


















目前担任《Energy Reviews》期刊青年编委;《太阳能》期刊编委;《Frontiers in Energy Research》期刊Review Editor;


担任《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》,《汽车安全与节能》,《太阳能学报》等期刊审稿人。



[1].GUO Z R,CHEN H*, GUO H, YE F. Dynamic response and stability performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with orientational flow channels: An experimental investigation [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 247: 116467. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000897406400003, EI accession number: 20224613129530, Impact factor: 10.4, Q1)

[2].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. An experimental study of cell performance and pressure drop of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with baffled flow channels [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 472: 228456. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000558890300015, EI accession number: 20202608868963, Impact factor: 9.2, Q1)

[3].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Cell performance and flow losses of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientated-type flow channels [J]. Renewable Energy, 2022, 181, 1338- 1352. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000709777500001, EI accession number: 20214111008218, Impact factor: 8.7, Q1)

[4].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. A numerical study of orientated-type flow channels with porous-blocked baffles of proton exchange membrane fuel cells [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 46(57): 29443-29458. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000684995300010; EI accession number: 20210509869239, Impact factor: 7.2, Q1)

[5].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Improving Two-phase Mass Transportation under Non-Darcy Flow Effect in Orientated-type Flow Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(41): 21600-21618. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000660297100011, EI accession number: 20211810300092, Impact factor: 7.2, Q1)

[6].SONG W J,CHEN H*, GUO H, MA C F. Research Progress of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Utilizing in High Altitude Environments [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(59): 24945-24962. (CI accession number: WOS:000871876800013, EI accession number: 20223412622829, Impact factor: 7.2, Q1)

[7].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F.A numerical study of baffle height and location effects on mass transfer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientated-type flow channels [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(10): 7528-7545. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000614609100005, EI accession number: 20210109720656, Impact factor: 7.2, Q1)

[8].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Forchheimer's inertial effect on liquid water removal in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with baffled flow channels [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(3): 2990-3007. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000605478900016, EI accession number: 20203209014522, Impact factor: 7.2, Q1)

[9].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. A numerical study on convection and diffusion of mass transfer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientated-type flow channels [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(4): 5659-5678. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000594415200001, EI accession number: 20204909571355, Impact factor: 4.6, Q1)

[10].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F. Diffusive and convective mass transportations in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientational flow channels having porous blocks [J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022, 20(12): 1256-1265. (SCI accession number: WOS: 000765625200001, EI accession number: 20221111802904, Impact factor: 3.3, Q3)

[11].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Experimental investigations on cell performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientated-type flow channels [J]. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020, 146(6): 04020062. (SCI accession number: WOS:000609456500003, EI accession number: 20203809193048, Impact factor: 2.2,Q3)

[12].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Modification of the two-fluid model and experimental study of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with baffled flow channels [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 972-988. (SCI accession number: WOS:000482244300077 EI accession number: 20192407032545, Impact factor: 10.4, Q1: )

[13].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F, LIAO Q, ZHU X. Mass transfer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with baffled flow channels and a porous-blocked baffled flow channel design [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(7): 2910-2929. (WOS: 000468798400033, Impact factor: 4.6,Q1)

[14].GUO H*,CHEN H, YE F, MA C F. Baffle shape effects on mass transfer and power loss of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with different baffled flow channels [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(7): 2737-2755. (SCI accession number: WOS:000468798400023, EI accession number: 20190206351099, Impact factor: 4.6, Q1)

[15].HOU L F,CHEN H*, GUO H, YE F. Multi-objective optimization of gas diffusion layer structure parameters for proton exchange membrane fuel cell [J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2024, Early Access. (SCI accession number: WOS:000998347000001, EI accession number: 20232414215133, Impact factor: 3.3, Q3)

[16].GUO Z R,CHEN H*, GUO H, YE F. Experimental study on the evolution and distribution of interface heat characteristics in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientational channels [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 623: 235357. (SCI accession number: WOS:001310689700001, EI accession number: 20243617003025, Impact factor: 8.1, Q1)

[17].GUO Z R,CHEN H*, GUO H, YE F. Low humidification effect on performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells under high current density conditions[J]. International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 155: 107505. (SCI accession number: WOS:001235944500001, EI accession number: 20241815997475, Impact factor: 6.4, Q1)

[18].CHEN H*, SONG W J, GUO H, YE F. Experimental Study on Gas/Water Distribution inside Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells under Vibration Conditions [J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2025. (Impact factor: 3.3, Q3)

[19].宋泽华,陈浩*,郭航,叶芳,张惟博.基于蓄热装置辅助的燃料电池电动车供暖系统动态仿真[J].汽车安全与节能学报, 2024, 15(1): 54-62.

[20].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Reactant transportation under Non-Darcy flow effect in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientational flow channels [C]// Proceedings of the 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, September 23-26, 2021, Qingdao, China. paper number: ASCHT2021-055. (会议文章)

[21].CHEN H, GUO H*, YE F, MA C F. Diffusive and convective mass transportations in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with orientational flow channels having porous blocks[C] // Proceedings of the 13th International Green Energy Conference. July 15-18, 2021, Tianjin, China (Virtual), paper number: IGEC2021-179. (会议文章)

[22].魏嘉慧,陈浩*,郭航,叶芳.振动环境下PEMFC性能及电流密度分布测量[C]. 2023年中国工程热物理会议热力学与能源利用分会, 2023年11月10日-2023年11月12日,中国,洛阳,文章编号:231449.

[23].蒋凌岩,陈浩*,郭航,叶芳.低压运行环境下质子交换膜燃料电池内部两相流动特性实验[C]. 2024年中国工程热物理学会多相流年会暨多相流领域国家自然科学基金进展交流会. 2024年11月8日-2024年11月10日,中国,天津,文章编号: 68-034.

[24].李卫,陈浩*,柯钢,黄孝胜,李成娇,郭航,叶芳.高原环境适应性试验室模拟平台新风系统仿真[C].2024年第十三届全国高等院校制冷及暖通空调学科发展与教学研讨会/2024年第十三届全国制冷新技术研讨会. 2024年8月8日-2024年8月10日,中国,昆明,文章编号: 103.

[25].陈浩*,郭航,孙晗.商业软件在制冷方向本科毕业设计中的应用及其对学生发展的影响[J].科教导刊, 2023, 31: 47-49.

[26].陈浩*,孙晗,郭航.结合工程实例的《空调原理》课程理论教学效果探讨[J]. 2024年第十三届全国高等院校制冷及暖通空调学科发展与教学研讨会/2024年第十三届全国制冷新技术研讨会. 2024年8月8日-2024年8月10日,中国,昆明,文章编号: 057.

[27].陈浩*,郭航,孙晗,周峰.制冷空调领域国家一流本科课程调研及专业课程设置特色分析[J]. 2024年第十三届全国高等院校制冷及暖通空调学科发展与教学研讨会/2024年第十三届全国制冷新技术研讨会. 2024年8月8日-2024年8月10日,中国,昆明,文章编号: 055.


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