[1] Z.H. Zhang, Z.J. Zhu, G.H. Gao*, et al. Design and research of digital twin system for multi-environmental variable mapping in plant factory [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 213:108243. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2023.108243. (SCI收录, IF=8.3, 中科院一区TOP)
[2] G.H. Gao, Z. Li, Z.H. Zhang*, X.F. Lu, S.Y. Zhai, Z.J. Zhu. Optimal design of the response surface for the root cutting of a hydroponic lettuce harvesting tool [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2024, 238(14): 2152-2162. Doi:10.1177/09544054231222046. (SCI收录, IF=2.6)
[3] Z.H. Zhang, Z.J. Zhu, G.H. Gao*, X.Y. Du, D.X. Qu. Modeling and parameter optimization of plant factory production system under low-carbon constraints [J]. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2024, 40(1): 123-134. DOI: 10.13031/aea.15763. (SCI收录, IF=1.1)
[4] G.H. Gao, S.Y. Pan, Z.H. Zhang*, X.Y. Du, Z.J. Zhu, D.X. Qu. Improved Systematic Layout Design Based on Low-Carbon Plant Factory [J]. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2024, 31(4): 848-871. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23055/ijietap.2024.31.4.9809. (SCI收录, IF=1.2)
[5] 张子华*, 张煜荣, 刘力源, 屈岱萱, 黄春晖, 魏冉明. 基于安卓手机App开发的核辐射自动检测系统设计与实现[J]. 核电子学与探测技术, 2024, 44(05):948-954. DOI:10.20173/j.cnki.ned.2024.0027.
[6] Y.B. Feng, G.H. Gao*, P.Y. Wang, M.Y. Fu, Z.H. Zhang. Towards model-based requirements engineering: Construction method of stakeholder value networks model based on MBSE [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 195:110398. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2024.110398. (SCI收录, IF=6.7,中科院一区TOP)
[7] Y.B. Feng, G.H. Gao*, P.Y. Wang, Z.H. Zhang. Integrating stakeholder value network with strategic issue management for multi-stakeholder needs and requirements analysis of vertical farming systems [J]. Agricultural Systems, 2024, 221:104133. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104133. (SCI收录, IF=6.4,中科院一区TOP)
[8] G.H. Gao, X Yang, Z.H. Zhang*, Z.J. Zhu. Low-carbon design based on conceptual design methods for mechanical and electrical products[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 127(3-4):1663-1674. DOI:10.1007/s00170-023-11622-8. (SCI收录, IF=3.4)
[9] 张子华*,李晓月,张林杰,魏冉明,张煜荣,王启璠,冯凯祺. 基于Android手机的植物工厂多变量环控系统设计研究[J]. 农业与技术, 2023, 43(22): 30-35. DOI:10.19754/j.nyyjs.20231130009
[10] 张子华*,万绪同,杨雪,潘诗悦,张林杰,郭文嘉. 基于LCA理论的典型饮品咖啡碳排放足迹分析研究[J]. 农业与技术, 2023, 43(1): 71-75.
[11] 张子华, 高国华, 申立群, 丁涛. 面向新工科的“制造运营管理”课程思政实践探索[C]//教育部高等学校航空航天类专业教学指导委员会.第五届全国高等学校航空航天类专业教育教学研讨会论文集.北京工业大学材料与制造学部;哈尔滨工业大学仪器科学与工程学院, 2023:5. DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.121111.
[12] G.H. Gao, X.Y. Du, Z.H. Zhang*, W. Liu and S. Pan, "Low-carbon design of leafy vegetable production system based on life cycle analysis and digital model," 2022 12th International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2022, pp. 744-749.
[13] G.H. Gao, Y.B. Feng, Z.H. Zhang, S Wang, Z Yang. Integrating SLP with simulation to design and evaluate facility layout for industrial head lettuce production[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2022:1-32. (SCI收录, IF=4.4)
[14] 张子华*, 董延硕, 彭瑶, 禹桐, 杨雪, 杜新月. 基于LCA的典型3C家用电器产品碳足迹研究[J]. 绿色科技, 2022, 24(22):199-204+209.