2021.04-至今 北京工业大学,材料与制造学部, 讲师
2015.10-2020.12 德国莱布尼茨等离子体研究所(INP), 助理研究员
2.德国科学基金会(DFG 244987803),气体保护焊电弧以及熔滴特性研究,技术负责人。
3.德国工业研究联盟(AIF/IGF 19.037 BG),涂层工件焊接特性研究与改良工艺研究,技术负责人。
4.德国工业研究联盟(AIF/IGF 19.514 BG),焊接光谱辐射检测与反馈控制研究,技术负责人。
1. G.K. Zhang, G. Goett, D Uhrlandt. Study of the anode energy in gas metal arc welding. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2020.
2. G.K. Zhang, G. Goett, D Uhrlandt , et al. A simplified voltage model in GMAW. Welding in the World, 2020, 64(9):1625-1634.
3. G.K. Zhang, G. Goett, R. Kozakov, et al. Study of the wire resistance in gas metal arc welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 52(8): 085201.
4. G.K. Zhang G. Goett, R. Kozakov, et al. Study of the arc voltage in gas metal arc welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 52(8): 085202.
5. G.K. Zhang, C.S. Wu, J. Chen. Single CCD-based sensing of both keyhole exit and weld pool in controlled-pulse PAW. Welding in the World, 2018, 62(2): 377-383.
6. G.K. Zhang, J. Chen, C.S. Wu. Simultaneous Sensing of Weld Pool and Keyhole in Controlled-Pulse PAW . Welding Journal. 2017, 96,(3).