1.Xiaojing Zhang,Tianyang Zhang,Guanzhang Luo,Jiaze Sun,Caixia Zhao,Jingchao Xie,
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2.Xiaojing Zhang, Caixia Zhao, Tianyang Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Jiaping Liu, Nan Zhang.
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3. Shibo Gai,Xiaojing Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Guofeng Xiao, Jiaping Liu.Comparison of typical meteorological year generation methods for building energy simulation in marine climate of China.Energy and Buildings, 2023, 304:113845
4. Kaili Yin,Xiaojing Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Ziyang Hao, Guofeng Xiao, Jiaping Liu.Modeling hourly solar diffuse fraction on a horizontal surface based on sky conditions clustering. Energy, 2023, 156: 106723
5. Jinyue Zhou,Xiaojing Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Jiaping Liu.Effects of elevated air speed on thermal comfort in hot-humid climate and the extended summer comfort zone. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 287: 112953
6. Jinyue Zhou,Xiaojing Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Jiaping Liu.Occupant's preferred indoor air speed in hot-humid climate and its influence on thermal comfort. Building and Environment, 2023, 197: 107851
7.Ziyang Hao,Xiaojing Zhang, Kaili Yin, Jingchao Xie, Jiaping Liu.Balance point temperature and heating degree-days in different climate conditions for building energy efficiency applications. Building and Environment, 2022, 216: 109013.
8. Xiaojing Zhang, Guanzhang Luo, Jingchao Xie, Jiaping Liu. Associations of bedroom air temperature and CO2concentration with subjective perceptions and sleep quality during transition seasons. Indoor Air. 2021, 31(4):1004-1017.
9.Ziyang Hao,Xiaojing Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Jianping Wang, Jiaping Liu. Building climate zones of major marine islands in China defined using two-stage zoning method and clustering analysis, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2020.07.004.
10.谢静超;杨柳;张晓静;薛鹏;燕达;王建平;吕阳;刘大龙;李琼;张会波;张宏;杨红;白璐;武利璇;尹凯丽;盖世博;梁攀;肖潺;郝梓仰;崔亚平;刘绵红;极端热湿气候区暖通空调设计用气象参数, T/AHX-107-2021,中国工程建设标准化协会, 2021.