




1999.09~2003.06 湖南大学环境工程专业,工学学士学位

2003.09~2008.06 湖南大学环境科学与工程专业,工学博士学位


2008.07~至今 北京工业大学,教师

2018.08 ~ 2019.08 美国辛辛那提大学,国家公派访问学者


1. 生物法处理挥发性有机物及恶臭物质

2. 生物固碳技术

3. 环境微生物技术


1. 本科生课程:大气污染控制工程-1、大气污染控制工程实验、污染控制工程实验、大气污染控制工程课程设计

2. 研究生课程:大气污染控制理论与技术


1. 北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目(KM201810005034),2018.01-2020.12

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(21107004),2012.1-2014.12

3. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金-新教师类(20101103120018),2011.1-2013.12

4. 北京工业大学青年科研基金项目(00500054K4006),2010.1-2011.12

5. 横向课题若干


1. Liu Jia*, Ji Qianzhu, Li Ping, Sun Shiyu, Liang Wenjun. Swelling problems in immobilized filler: an improvement method and comparative study of the effect of different fillers on biotrickling filters[J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 2025, 48(2): 193-207.

2. Ji Qianzhu, Liu Jia*, Sun Shiyu, Yang Jingsu, Liang Wenjun. Formation and nutrient slow-release mechanism of immobilized fillers based on fly ash and their application to a biotrickling filter[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2025: 115836.

3. Qin Yiwei, Liu Jia*, Zhang Yun, Wu Hongmei. Effect of commutation on pressure drop and microbial diversity in a horizontal biotrickling filter for toluene removal[J]. Archives of Microbiology. 2024, 206(3): 109.

4. Liu Jia* Han Yueyang Dou Xiaona. Effect of toluene on m-xylene removal in a biotrickling filter: Performance, biofilm characteristics, and microbial analysis[J]. Environmental Research. 2024, 245: 117978.

5. Liu Jia*, Lu Shaojie, Li Ping, Liang Wenjun. Effect of starvation on the performance of a biotrickling filter packed with diatomaceous earth composite fillers for xylene removal[J]. Process safety and environmental protection. 2023, 179: 714-723.

6. Dou Xiaona, Liu Jia*, Qi Hongyi, Li Ping, Lu Shaojie, Li Jian. Synergistic removal of m-xylene and its corresponding mechanism in a biotrickling filter[J]. Process Biochemistry. 2022, 118: 404-412.

7. Zhang Yun, Liu Jia*, Chen Ying, Li Jian. Screening and study of the degradation characteristics of efficient toluene degrading bacteria combinations[J]. Environmental technology. 2021, 42(21): 3403-3410.

8. Zhang Yun, Liu Jia*, Qin Yiwei, Yang Zhuhui, Cao Jingyang, Xing Yi, Li Jian. Performance and microbial community evolution of toluene degradation using a fungi-based bio-trickling filter[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 365: 642-649.


1. 梁文俊,李晶欣,竹涛,刘佳,等. 挥发性有机物低温等离子体协同处理技术. 北京:化学工业出版社(第一版),2024.

2. 梁文俊,刘佳,刘春敬,等. 农作物秸秆处理处置与资源化. 北京:化学工业出版社(第一版),2018.


1. 刘佳,鲁少杰,李萍,冀芊竹,梁文俊. 一种强化生物滴滤塔性能的硅藻土基复合填料,专利号:ZL 202211275873.4

2. 刘佳,杨竹慧,李坚,曹菁洋. 一种强化疏水性甲苯生物降解的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201410086006.5

3. 刘佳,杨景素,王俊,冀芊竹,梁文俊. 一种改良喷淋结构的生物滴滤强化气态污染物降解装置及方法,发明专利,申请号:202411694334.3


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