
职称职务:工学博士,加拿大University of Regina博士后,现为北京工业大学机械与能源工程学院二级教授、博导




男,工学博士,加拿大University of Regina博士后,现为北京工业大学机械与能源工程学院二级教授、博导

2007年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才计划”(NCET-07-0330),2009年入选北京市特聘教授(PHR-IHLB 20090203),2010年入选“新世纪百千万人才工程市级人选”(№2010-062),2012年入选北京市长城学者(CIT&TCD 20130316),2024年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴









一直从事水压传动及其基础技术研究、电液控制工程等研究工作;2004年在加拿大University of Regina进行不确定优化理论和系统分析方面等方面的博士后研究工作。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金7项、国家863计划项目2项、国家科技重大专项专题项目1项、国防科技攻关项目3项以及其他省部级多项,参与国防科技攻关项目3项及多项横向协作项目,其中参加的“九五”国防科技攻关项目“海水液压动力系统”,经国防科工委和教育部组织鉴定为“国内首创,达到国际先进水平”,并获得2004年度国防科技进步二等奖。获得发明专利40余项,实用新型20余项。指导的研究生有4人次获得北京市优秀毕业生和校级优秀硕士学位论文,7人次获得国家奖学金


1.负责人,2025.01-2028.12年主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“基于荷电水雾-高压水射流的耦合激光稳定传导机理及关键技术研究”(№ 52475045),在研。

2.负责人,2020-2023年主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“水力空化-强电离复合技术降解机械行业含油废水机理及试验研究”(№ 51975010),已结题。

3.负责人,2016-2019年主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“高压水混流破鳞带钢清洗(HPMFD)机理研究”(№ 11572012),已结题。


1.Hui Ji, Linfeng Huo, Songlin Nie*, Ruidong Hong, Pengwang Gao, Xufeng Zhang and Fanglong Yin, Development and application of flexible piezoresistive sensors based on synergistic effect of CB and MWCNTs. Submitted to Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2025, 382: 116180. JCR Q1二区

2.Zhonghai Ma, Yinwen Sun, Qidong Zhang, Fanglong Yin*, Songlin Nie, Hui Ji, A few-shot reliability assessment method for degradation process based on generative adversarial network. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 165: 108772. JCR Q1一区

3.Fanglong Yin, Yu Zhang, Songlin Nie*, Hui Ji, Zhonghai Ma, A system-level CFD simulation model for investigating the energy dissipation mechanism of seawater pump and rotary energy recovery device in SWRO desalination system. Desalination, 2024, 587: 117947. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

4.Songlin Nie, Yuwei Song, Hui Ji*, Tingting Qin, Fanglong Yin, Zhonghai Ma, Atomization performance optimization of series dual-chamber self-excited oscillation nozzle using the entropy weight method combined with grey theory. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36 (9): 095138. JCR Q1一区

5.Songlin Nie, Mingshuai Li, Shuang Nie, Hui Ji*, Ruidong Hong and Fanglong Yin, Optimization framework for multi-fidelity surrogate model based on adaptive addition strategy - A case study of self-excited oscillation cavity. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36 (7): 075179. JCR Q1一区

6.Songlin Nie, Linfeng Huo, Hui Ji*, Shuang Nie*, Pengwang Gao, Hanyu Li, Deformation characteristics of three-dimensional spiral soft actuator driven by water-hydraulics for underwater manipulator. Soft Robotics, 2024, 11(3): 410-422. WOS:001140183400001 JCR Q1二区

7.Yuwei Song, Songlin Nie, Hui Ji*, Tingting Qin and Zhonghai Ma, Degradation of Methyl Orange using hydrodynamic cavitation coupled with plasma oxidation and ultraviolet C. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 467: 142887. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

8. Songlin Nie, Jinli Zhang, Ruidong Hong, Hui Ji*, and Haidong Ji, Effect of parameter optimization on the flow characteristics of venturi-self-excited oscillation mixer based on response surface model and multi-island genetic algorithm. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36 (5): 053308. WOS:001214486500011. JCR Q1一区

9.Rui Wu, Songlin Nie, Hui Ji*, Yueqi Wang, Luyan Lin and Fanglong Yin, Effect of multi-parameter optimization of water-laser coupling device and nozzle geometry on the stability of water-guided laser beam (Editor’s Pick). Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36 (1): 013620. WOS:001150550900009. JCR Q1一区

10.Songlin Nie, Fei Gong, Hui Ji*, Yueqi Wang, Chuanjin Che, and Guoshuai Zhang, Effect of surface texture on frictional energy dissipation under magnetic fluid lubrication used for semi-active nonlinear energy sink. Tribology International, 2024, 192: 109283. WOS:001166647600001. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

11.Fanglong Yin, Hao Luo, Songlin Nie*, Hui Ji, Zhonghai Ma, Physics-informed machine learning for tribological properties prediction of S32750/CFRPEEK tribopair under seawater lubrication via PISSA-CNN-LSTM. Tribology International, 2024, 199: 109965. WOS: JCR Q1一区(TOP)

12.Fanglong Yin, Yu Zhang, Songlin Nie*, Hui Ji, Zhonghai Ma, A system-level CFD simulation model for investigating the energy dissipation mechanism of seawater pump and rotary energy recovery device in SWRO desalination system. Desalination, 2024, 587: 117947. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

13.Hui Ji, Yu Lan, Songlin Nie*, Linfeng Huo, Fanglong Yin and Ruidong Hong, Development of an anthropomorphic soft manipulator (ASM) with rigid-flexible coupling for underwater adaptive grasping. Soft Robotics, 2023, 10(6): 1070-1082. WOS:000979762800001. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

14.Songlin Nie, Fei Gong, Hui Ji*, Le Zhang, Zhonghai Ma, and Fanglong Yin, Effects of micron-nano composite iron particle powders on the tribological properties of magnetic fluids used for a nonlinear energy sink vibration absorber. Physics of fluids, 2023, 35(9): 092012. WOS:001074650900025. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

15.Songlin Nie, Mingshuai Li, Hui Ji*, Fanglong Yin and Zhonghai Ma, Heuristic prediction of gas precipitation performance of self-excited oscillation cavity (Editor’s Pick). Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(8): 085106. WOS:001074432500007. JCR Q1一区(TOP)

16.Songlin Nie, Jianhang Gao, Zhonghai Ma*, Fanglong Yin, Hui Ji, An online data-driven approach for health prognostics of electro-hydrostatic actuator with thermal-hydraulic modeling. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023 (August), 236: 109289. WOS:000974956200001 JCR Q1一区(TOP)

17.Zhonghai Ma, Haitao Liao, Jianhang Gao, Songlin Nie*, Yugang Geng, Physics-informed machine learning for degradation modeling of an electro-hydrostatic actuator system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 229: 108898. WOS:000875553800001 JCR Q1一区(TOP)

18.Xiaopeng Yan, Baijin Chen, Fanglong Yin, Hui Ji, Zhonghai Ma and Songlin Nie*, Energy optimization of main hydraulic system in a forging press by simulation and experimental methods. Energy, 2023, 277: 127620. WOS:001005421000001 JCR Q1一区(TOP)

19.Fangli Lou, Zhonghai Ma, Songlin Nie*, Hui Ji, Fanglong Yin, A bidirectional wear model based on Inverse Gaussian (IG) process for PEEK against AISI630 stainless steel in seawater hydraulic components. Tribology International, 2022, v175: 107815. WOS: 000880136800004 JCR Q1一区(TOP)

20.Songlin Nie, Linfeng Huo, Hui Ji*, Yu Lan, Ziwei Wu, Bending deformation characteristics of high-pressure soft actuator driven by water-hydraulics for underwater manipulator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2022, v344: 113736. WOS: 000861684700001 JCR Q1二区













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