1.Huiyan Li,Fang Ye*,Hang Guo. Experimental investigation on voltage response during mode switching from electrolysis cell to fuel cell when using gas purge [J]. Renewable Energy, 2025, 244: article number: 122658.
2.Shihao Zhou, Fang Ye, Wei Du, Hao Chen, Chengwei Deng. Effect of high-intensity vibration parameter on droplet transport characteristics in gas channel of proton exchange membrane fuel cell [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 157: article number: 107785. (SCI: 001268886600001, Impact Factor=6.4; EI: 20242816689097)
3.高伟龙,叶芳*,郭航,赵建福,陈浩.核态沸腾气泡动力学参数研究综述[J].煤气与热力,2023, 43(9): 6-18+33.
4.Hongzhe Zhang,Fang Ye*, Hang Guo, Xiaoke Yan. Isothermal performance of a temperature comparison source using potassium concentric annular heat pipe [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, 46(8): 11041-11052. (SCI: 000775694800001, Impact Factor=5.164; EI: 20221411921492)
5.Hongzhe Zhang,Fang Ye*, Hang Guo, Xiaoke Yan.Effects of heating temperature on the isothermal performance of a potassium concentric annular heat pipe [J]. Energies, 2022, 15(7): article number: 2367. (SCI:000780555200001, impact factor=3.004; EI:20221411882337)
6.Hongzhe Zhang,Fang Ye*, Hang Guo, Xiaoke Yan.Isothermal performance of heat pipes: a review [J]. Energies, 2022, 15(6): article number: 1992. (SCI: 000776812400001, impact factor=3.004; EI: 20221111802398)
7.宋泽华,叶芳*,陈浩,郭航, ZHANG W B.燃料电池汽车高压供氢系统辅助供冷仿真[J].太阳能学报, 2022, 43(6): 530-535. (EI: 20222812356077)
8.Hongzhe Zhang,Fang Ye*, Hang Guo, Xiaoke Yan. Sodium-Potassium Alloy Heat Pipe under Geyser Boiling Experimental Study: Heat Transfer Analysis[J], Energies, 2021, 14(22):article number:7582.(SCI: 000723489900001, impact factor=3.004; EI: 20214711203486)
9.Xianming Yuan,Fang Ye*, Hang Guo, Chongfang Ma.Voltage response and two-phase flow during mode switching from fuel cell to water electrolyser in a unitized regenerative fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(30): 15917-15925.(SCI: 000472814700023, impact factor=5.816; EI: 20183105646426)
10.张聪哲,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.制冷剂冷却电池的纯电动汽车热管理系统夏季工况模拟[J].制冷学报, 2019, 40(02): 12-19.
11.Fang Ye*, Jielin Jia, Hang Guo, Chongfang Ma,Dmitry V. Zaitsev, Oleg A. Kabov.CharacteristicsofCarbonDioxideBubblesandMethanol Solution Flow in Interdigitated Channels under Different Rotating Angles[J], Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2018, 6(4): 409–420.
12.张聪哲,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.纯电动汽车冷媒直冷夏季热管理系统性能模拟[J].应用能源技术, 2018, (4): 1-7.
14.伊许玲,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.质子交换膜电解池两相传热传质瞬态响应二维数值模拟[J].可持续能源, 2018, 8(1): 10-22.
15.Qing GUO,Fang YE*, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA.Gas/Water and Heat Management of PEM-Based Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Systems for Space Applications [J].Microgravity Science and Technology, 2017, 29(1): 49-63.(SCI: 000397028600006; EI : 20164803060344)
16.Fang Ye*, Jielin Jia, Hang Guo, Chongfang Ma. VISUAL OBSERVATION OF TWO-PHASE FLOW IN INTERDIGITATED CHANNELS OF A DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELL[J], Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2017, 5(4):337–349.
17.Fang Ye*, Jie Lin Jia, Hang Guo, Chong Fang Ma. GAS–LIQUID TWO-PHASE FLOW IN PARALLEL CHANNELS OF A DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELL[J], Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 2017, 5(4): 309–319.
18.叶芳,刘璿,赵建福,郭航,马重芳.微重力向超重力突变过程燃料电池性能及两相演化实验研究[C]//中国空间科学学会.第十届全国微重力科学学术会议论文集,银川:中国空间科学学会, 2017.8.18-21,文章编号: KL-FP-07.分会场主题报告.
19.YE F, YANG F F, LI R, ZHAO J F, GUO H, MA C F. Effect of heater surface orientation on single bubble growth processes in subcooled pool boiling of FC-72 [C]// Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, July 7-10, 2017, Xi’an, China. paper number: 3.Keynote Lecture.
20.吴铄,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.不同材料基片薄膜热传感器实验研究[J].中国科技论文, 2015, 10(23): 2697-2700, 2706.
21.吴铄,叶芳*,刘佳兴,郭航,马重芳.被动式直接甲醇燃料电池内部温度和热通量的同步在线测量[J],化工学报,2015, 66(S2): 180-185.(EI: 20154901649493)
22.程俊,叶芳*,张伟,郭航,马重芳,储能用质子交换膜电解池的发展现状[J],化学与生物工程, 2015, 32(1): 1-7, 15.
23.Shuo WU,Fang YE*, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA. Static and dynamic response of a cu-ni thin film heat flux sensor[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 960-961: 304-307.(EI:20142917952910)
24.张伟,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.一体式再生燃料电池两相流观测实验平台[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线[2014-06-20]. http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201406-314.
25.Fang YE, Zhaoyi WANG, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA, Numerical modeling of Two-phase flow in Anode of PEM Electrolyzer under zero gravity and normal gravity[C], The 10th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 28-31, 2014.
26.Fang YE, Feng WU, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA, Bubbles behavior in parallel channels of direct methanol fuel cell anode plate under different gravity level[C], The 10th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 28-31, 2014.
27.Fang Ye, Cuiping Lv, Hang Guo, Feng Wu, Jianfu Zhao, Chongfang Ma, Gravitational effect on performance of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell[C], 9th International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications,Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 22-26, 2014.
28.Fang Ye, Ziguang Yang, Hang Guo, Longyun Xu, Chongfang Ma. Bubbles growth behavior in a direct methanol fuel cell under different gravity level[C], 9th International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications,Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 22-26, 2014.
29.Longyun XU,Fang YE*, Wei ZHANG, Shuo WU, Jianfu ZHAO, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA, Two-side-simultaneously-observing test system of passive DMFC[J], Advanced Measurement and Test III, Vols.718-720: 881-885, 2013.(EI:20133516683071)
30.Fang Ye, Longyun Xu, Hang Guo, Wei Zhang, Shuo Wu, Jianfu Zhao, Chongfang, Ma, Passive DMFC's In-situ Performance and Two Phase Flow Behavior under Microgravity in Different Operating Temperature and Methanol Concentration[C], 8th International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications, Bremen, Germany, Sept. 16-19, 2013.
31.Longyun Xu,Fang Ye*, Jianfu Zhao, Shuo Wu, Wei Zhang, Wangfang Du, Hang Guo, Chongfang, Ma, Performance and Two Phase Flow Behavior of a Passive DMFC at Different Inclination Angle Under Microgravity[C], 8th International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications, Bremen, Germany, Sept. 16-19, 2013.
32.薛艳青,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.被动直接甲醇燃料电池阳极两相传质数值模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 34(10), 1882-1885, 2013.(EI: 20134516948710)
33.叶芳,杨紫光,郭航,马重芳.温度及倾角对被动式DMFC性能的影响[J].工程热物理学报, 34(08): 1552-1556, 2013.(EI:20133516670462)
34.Fang YE, Ziguang YANG, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA. Bubbles growth behavior in a passive direct methanol fuel cell at different placement angles[C]. In: Proceedings of the 9th China-Japan-Korea Workshop on Microgravity Sciences, Guilin, China, October 29- November 2, 2012.
35.Fang YE; Jingang ZHAO, Hang GUO, Chongfang MA. Two phase flow in Pin-type positive flow field of PEM water electrolyzer[C].In:Proceedings of Energy & Materials Research Conference, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, June 20-22, 2012, paper number: 524.
36.杨紫光,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.航天电源技术研究进展[J].化工进展, 2012, Vol.31, No.6, pp. 1231-1237.
37.Fang YE, Feng WU, Jian Fu ZHAO, Hang GUO, Shi Xin WAN, Cui Ping LV, Chong Fang MA. Experimental investigation of performance of a miniature direct methanol fuel cell in short-term microgravity[J], Microgravity Science and Technology, 2010. Vol.22, No.3, pp. 347-352. (SCI:000281257700012, EI: 20120314697751)
38.Fang YE, Hang GUO, Chong Fang MA. Two-phase flow in anode serpentine flow field of a direct methanol fuel cell[C], In: Proceedings of the ASME International Heat Transfer Conference, August 8-13, 2010, Washington D. C., UAS: ASME, paper number: IHTC14-23130. Vol. 5: Fuel Cells, Gas Turbines, Heat Pipes, Jet Impingement, Radiation, pp: 115-121.(EI : 20121914998442; ISTP WOS: 000307208800015)
39.赵金钢,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.平行流场气液两相流动瞬态模拟[J].化工学报, 2010, Vol.61, No.S2, pp.39-42.(EI: 20110613651527)
40.叶芳,孔佳,郭航,马重芳.直接甲醇燃料电池三通道蛇形阳极流场两相流研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2009, Vol.30, No.9, pp1509-1512.(EI : 20094412411817)
41.邱德财,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.质子交换膜燃料电池凝水的研究进展[J].电池, 2008, 38(5): 321-324.
42.孔佳,叶芳*,贾杰林,郭航,马重芳.直接甲醇燃料电池测试系统的搭建与调试[J].实验科学与技术, 2007, 5(3): 4-6.
43.吴峰,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.燃料电池在航天中的应用[J].电池,2007, 37(3): 238-240.
44.叶芳,徐榕,郭航,马重芳,汪茂海.直接甲醇燃料电池膜及阴极模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2006, Vol.27, No.6, pp. 1017-1019.(EI: 20070310373016)
45.叶芳,徐榕,郭航,马重芳,汪茂海.燃料电池阴极相变临界电流模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2006, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 94-96.(EI: 2006089715899)
46.律翠萍,叶芳*,郭航,马重芳.质子交换膜燃料电池的水热管理[J].节能, 2005, 25(8): 6-10.
47.叶芳,陈峰,郭航,马重芳,王朝阳. PEMFCs膜及阴极催化层数值模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2004, 25(5): 846-848. (EI: 2004448436779)
48.姜曙,叶芳*,俞坚,马重芳,三流道喷嘴涡流管能量分离特性的研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2004, 25(3): 499-501. (EI: 2004318291899)
49.叶芳,苑中显,马重芳,肖劲松.数值模拟铅蓄电池在SFUDS循环下的行为[J].工程热物理学报, 2001, 22(Suppl): 74-76.
50.苑中显,叶芳,陈峰,陈永昌,马重芳.人工土壤冻结过程的计算机模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2000, 21(4): 479-482. (EI: 2000115399847)