










  • 增材制造材料组织与变形行为研究

  • 原位电子显微学表征



  • 20069-20098月 香港城市大学,材料科学与工程系,博士,材料物理专业

  • 20019-20047月 广西大学,材料所,硕士,材料物理化学专业

  • 19959-19997月 太原理工大学,材料科学与工程系,本科,塑性成形专业


  • 20229-现在 北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,副研究员

  • 20186-20228月 北京工业大学激光工程研究院,副研究员

  • 20106-20186月 北京工业大学激光工程研究院,助理研究员

  • 20099-20102月 香港城市大学,材料科学与工程系,博士后

  • 20047-20068月 北京石油化学学院,纳米中心,助理研究员




1. Yixu Zhang, Liang Tang, Yongfeng Wang, Jin Wang, Jianli Zhou, Junxia Lu*, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Development and application of a high-temperature imaging system for in-situ scanning electron microscope, Materials Today Communications, 38 (2024) 107782.

2. Qi Ren, Jutian Chen, Junxia Lu*, Xiaopeng Cheng, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In-situ study of microstructure and mechanical properties of GH3536 alloy manufactured by selective laser melting at 750, Materials Science & Engineering A, 900 (2024) 146452.

3. Jutian Chen, Junxia Lu*, Xiaopeng Cheng, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In-situ study of the effect of grain boundary misorientation on plastic deformation of Inconel 718 at high temperature, Journal of Materials Science, 59 (2024) 7473-7488.

4. Muhammad Rizwan, Rafi Ullah, Junxia Lu, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Insight into elongation and strength enhancement of heat-treated LPBF Ni-based superalloy 718 using in-situ SEM-EBSD, Materials Science & Engineering A, 914 (2024) 147163.

5. Wenxiang Jiang, Junxia Lu*, Hao Guan, Mingming Wang, Xiaopeng Cheng, Linlin Liu, Xianqiang Liu, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Weitong Lin, Jing Hu, Study of pre-precipitated δ phase promoting deformation twinning and recrystallization behavior of Inconel 718 superalloy during hot compression, Materials & Design, 226 (2023) 111693.

6. Jutian Chen, Junxia Lu*, Wang Cai, Yuefei Zhang, Yongfeng Wang, Wenxiang Jiang, Muhammad Rizwan, Ze Zhang, In-situ study of adjacent grains slip transfer of Inconel 718 during tensile process at high temperature, International Journal of Plasticity, 163 (2023) 103554.

7. Mingming Wang, Xiaopeng Cheng, Wenxiang Jiang, Tianci Cao, Xianqiang Liu, Junxia Lu, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, The effect of amorphous coating on high temperature oxidation resistance of Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Corrosion Science, 213 (2023) 111000.

8. Hao Guan, Wenxiang Jiang, Junxia Lu*, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Precipitation of δ phase in Inconel 718 superalloy: The role of grain boundary and plastic deformation, Materials Today Communications, 36 (2023)106582.

9. Feiqi Li, Wenxiang Jiang, Junxia Lu*, Xiaopeng Cheng, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In situ EBSD study of formation and propagation of deformation bands in a single-crystal superalloy during tensile deformation, Journal of Materials Science, 58 (2023) 10764-10781.

10. Wenxiang Jiang, Junxia Lu, Feiqi Li, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In-situ EBSD invstigation of the effect of orientation on plastic deformation behavior of a single crystal superalloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 849 (2022) 143453.

11. Xiaoyi Ren, Junxia Lu*, Jianli Zhou, Xianqiang Liu, Wenxiang Jiang, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In-situ fatigue behavior of a nickel-based single-crystal superalloy with different orientation, Materials Science & Engineering A, 855 (2022) 143913.

12. Wenjie Gao, Junxia Lu*, Jianli Zhou, Lingen Liu, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Effect of grain size on deformation and fracture of Inconel 718: An in-situ SEM-EBSD-DIC investigation, Materials Science & Engineering A, 861 (2022) 144361.

13. Muhammad Rizwan, Junxia Lu*, Rafi Ullah, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Microstructural and texture evolution investigation of laser melting deposited TA15 alloy at 500 using in-situ EBSD tensile test, Materials Science & Engineering A, 857 (2022) 144062.

14. Wenling He, Junxia Lu*, Feiqi Li, Wenxiang Jiang, Jin Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, In-situ SEM study of creep deformation behavior of nickel-based single-crystal superalloy, Journal of Materials Science, 57 (2022) 13647-13659.

15. Junxia Lu*, Qi Zhu, Jin Wang, Hua Wei, Jiangwei Wang, Yuefei Zhang and Ze Zhang, Diffusive crack-grain interplay in freestanding nanocrystalline silver thin film, Materialia, 17 (2021) 101116.

16. Rafi Ullah, Junxia Lu*, Lijun Sang, Muhammad Rizwan, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Investigating the microstructural evolution during deformation of laser additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V at 400 using in-situ EBSD, Materials Science & Engineering A, 823 (2021) 141761.

17. Muhammad Rizwan, Junxia Lu*, Fei Chen, Ruxia Chai, Rafi Ullah, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, Microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of laser melting deposited TA15 alloy at 500 under in-situ tension in SEM, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 34 (2021) 1201.

18. Jinyao Ma, Junxia Lu, Liang Tang, Jin Wang, Lijun Sang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang, A novel instrument for investigating the dynamic microstructure evolution of high temperature service materials up to 1150 in scanning electron microscope, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91 (2020) 043704.

19. Rafi Ullah, Junxia Lu*, Lijun Sang, You Xiaoxiao, Wenjing Zhang, Yuefei Zhang and Ze Zhang. In-situ tensile deformation behavior of as-built laser direct metal deposited Ti–6Al–4V alloy at 200 , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 817 (2020) 152781.

20. Wenjing Zhang, Junxia Lu*, Jin Wang, Lijun Sang, Jinyao Ma, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang. In-situ EBSD study of deformation behavior of Inconel 740H alloy at high-temperature tensile loading, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 820 (2020) 153424.


地址:北京市朝阳区平乐园100号北京工业大学 材料科学与工程学院




  • 北京工业大学

  • 北京工业大学

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