (M= Ni, Co; BCS = 30 mol% BaCl2/Sm2O3): Effective catalysts for the partial oxidation of ethane to a feedstock gas suitable for ethene hydroformylation,Catalysis Letters,2002,79(1-4):27-32.

21.H.X. Dai, H. He, C.T. Au*.Ethane oxidative dehydrogenation over halogenated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8-dcatalysts,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2002,41(1):37-45.

20. He Hong*,Dai Hongxing, Li Peiheng, Ou Zetang.Investigation on oxygen storage capacity and redox properties over Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2and Pr0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2solid solutions,Journal of Rare Earths, 2002,20(z1):43-46 (in Chinese).

Publications in 2001

19.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Hole-doped La1.85Sr0.15CuO4-dXs(X= F, Cl) and electron-doped Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-dXshalo-oxide catalysts for the selective oxidation of ethane to ethene,Journal of Catalysis, 2001,197(2):251-266.

18.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.SrCl2-promoted REOx(RE = Ce, Pr, Tb) catalysts for the selective oxidation of ethane: A study on performance and defective structures for ethene formation,Journal of Catalysis, 2001,199(1):177-192.

17. H. He,H.X. Dai, K.Y. Ngan, C.T. Au*.Molybdenum nitride for the direct decomposition of NO,Catalysis Letters, 2001,71(3-4):147-153.

16.H.X. Dai, H. He, W. Li, Z.Z. Gao, C.T. Au*.Perovskite-type oxide ACo0.8Bi0.2O3.12(A = La0.8Ba0.2): A catalyst for low-temperature CO oxidation,Catalysis Letters, 2001,73(2-4):149-156.

15.H.X. Dai, C.T. Au*, Y. Chan, K.C. Hui, Y.L. Leung.Halide-doped perovskite-type AMn1-xCuxO3-d(A = La0.8Ba0.2) catalysts for ethane-selective oxidation to ethene,Applied CatalysisA: General, 2001,213(1):91-102.

14. H. He,H.X. Dai, C.T. Au*.An investigation on the utilization of perovskite-type oxides La1-xSrxMO3(M = Co0.77Bi0.20Pd0.03) as three-way catalysts,Applied CatalysisB: Environmental, 2001,33(1):65-80.

13.H.X. Dai, H. He, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Halo-oxide ACuO2-dXs(A = Sr0.63Ca0.27, X = F, Cl) catalysts active and durable for ethane selective oxidation to ethene,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2001,171(1-2):217-227.

Publications in 2000

12.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Perovskite-type halo-oxide La1-xSrxFeO3-dXs(X = F, Cl) catalysts selective for the oxidation of ethane to ethene,Journal of Catalysis, 2000,189(1):52-62.

11.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.YBa2Cu3O7-dXs(X = F, Cl): Highly active and durable catalysts for the selective oxidation of ethane to ethene,Journal of Catalysis, 2000,193(1):65-79.

10.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Halogenated La1.6Sr0.4CuO4catalysts active for ethane selective oxidation to ethene,Catalysis Letters, 2000,67(2-4):183-192.

9.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Raman spectroscopic and EPR investigations of oxygen species on SrCl2-promoted Ln2O3(Ln = Sm and Nd) catalysts for ethane-selective oxidation to ethene,Applied CatalysisA: General, 2000,202(1):1-15.

8. W. Zhong,H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.A comparison of nanoscale and large-size BaCl2-modified Er2O3catalysts for the selective oxidation of ethane to ethylene,Applied CatalysisA: General, 2000,203(2):239-250.

7. W. Zhong,H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.The effects of particle size on the performance of Er2O3and 30 mol% BaCl2/Er2O3catalysts in the selective oxidation of ethane to ethene,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2000,130:1751-1756.

6.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.Perovskite-type chloro-oxide SrCoO3-dCls: A novel and durable catalyst for the selective oxidation of ethane to ethene,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2000,130:1757-1762.

Publications in 1999

5.H.X. Dai, Y.W. Liu, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.The performance and characterization of BaO- and BaX2(X = F, Cl, Br)-promoted Y2O3catalysts for the selective oxidation of ethane to ethene,Journal of Catalysis, 1999,187(1):59-76.

4.H.X. Dai, C.F. Ng, C.T. Au*.The catalytic performance and characterization of a durable perovskite-type chloro-oxide SrFeO3-dClscatalyst selective for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane,Catalysis Letters, 1999,57(3):115-120.

3. C.T. Au*, K.D. Chen,H.X. Dai, Y.W. Liu, C.F. Ng.The modification of Ho2O3with BaCl2for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane,Applied CatalysisA: General, 1999,177(2):185-191.

Publications in and before 1998

2. C.T. Au*, K.D. Chen,H.X. Dai, Y.W. Liu, J.Z. Luo, C.F. Ng.Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethene over BaO- and BaBr2-modified Ho2O3catalysts,Journal of Catalysis, 1998,179(2):300-308.

1. Wan Li*,Hongxing Dai, Yiwei Lieu.Improving SO2resistance of base metal perovskite-type oxidation catalyst,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 1993,75:1793-1796.



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