



姓名: 李昂

职称: 副研究员

所在部门: 材料科学与工程学院




2021-2022 Nanomaterials SI(IF=5.72)客座编辑;

Sci. Adv.; Adv. Funct. Mater.; ACS Catal.; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.; Angew. Chem.; ACS Appl. Nano Mater.; Chem. Mater.; ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.; J. Alloy Compd.; Nanoscale等国际SCI学术期刊审稿人。


1.原位环境电子显微学(in situ Environmental TEM):发展多场耦合环境透射电子显微学,原子尺度动态研究物质显微结构演化规律及其与性能相关性;

2.半导体纳米结构外延生长(Semiconductor Epitaxy):基于气相外延实现半导体纳米异质结构的图案化生长与器件构建;

研究成果在Nature和其子刊、Adv. Mater.、Mater. Today、Acta Mater.、Angew. Chem.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、NPJ Quantum Inf.、ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.、ACS Catal.、Corros. Sci.等期刊发表论文80余篇,他引累积9000余次,h因子41,i10因子90。


2003.09至2007.07吉林大学 材料科学系 材料物理专业 本科生

2007.09至2009.06吉林大学 材料与工程学院 材料物理与化学专业


2009.01至2014.03意大利比萨高等师范学校 自然科学院 凝聚态物理专业


2013.04至2015.10荷兰埃因霍温理工大学 应用物理系 博士后研究员

荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 应用物理系 博士后研究员


2015.11至今 北京工业大学 副研究员











1. Atomic dispersion of Ag on Mn2O3 for soot catalytic oxidation: Dispersion mechanism and catalytic intermediate identification.Materials Today Nano29, 100597, 2025.

2. Surface structure-dependent nucleation and rotated sintering of an initially oxidized AuCu nanoalloy.Applied Surface Science693, 162788, 2025.

3. ‘Tearing Effect’ of Alloy–Support Interaction for Alloy Redispersion in NiRu/TiO2 Hydrogenation Catalysts.Angewandte Chemie International Editione202425066, 2025.

4.Ultra-large springback bending strain and its atomistic mechanism in Ni nanowires,Journal of Alloys and Compounds1010, 177930, 2025.

5. In Situ Atomic‐Scale Experiments Reveal the Atomistic Mechanisms of Grain Boundary Plasticity.Advanced Functional Materials35, 2411440, 2025.

6.Reveal and correlate working geometry and surface chemistry of Ni nanocatalysts in CO2 reforming of methane.Materials Today79, 16-27, 2024.

7.An integrated carbon dioxide capture and methanation process.CCS Chemistry6, 1174-1183, 2024.

8.Direct observation of oxygen vacancy formation and migration over ceria surface by in situ environmental transmission electron microscopy.Journal of Rare Earths42, 676, 2024.

9.Effect of the Ni/Co ratio on the structural and initial oxidation properties of NiCo-based superalloys revealed by in situ microscopy.Journal of Materials Research and Technology29, 779, 2024.

10.Interface catalytic reduction of alumina by nickle for the aluminum nanowire growth: Dynamics observed by in situ TEM.Nano Research17, 1225, 2024.

11.Metal Halide Perovskites for Direct X‐Ray Detection in Medical Imaging: To Higher Performance.Advanced Functional Materials, 2401017, 2024.

12.In Situ Atomic-Scale Evidence of Unconventional Plastic Behavior at The Crack Tip in AuCu Nanocrystals.Advanced Functional Materials34, 2305636, 2024.

13.Self-carbon-thermal-reduction strategy for boosting the Fenton-like activity of single Fe-N4 sites by carbon-defect engineering.Nature Communications14, 7549, 2023.

14.Microstructure and oxidation of NiCr alloys studied by analytical in situ environmental TEM.Corrosion Science224, 111525, 2023

15.Atomic defects engineering on Fe-N4 sites for boosting oxygen reduction by in-situ ZnO thermal etching strategy.Chemical Engineering Journal465, 142820, 2023.

16.TiO2-modified MoS2 monolayer films enable sensitive NH3 sensing at room temperature.Nanoscale15, 14514, 2023.

17.The n-p tunable room-temperature hydrogen response of SnO2-modified MoS2 thin films and its in-situ SKPM study.Science China Materials66, 4427, 2023

18.Hole-type superconducting gatemon qubit based on Ge/Si core/shell nanowire.npj Quantum Information9, 51, 2023.

19. An in situ elemental migration on a nanosize Cu–Sn interface in a microscope.Journal of Materials Research and Technology26, 7757, 2023.

20.Structural degradation and elemental variations in an ex-service first-stage gas turbine blade.Materials Characterization196, 112596, 2023.

21.Dynamic breakdown of passive films on stainless steel during in situ thermal oxidation.Corrosion Science209, 110799, 2022.

22. Highly dispersed Cr oxygenated species on Pt nanowire assemblies for enhanced electrocatalytic methanol oxidation.Chemical Communications58, 799, 2022.

23. Hexagonal silicon− germanium nanowire branches with tunable composition,Nanotechnology34, 015601, 2022.

24.Co and Pt dual-single-atoms with oxygen-coordinated Co-O-Pt dimer sites for ultrahigh photocatalytic hydrogen evolution efficiency.Advanced Materials33, 2003327, 2021.

25.In situ atomic-scale observation of AuCu alloy nanowire with superplasticity and high strength at room temperature.Materials Today Nano15, 100123, 2021.

26.Initial oxidation of Ni-based superalloy and its dynamic microscopic mechanisms: The interface unction initiated outwards oxidation.Acta Materialia215, 116991, 2021.

27.Selective oxidation of nanoscale nickel-based superalloys revealed by multi-dimensional electron tomography.Materials Characterization178, 111219, 2021.

28. Transforming cobalt hydroxide nanowires into single atom site catalysts.Nano Energy, 105799, 2021

29.Electron-Rich Ruthenium Single-Atom Alloy for Aqueous Levulinic Acid Hydrogenation.ACS Catalysis11, 12146, 2021.

30. Oxidation-Induced Rhenium Evaporation in Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloy Thin Lamella.Scripta Materialia203, 114106, 2021.

31. Confined Ru Nanocatalysts on Surface to Enhance Ammonia Synthesis: An In situ ETEM Study.ChemCatChem13, 534, 2021.

32. Dynamic Epitaxial Crystallization of SnSe2 on Oxidized SnSe Surface and its Atomistic Mechanism.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces12, 27700, 2020.

33.Multidimensional microscopic investigation of oxidation-induced hollow cavities in a Co-Al-W-Ti-Ta alloy nanotip by electron tomography.Journal of Alloys and Compounds848, 156243, 2020.

34. Understanding the structural evolution of Au/WO2.7 compounds in hydrogen atmosphere by atomic scale in situ environmental TEM.Nano Research13, 3019, 2020.

35. In situ oxidation analysis on Co-Al-W-Ti-Ta single-crystal alloy in an environmental TEM.Corrosion Science172, 108725, 2020.

36. Dynamic evolution of isolated Ru-FeP atomic interface sites for promoting the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction.Journal of Materials Chemistry A8, 22607, 2020.


1.Engineering Semi-Reversed Quantum Well Photocatalysts for Highly-Efficient Solar-to-Fuels Conversion.Advanced Materials36, 2311764, 2024.

2.Negative enthalpy alloys and local chemical ordering: a concept and route leading to synergy of strength and ductility.National Science Review11, nwae026, 2024.

3.Negative mixing enthalpy solid solutions deliver high strength and ductility.Nature625 (7996), 697, 2024.

4.Entropy stabilization strategy for enhancing the local structural adaptability of Li-rich cathode materials.Advanced Materials35, 2208726, 2023.

5.Tailoring the magnetic exchange interaction in MnBi2Te4 superlattices via the intercalation of ferromagnetic layers.Nature Electronics6, 18, 2023.

6.Control of spin current and antiferromagnetic moments via topological surface state.Nature Electronics5, 574, 2022.

7.Ultrahigh Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Efficiency and Selectivity Manipulation by Single-Tungsten-Atom Oxide at the Atomic Step of TiO2.Advanced Materials34, 2109074, 2022.

8.Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect.Nature Materials20, 800, 2021.

9.Ultrafast hole spin qubit with gate-tunable spin–orbit switch functionality.Nature Nanotechnology16, 308, 2021.

10. Large exchange splitting in monolayer graphene magnetized by an antiferromagnet.Nature Electronics3, 604, 2020

11.Iridium single-atom catalyst on nitrogen-doped carbon for formic acid oxidation synthesized using a general host–guest strategy.Nature Chemistry12 (8), 764, 2020.

12. Engineering unsymmetrically coordinated Cu-S1N3 single atom sites with enhanced oxygen reduction activity.Nature Communications11, 3049, 2020.



2024中国分析测试科学奖 特等奖 排名7/10










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