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[8]Yanting Huang, Ming Zhu, Liang Sun, Zewei Zheng, Cheng Jin. Adaptive backstepping control for autonomous shipboard landing of a quadrotor with input saturation,Asian Journal of Control,2021, 23(4):1693-1706.
[9]Liang Sun, Yanting Huang, Zewei Zheng, Bing Zhu, Jingjing Jiang. Adaptive nonlinear relative motion control of quadrotors in autonomous shipboard landings,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(4),:13569-13592,.
[10]Yu Wu, Jinzhan Gou, Xinting Hu, Yanting Huang. A new consensus theory-based method for formation control and obstacle avoidance of UAVs,Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 107:106332.