[1] Jialin Xu, Ziying Huang, Chengshun Xu, Jianhong Zhang, Rui Wang*. Experimental investigation on methane hydrate-bearing sediment permeability under a wide range of conditions. Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 150: 104095.
[2] Jialin Xu, Rui Wang*, Chengshun Xu, Yuxi Wang, Jianhong Zhang. Application and improvement of a stress partition framework-based methane hydrate-bearing sediment constitutive model for wide range confining stress. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 159: 105463.
[3] Jialin Xu, Chengshun Xu*, Linghui Huang, Masayuki Hyodo. Strength estimation and stress–dilatancy characteristics of natural gas hydrate–bearing sediments under high effective confining pressure. Acta Geotechnica, 2023, 18: 811-827.
[4] Jialin Xu, Chengshun Xu*, Norimasa Yoshimoto, Masayuki Hyodo, Shintaro Kajiyama, Linghui Huang. Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of methane hydrate-bearing sediments under high effective confining pressure. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE, 2022, 148(3): 04021190.
[5] Jialin Xu, Chengshun Xu*, Rui Wang, Chenglong Jiang, Shuang Jiao, Masayuki Hyodo. Microscopic mechanism analysis of influence of high effective confining pressure on mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 152: 105011.
[6] Jialin Xu, Chengshun Xu*, Norimasa Yoshimoto, Masayuki Hyodo, Shintaro Kajiyama, Linghui Huang. Compression and deformation characteristics of hydrate-bearing sediments under high effective confining pressure. International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE, 2022, 22(6): 04022067.
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[8] Shuang Jiao, Chengshun Xu*, Jialin Xu, Chenglong Jiang. Influence of volume loss for the fragment replacement method (FRM) in three dimensions. Journal of Materials Science, 2023, 58(7): 1-18.
[9] Shuang Jiao, Chengshun Xu*, Shuang Xu, Jialin Xu. Research on breakage mechanical properties of fragile granular material considering the effect of gradations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82: 432.
[10] 徐爽, 徐佳琳, 许成顺*, 等. 颗粒破碎对水合物沉积物基质宏-细观力学特性影响的离散元分析. 太阳能学报, 2024, 45(06): 680-690.
[11] Linghui Huang, Chengshun Xu*, Jialin Xu, Yuqing Zhao. Hydrate dissociation evaluation and stratum subsidence response induced by depressurization in hydrate-bearing permafrost. Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36(18): 11077-11088.
[12] Linghui Huang, Chengshun Xu*, Jialin Xu, Xiaoling Zhang, Fei Xia. The depressurization of natural gas hydrate in the multi-physics coupling simulation based on a new developed constitutive model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 95: 103963.