




1998.9-2001.7,哈尔滨工业大学,市政工程专业,博士,导师:彭永臻 教授















1) 讲授过《水污染控制工程》、《水质工程学1》(双语)、《水质工程学2》、《环境工程学基础(水)》、《环境监测课程实验》、《环境监测综合实验》、《水质工程学实验技术1》、《水质工程学实验技术2》、《污染控制工程实验》、《排水管网工程课程设计》等10门本科生课程;

2) 1门研究生课程:《废水厌氧生物处理理论与技术》。

3) 每年指导1-2名左右本科毕业论文。

4) 2004年,《水质工程学1》北京工业大学第三批双语教学立项,讲授至今。

5) 主持完成北京工业大学教育教学研究重点项目《城市污水处理视频教学系统的研究》,共摄制了16个污水处理厂的视频教学系统。

6) 按照时间顺序已经培养毕业的硕士(郭建秋(学硕)、陈冉妮(学硕)、苏凯(学硕)、张倩(学硕)、王金惠(学硕)、罗欣(学硕)、吴桂霞(学硕)、李婷(学硕)、李洪禹、孙丽欣、司春英(学硕)、张丽芳、王时杰、刘香会、邬志龙(学硕)、贾京鑫、张达、张文治、王雨薇、赵轶凡、单家林、李籽桥(学硕)、武泽杰、郭怡、刘莹、赵茗燕、张皓然、曾丽琴、袁钰焜(学硕)、付霄宇、许洪鑫共31人)。

7) 张倩、王金惠、王知其共3人获北京工业大学“科技之星(1/10)”

8) 博士生王知其、郭怡共2人获北京工业大学博士研究生创新奖学金

9) 陈冉妮、苏凯、张倩、王金惠、罗欣、李洪禹、司春英、刘香会、邬志龙、贾京鑫、张达、张文治、王雨薇、赵轶凡、李籽桥、郭怡、武泽杰、刘莹、赵茗燕、张皓然、曾丽琴、付霄宇、袁钰焜共23人获得获北京工业大学优秀硕士学位论文

10) 毕业的博士:樊晓燕、潘凯玲、李定昌、段婉君、戴慧卉、王知其、崔影超、赵轶凡共8人。

11) 潘凯玲、戴慧卉、王知其、崔影超等4人获得北京工业大学优秀博士学位论文

12) 王知其获得2022-2023学年度第九届北京大学唐孝炎环境科学创新二等奖。

13) 毕业的工程硕士:丁红、张志众、黄丽荣、孙冀垆、李婷、刘源、庞晓辰、丁彦、何瑜、崔艳梅、李芳、朱春辉。

14) 培养的3名本科生(毕环宇、和阳、冯放晴)获校优秀毕业论文;5人获北京市优秀毕业生(和阳、杜睿(男)、司春英、刘莹、王知其)。

15) 指导2名本科生(冯放晴、杨辰)获2009年、2010年国家大学生创新性实验计划项目。

16) 指导5名本科生(和阳、袁泉、杨辰、郑晓桥、张志红)主持北京工业大学星火计划。


1) 北京市科技新星(2006A10);

2) 北京工业大学“京华人才”;

3) 2011年,获得中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文

4) 作为主讲教师(第2),《污水处理新理论与新技术》,2012年获国家精品视频公开课;

5) 作为主讲教师,《水质工程学》北京市精品课程,国家级精品课程、国家精品资源共享课;

6) 作为主讲教师,2023年《水质工程学》获得第二批国家级一流本科课程;

7) 作为骨干成员,2007年,“水污染控制工程教学团队”被评为国家级教学团队;

8) 作为骨干,“水污染控制与水资源可持续利用团队”获2005年北京市属市管高等学校人才强教计划学术创新团队称号;

9) 作为主要完成人(第5),2012年《构建“名师、名专业、名课程、名教材”平台,可持续培养环境工程创新人才》获北京市高等教育教学成果奖(一等奖)。

10) 2021年入围全球顶尖前10万科学家名单。


1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52470022,2025.1-2028.12):典型食品防腐剂暴露下厌氧氨氧化系统中抗生素抗性基因的行为特征及调控机制;

2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52170016,2022.1-2025.12):典型季铵盐化合物在生物脱氮过程中的归趋及其对抗性基因传播机制的影响;

3) 北京市自然科学基金奖励项目(24JL004,2024.1-2026.12):抑制剂和微塑料共暴露对短程硝化/厌氧氨氧化工艺性能及抗生素抗性基因传播的影响;

4) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(8202006,2020.1-2022.12):利用新型抑制剂实现城市污水短程硝化的快速启动和稳定维持;

5) 国家科技重大专项(子任务)(2017ZX07103-003,2017.01-2020.12):基于生物膜的城市污水深度脱氮除磷工艺研究;

6) 北京市科技计划项目(Z181100005518002,2018.01-2021.06):城市污水好氧高密度微生物颗粒技术应用研究;

7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51578015,2016.1-2019.12):活性污泥中AOA、AOB和异养菌在三氯生去除过程中的协同作用机理;

8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51378027,2014.1-2017.12):基于DNA-SIP技术的污水氨氧化微生物系统发育与生理代谢功能关系的研究;

9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51078007,2011.1-2013.12):不同污水脱氮工艺中AOA和AOB的种群数量和组成特征;

10) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(50508001,2006.1-2008.12):间歇式好氧颗粒污泥反应器的快速启动和稳定维持;

11) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(8162010,2016.1-2018.12):污水处理系统中氨氧化古菌的富集培养及其生理代谢特性;

12) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(8112007,2011.1-2013.12):污水氨氧化过程中古菌与细菌相对贡献的研究;

13) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(8082007,2008.1-2010.12):新型好氧往复连续流颗粒污泥反应器的基础研究;

14) 北京工业大学“京华人才”,2013.1-2015.12

15) 2011年度北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划中青年骨干人才(PHR20110819,2011.1-2013.12):农业废弃物生物吸附去除水中染料的应用基础研究。

16) 北京市教育委员会计划面上项目(KM200510005020,2005.1-2007.12):内循环颗粒污泥床硝化后实现反硝化除磷的基础研究;

17) 北京市科技新星计划A类(2006A10,2006.9-2009.9)。


1) 国家自然科学基金项目(59778024,1998.1-2000.12):活性污泥法丝状菌污泥膨胀的控制与防止

2) 国家自然科学基金项目(59878016,1999.1-2001.12):SBR法的在线模糊控制系统

3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50138010,2002.1-2005.12):城市污水处理系统的智能控制理论、方法和技术

4) "863计划"国家重大科技专项项目-"水污染控制技术与治理工程:城市污水SBR处理工艺的设备成套化研究(2004AA601020,2004.7-2007.12)

5) 国家自然科学基金---国际(地区)重大合作项目(2004.10-2007.9):污水脱氮除磷新理论、新工艺及过程控制



1)高景峰,彭永臻 译. 污水处理系统的建模、诊断和控制. 化学工业出版社,2005年1月(64.5万字)


1) 环境科学大辞典(修订版),编委,7万字,负责水污染控制部分,中国环境科学出版社,2008年9月

2) 程皓,白雪,郝莉,高景峰,何丰平,黄中权. GB/T 26923-2011,《节水型企业 纺织染整行业》,中国标准出版社, 2011

3) 参与编写团体标准,T/CAEPI 78-2024,《小型生活污水处理设备技术性能测试指南》,中国环境保护产业协会,2024.01.05


[1] Yifan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yi Zhang, Yingchao Cui, Yi Guo and Zejie Wu. Metatranscriptome Revealed the Efficacy and Safety of a Prospective Approach for Agricultural Wastewater Reuse: Achieving Ammonia Retention during Biological Treatment by a Novel Natural Inhibitor Epsilon-Poly-l-Lysine. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57(6): 2538-2547.

[2] Hanyi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Hairong Ren, Yifan Zhao, Yuxuan Wang, Jiawen An, Hao Chen, Qian Wang. Whatever does not kill them makes them stronger: Using quaternary ammonia antimicrobials to alleviate the inhibition of ammonia oxidation under perfluorooctanoic acid stress. Water Research 2024, 263, 122171.

[3] Yifan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yi Zhang, Mingyan Zhao, Haoran Zhang and Yukun Yuan. Successive exposure to traditional disinfectants and quaternary ammonium compounds enhances resistance genes expression and co-selection in biofilm-based partial nitrification-anammox systems. Water Research 2023, 247: 120760.

[4] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Yi Guo, Yi Zhang, Yukun Yuan, Mingyan Zhao and Liqin Zeng. Fates of extracellular and intracellular antibiotic resistance genes in activated sludge and plastisphere under sulfadiazine pressure. Water Research 2023, 247: 120752.

[5] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Mingyan Zhao, Yi Guo, Yifan Zhao and Zhiqi Wang. Deciphering the interaction impacts between antiseptic benzethonium chloride and biofilm nitrification system: Performance, resistance mechanisms and biodegradation. Water Research 2023, 240: 120062.

[6] Dingchang Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Yifan Zhao and Zhixiang Zhou. Fates of quaternary ammonium compound resistance genes and the corresponding resistant strain in partial nitrification/anammox system under pressure of hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride. Water Research 2022, 217: 118395.

[7] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Zhiqi Wang and Wanjun Duan. DNA-based stable isotope probing deciphered the active denitrifying bacteria and triclosan-degrading bacteria participating in granule-based partial denitrification process under triclosan pressure. Water Research 2022, 210: 118011.

[8] Kai-Ling Pan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Yan Fan, Ding-Chang Li and Hui-Hui Dai. The more important role of archaea than bacteria in nitrification of wastewater treatment plants in cold season despite their numerical relationships. Water Research 2018, 145: 552-561.

[9] Haoran Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Mingyan Zhao, Yukun Yuan, Lixin Sun. Effects of different quaternary ammonium compounds on intracellular and extracellular resistance genes in nitrification systems under the pre-contamination of benzalkyl dimethylammonium compounds. Bioresource Technology 2025, 418, 131867.

[10] Yuxuan Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Hanyi Wang, Yi Guo, Yukun Yuan, Hao Chen. Unignorable environmental risks: Insight into differential responses between biofilm and plastisphere in sulfur autotrophic denitrification system upon exposure to quaternary ammonium compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2025, 487, 137231.

[11] Tianyi Lu, Jingfeng Gao*, Jingqiang Zhao, Yifan Zhao, Hongxin Xu, Yuxuan Wang, Ke Zhang. Elucidating responses of anammox system to the single and combined short-term stress of benzethonium chloride and polyurethane microplastics: Performance, community structure and resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2025, 505, 159784.

[12] Yi Zhang, Zejie Wu, Yongqing Gao, Jingfeng Gao*, Fangbo Bao, Yifan Zhao, Yi Guo, Ying Liu. Phenacetin promoted the rapid start-up and stable maintenance of partial nitrification: Responses of nitrifiers and antibiotic resistance genes. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 933, 173190.

[13] Ke Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Tianyi Lu, Yuxuan Wang, Jinming Zhang, Jiawen An, Hongxin Xu. Evolution of microbial community and resistance genes in denitrification system under single and combined exposure to benzethonium chloride and methylparaben. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 480, 136010.

[14] Liqin Zeng, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Yifan Zhao, Yi Guo, Yukun Yuan, Hongxin Xu. Response of nitrification system to co-exposure of sucralose and single or combined disinfectants: Reducing damage to nitrification performance and aggravating the spread of intracellular resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 489, 151469.

[15] Yukun Yuan, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Hongxin Xu, Liqin Zeng, Xiaoyu Fu, Yifan Zhao. Exposure to zinc and dialkyldimethyl ammonium compound alters bacterial community structure and resistance gene levels in partial sulfur autotrophic denitrification coupled with the Anammox process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 476, 135070.

[16] Hongxin Xu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yukun Yuan, Liqin Zeng, Yuxuan Wang, Hanyi Wang, Jiawen An. Insight into the responses of performance, bacterial community and three-fraction resistance genes to different quaternary ammonium compounds in nitrifying system under the stress of environmental ciprofloxacin. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 496, 154241.

[17] Hongxin Xu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yukun Yuan, Liqin Zeng, Xiaoyu Fu. The combination of ciprofloxacin and dialkyldimethyl ammonium compound synergistically proliferated intracellular resistance genes in nitrifying system. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 930, 172715.

[18] Yuxuan Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yukun Yuan, Lixin Sun, Liqin Zeng, Hanyi Wang. Effects of polyvinyl chloride microplastics and benzylalkyldimethylethyl compounds on system performance, microbial community and resistance genes in sulfur autotrophic denitrification system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 476, 135197.

[19] Qian Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Hao Chen, Ying Liu, Xiaoyu Fu, Jiawen An, Hanyi Wang, Yuxuan Wang. Removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria by the coupled system of ferrous ion activated peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and sodium percarbonate (SPC): Performance and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 491, 152046.

[20] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Yi Zhang, Tian Xie, Qian Wang, Jiawen An. Will the removal of carbon, nitrogen and mixed disinfectants occur simultaneously: The key role of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification strain. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 480, 136431.

[21] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Yukun Yuan, Yuxuan Wang, Hanyi Wang. Chloroxylenol was the last straw for mixed disinfectants in inhibiting the activity of the heterotrophic/sulfur autotrophic denitrification systems: Performance, microbial community and different fractions of resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 498, 155518.

[22] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Yifan Zhao, Biao Ma, Liqin Zeng, Hao Chen. Hormesis and synergistic effects of disinfectants chloroxylenol and benzethonium chloride on highly efficient heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification functional strain: From performance to mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 476, 135160.

[23] Xiaoyu Fu, Jingfeng Gao*, Qian Wang, Hao Chen, Ying Liu, Liqin Zeng, Yukun Yuan, Hongxin Xu. Mechanisms on the removal of gram-negative/positive antibiotic resistant bacteria and inhibition of horizontal gene transfer by ferrate coupled with peroxydisulfate or peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 470, 134254.

[24] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Yongqing Gao, Fangbo Bao, Yi Guo, Liqin Zeng, Hongxin Xu, Jiawen An. Identification of acetaminophen degrading microorganisms in mixed microbial communities using 13C-DNA stable isotope probing. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 487, 150656.

[25] Hao Chen, Jingfeng Gao*, Qian Wang, Ying Liu, Lei Wu, Xiaoyu Fu, Yi Guo, Hanyi Wang, Yuxuan Wang. The synergistic effect of periodate/ferrate (VI) system on disinfection of antibiotic resistant bacteria and removal of antibiotic resistant genes: The dominance of Fe (IV)/Fe (V). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 470, 134132.

[26] Hao Chen, Jingfeng Gao*, Qian Wang, Ying Liu, Xiaoyu Fu, Yi Guo, Hanyi Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Jiawen An. Natural pyrite and ascorbic acid co-enhance periodate activation for inactivation of antibiotic resistant bacteria and inhibition of resistance genes transmission: A green disinfection process dominated by singlet oxygen. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 477, 135217.

[27] Jiawen An, Jingfeng Gao*, Jingqiang Zhao, Yingchao Cui, Liqin Zeng, Hongxin Xu, Qian Wang. Quaternary ammonium compounds inhibited phosphorus removal performance and aggravated the spread of resistance genes in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 502, 157945.

[28] Ying Liu, Jingfeng Gao*, Qian Wang, Hao Chen, Yi Zhang and Xiaoyu Fu. Efficient peroxymonosulfate activation by nanoscale zerovalent iron for removal of sulfadiazine and sulfadiazine resistance bacteria: Sulfidated modification or not. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 469: 133869.

[29] Mingyan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Haoran Zhang, Zhiqi Wang, Shujun Zhang and Lixin Sun. The effects of didodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride on microbial communities and resistance genes in floc, granular and biofilm denitrification sludge. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 906: 167618.

[30] Liqin Zeng, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yukun Yuan, Hongxin Xu and Xiaoyu Fu. Insight into the evolution of microbial communities and resistance genes induced by sucralose in partial nitrification system with triclosan pre-exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 461: 132581.

[31] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Liqin Zeng, Yi Guo, Hongxin Xu and Mingyan Zhao. Different fates of extracellular and intracellular antibiotic resistance genes in flocs, granular and biofilm nitrification systems under the stress of acetaminophen. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 461: 132675.

[32] Mingyan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Haoran Zhang, Yingchao Cui, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yi Zhang and Ying Liu. Quaternary ammonium compounds promoted anoxic sludge granulation and altered propagation risk of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 445: 130464.

[33] Mingyan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Ying Liu, Zhiqi Wang, Zejie Wu, Haoran Zhang and Yi Zhang. Short-term stress of quaternary ammonium compounds on intracellular and extracellular resistance genes in denitrification systems. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 452: 139166.

[34] Yi Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Ying Liu, Haoran Zhang and Mingyan Zhao. The responses of microbial metabolic activity, bacterial community and resistance genes under the coexistence of nanoplastics and quaternary ammonium compounds in the sewage environment. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 879: 163064.

[35] Haoran Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Mingyan Zhao, Zhiqi Wang, Dingchang Li, Zejie Wu, Yi Zhang and Ying Liu. The spread of different resistance genes fractions in nitrification system under chronic exposure to varying alkyl chain length benzalkyl dimethylammonium compounds. Bioresource Technology 2023, 371: 128588.

[36] Yukun Yuan, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Liqin Zeng, Hongxin Xu, Xiaoyu Fu and Yifan Zhao. Deciphering responses of sulfur autotrophic denitrification system to the single and joint stress of Zn(II) and dialkyldimethyl ammonium compounds: Performance, microbial community and different fractions of resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 477: 146980.

[37] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Yi Zhang, Yukun Yuan, Huihui Dai, Haoran Zhang and Yingchao Cui. Deciphering the coupling of partial nitrification/anammox and sulfur autotrophic denitrification: Microbial metabolism and antibiotic resistance genes propagation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 452: 139176.

[38] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Yukun Yuan, Yifan Zhao, Dingchang Li and Yingchao Cui. Partial S(0)-driven autotrophic denitrification process facilitated the quick natural enrichment of anammox bacteria at room temperature. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 855: 158916.

[39] Ying Liu, Jingfeng Gao*, Mingyan Zhao, Xiaoyu Fu, Yi Zhang and Haoran Zhang. Removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria, genes and inhibition of plasmid-mediated horizontal transfer by peroxymonosulfate: Efficiency and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 453: 139728.

[40] Ziqiao Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Dingchang Li, Yi Guo, Zejie Wu and Liqin Zeng. Different acesulfame potassium fate and antibiotic resistance propagation pattern in nitrifying and denitrifying sludge systems. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 856: 159238.

[41] Yi Guo, Dingchang Li, Yongqing Gao*, Jingfeng Gao, Shujun Zhang* and Fangbo Bao. The knock-on effects of different wastewater feeding modes: Change in microbial communities versus resistance genes in pilot-scale aerobic sludge granulation reactors. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 892: 164500.

[42] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Ying Liu, Mingyan Zhao and Ziqiao Li. Mitigating the inhibition of antibacterial agent chloroxylenol on nitrification system-The role of Rhodococcus ruber in a bioaugmentation system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 447: 130758.

[43] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Zejie Wu, Ziqiao Li, Yi Zhang and Haoran Zhang. Work along both lines: The p-chloro-m-cresol achieved stable and long-term partial nitrification and inhibited the enrichment of resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 460: 141711.

[44] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Zejie Wu, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao and Yi Guo. Inhibition of Nitrospira and Nitrotoga by paracetamol achieved the rapid start-up and long-term stable operation of partial nitrification for low-strength ammonium wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 454: 140139.

[45] Yifan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Wenzhi Zhang, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Huihui Dai, Dingchang Li and Yi Zhang. Robustness of the partial nitrification-anammox system exposing to triclosan wastewater: Stress relieved by extracellular polymeric substances and resistance genes. Environmental Research 2022, 206: 112606.

[46] Yifan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Yi Zhang, Huihui Dai and Dingchang Li. Distinct bacterial communities and resistance genes enriched by triclocarban-contaminated polyethylene microplastics in antibiotics and heavy metals polluted sewage environment. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 839: 156330.

[47] Zejie Wu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Haoran Zhang, Yi Guo and Ziqiao Li. Feeding low-level benzethonium chloride can promote the start-up, fast recovery and long-term stable maintenance of partial nitrification for low-ammonium wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2022, 353: 127152.

[48] Zejie Wu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Dingchang Li, Huihui Dai, Yi Guo, Ziqiao Li, Haoran Zhang and Mingyan Zhao. Metagenomics insights into the selective inhibition of NOB and comammox by phenacetin: Transcriptional activity, nitrogen metabolism and mechanistic understanding. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 803: 150068.

[49] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Yingchao Cui, Yi Zhang, Huihui Dai and Dingchang Li. Discrepant responses of polyvinyl chloride microplastics biofilms and activated sludge under sulfadiazine stress in an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic system. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 446: 137055.

[50] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Shijie Wang, Yifan Zhao, Huihui Dai, Dingchang Li, Yingchao Cui and Ziqiao Li. Triclocarban shifted the microbial communities and promoted the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in nitrifying granular sludge system. Bioresource Technology 2022, 347: 126429.

[51] Ying Liu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yuwei Wang, Wanjun Duan, Yi Zhang, Haoran Zhang and Mingyan Zhao. Synergistic effect of sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron in donor and recipient bacterial inactivation and gene conjugative transfer inhibition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 432: 128722.

[52] Ying Liu, Jingfeng Gao*, Yuwei Wang, Wanjun Duan, Jie Liu, Yi Zhang, Haoran Zhang and Mingyan Zhao. The removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes and inhibition of the horizontal gene transfer by contrastive research on sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron activating peroxymonosulfate or peroxydisulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 423: 126866.

[53] Ziqiao Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Yi Guo, Yingchao Cui, Yuwei Wang, Wanjun Duan and Zejie Wu. Enhancement of antibiotic resistance dissemination by artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium: Insights from cell membrane, enzyme, energy supply and transcriptomics. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 422: 126942.

[54] Dingchang Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao and Yingchao Cui. Higher spreading risk of antibacterial biocide and heavy metal resistance genes than antibiotic resistance genes in aerobic granular sludge. Environmental Research 2022, 212: 113356.

[55] Dingchang Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Yifan Zhao and Zhixiang Zhou. Triclosan enriched resistance genes more easily than copper in the presence of environmental tetracycline in aerobic granular sludge system. Science of the Total Environment 2022: 152871.

[56] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui, Ziqiao Li, Zejie Wu, Yifan Zhao, Dingchang Li and Huihui Dai. The fate and behavior mechanism of antibiotic resistance genes and microbial communities in flocs, aerobic granular and biofilm sludge under chloroxylenol pressure. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 438: 129465.

[57] Yi Guo, Jingfeng Gao*, Yingchao Cui, Zhiqi Wang, Ziqiao Li, Wanjun Duan, Yuwei Wang and Zejie Wu. Chloroxylenol at environmental concentrations can promote conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes by multiple mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 816: 151599.

[58] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Zhiqi Wang, Yifan Zhao and Yingchao Cui. Polyvinyl chloride microplastics changed risks of antibiotic resistance genes propagation by enhancing the removal of triclosan in partial denitrification systems with different carbon source. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 429: 132465.

[59] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Zhiqi Wang, Yingchao Cui and Yifan Zhao. Family Sphingomonadaceae as the key executor of triclosan degradation in both nitrification and denitrification systems. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 442: 136202.

[60] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Yi Guo, Ziqiao Li, Zhiqi Wang and Yifan Zhao. Unraveling the impact and mechanism of antipyretic paracetamol on intergenera conjugative plasmid transfer. Environmental Research 2022, 215: 114263.

[61] Yifan Zhao, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhiqi Wang, Huihui Dai and Yuwei Wang. Responses of bacterial communities and resistance genes on microplastics to antibiotics and heavy metals in sewage environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 402: 123550.

[62] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Yifan Zhao, Huihui Dai, Jingxin Jia and Da Zhang. Plastisphere enrich antibiotic resistance genes and potential pathogenic bacteria in sewage with pharmaceuticals. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 768: 144663.

[63] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Da Zhang, Huihui Dai, Yifan Zhao, Dingchang Li, Yingchao Cui, Wanjun Duan and Zejie Wu. Achieving stable and long-term partial nitrification of domestic wastewater by side-stream sludge treatment using a novel nitrite oxidation inhibitor chloroxylenol. Bioresource Technology 2021, 342: 125999.

[64] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Yifan Zhao, Dingchang Li, Wanjun Duan and Yi Guo. Microplastics affect the ammonia oxidation performance of aerobic granular sludge and enrich the intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 409: 124981.

[65] Dingchang Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Wanjun Duan, Zhiqi Wang and Zhixiang Zhou. Fates of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes during a pilot-scale aerobic granular sludge cultivation process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 421: 127737.

[66] Wanjun Duan, Jingfeng Gao*, Zhilong Wu, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang, Dingchang Li, Yuwei Wang and Jie Liu. Enhanced removal of antibiotic resistance genes by nanoscale iron-cobalt particles modified with Ginkgo biloba L. leaf: Combining Illumina MiSeq sequencing and oligotyping analysis. Bioresource Technology 2021, 321: 124453.

[67] Wanjun Duan, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang, Wenzhi Zhang, Yuwei Wang and Jie Liu. Unravelling the roles of Ginkgo biloba L. for modification of nanoscale zero valent iron in persulfate system to remove antibiotic resistance genes by the tool of metabonomic analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 417: 128038.

[68] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Jialin Shan, Xianchun Lu, Dingchang Li, Wanjun Duan and Yingchao Cui. Pressure of high level acetaminophen on fixed biofilm and aerobic granule-based systems: Insights on nitrification performances, microbial responses and acetaminophen’s bio-degradation pathways. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 426: 131907.

[69] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Zhiqi Wang and Wanjun Duan. Metagenomics combined with DNA-based stable isotope probing provide comprehensive insights of active triclosan-degrading bacteria in wastewater treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 404: 124192.

[70] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Da Zhang, Dingchang Li, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang and Yifan Zhao. Responses of performance, antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial communities of partial nitrification system to polyamide microplastics. Bioresource Technology 2021, 341: 125767.

[71] Wenzhi Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Wanjun Duan, Da Zhang, Jingxin Jia and Yuwei Wang. Sulfidated nanoscale zero-valent iron is an efficient material for the removal and regrowth inhibition of antibiotic resistance genes. Environmental Pollution 2020, 263(Pt B): 114508.

[72] Da Zhang, Jingfeng Gao*, Lifang Zhang, Wenzhi Zhang, Jingxin Jia, Huihui Dai and Zhiqi Wang. Responses of nitrification performance, triclosan resistome and diversity of microbes to continuous triclosan stress in activated sludge system. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2020, 92: 211-223.

[73] Zhiqi Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Dingchang Li, Huihui Dai and Yifan Zhao. Co-occurrence of microplastics and triclosan inhibited nitrification function and enriched antibiotic resistance genes in nitrifying sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 399: 123049.

[74] Yuwei Wang, Jingfeng Gao*, Wanjun Duan, Wenzhi Zhang, Yifan Zhao and Jie Liu. Inactivation of sulfonamide antibiotic resistant bacteria and control of intracellular antibiotic resistance transmission risk by sulfide-modified nanoscale zero-valent iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 400: 123226.

[75] Ding-Chang Li, Jing-Feng Gao*, Shu-Jun Zhang, Yong-Qing Gao and Li-Xin Sun. Emergence and spread patterns of antibiotic resistance genes during two different aerobic granular sludge cultivation processes. Environment International 2020, 137: 105540.

[76] Ding-Chang Li, Jing-Feng Gao*, Shu-Jun Zhang, Yong-Qing Gao and Li-Xin Sun. Enhanced granulation process, a more effective way of aerobic granular sludge cultivation in pilot-scale application comparing to normal granulation process: From the perspective of microbial insights. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 707: 136106.

[77] Dingchang Li, Jingfeng Gao*, Huihui Dai, Zhiqi Wang and Wanjun Duan. Long-term responses of antibiotic resistance genes under high concentration of enrofloxacin, sulfadiazine and triclosan in aerobic granular sludge system. Bioresource Technology 2020, 312: 123567.

[78] Jing-Xin Jia, Jing-Feng Gao*, Hui-Hui Dai, Wen-Zhi Zhang, Da Zhang and Zhi-Qi Wang. DNA-based stable isotope probing identifies triclosan degraders in nitrification systems under different surfactants. Bioresource Technology 2020, 302: 122815.

[79] Jing-Feng Gao*, Wan-Jun Duan, Wen-Zhi Zhang and Zhi-Long Wu. Effects of persulfate treatment on antibiotic resistance genes abundance and the bacterial community in secondary effluent. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 382: 121860.

[80] Wan-Jun Duan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Wen-Zhi Zhang, Yu-Wei Wang and Jie Liu. Elimination of antibiotic resistance genes in waste activated sludge by persulfate treatment during the process of sludge dewatering. Bioresource Technology 2020, 311: 123509.

[81] Hui-Hui Dai, Jing-Feng Gao*, Zhi-Qi Wang, Yi-Fan Zhao and Da Zhang. Behavior of nitrogen, phosphorus and antibiotic resistance genes under polyvinyl chloride microplastics pressures in an aerobic granular sludge system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 256: 120402.

[82] Huihui Dai, Jingfeng Gao*, Shijie Wang, Dingchang Li and Zhiqi Wang. The key active degrader, metabolic pathway and microbial ecology of triclosan biodegradation in an anoxic/oxic system. Bioresource Technology 2020, 317: 124014.

[83] Yingchao Cui, Jingfeng Gao*, Da Zhang, Yifan Zhao and Yuwei Wang. Rapid start-up of partial nitrification process using benzethonium chloride—a novel nitrite oxidation inhibitor. Bioresource Technology 2020, 315: 123860.

[84] Kai-Ling Pan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Ding-Chang Li and Xiao-Yan Fan. The dominance of non-halophilic archaea in autotrophic ammonia oxidation of activated sludge under salt stress: A DNA-based stable isotope probing study. Bioresource Technology 2019, 291: 121914.

[85] Jing-Feng Gao*, Zhi-Long Wu, Wan-Jun Duan and Wen-Zhi Zhang. Simultaneous adsorption and degradation of triclosan by Ginkgo biloba L. stabilized Fe/Co bimetallic nanoparticles. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 662: 978-989.

[86] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiang-Hui Liu, Xiao-Yan Fan and Hui-Hui Dai. Effects of triclosan on performance, microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes during partial denitrification in a sequencing moving bed biofilm reactor. Bioresource Technology 2019, 281: 326-334.

[87] Xiao-Yan Fan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Kai-Ling Pan, Ding-Chang Li, Hui-Hui Dai and Xing Li. More obvious air pollution impacts on variations in bacteria than fungi and their co-occurrences with ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in PM2.5. Environmental Pollution 2019, 251: 668-680.

[88] Xiao-Yan Fan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Kai-Ling Pan, Ding-Chang Li, Hui-Hui Dai and Xing Li. Temporal heterogeneity and temperature response of active ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in winter in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 360: 1542-1552.

[89] Kai-Ling Pan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Hong-Yu Li, Xiao-Yan Fan, Ding-Chang Li and Hao Jiang. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria dominate ammonia oxidation in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant revealed by DNA-based stable isotope probing. Bioresource Technology 2018, 256: 152-159.

[90] X. Y. Fan, J. F. Gao*, K. L. Pan, D. C. Li, L. F. Zhang and S. J. Wang. Shifts in bacterial community composition and abundance of nitrifiers during aerobic granulation in two nitrifying sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technology 2018, 251: 99-107.

[91] Xiao-Yan Fan, Jing-Feng Gao*, Kai-Ling Pan, Ding-Chang Li, Hui-Hui Dai and Xing Li. Functional genera, potential pathogens and predicted antibiotic resistance genes in 16 full-scale wastewater treatment plants treating different types of wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2018, 268: 97-106.

[92] Jing-Feng Gao*, Kai-Ling Pan, Hong-Yu Li, Xiao-Yan Fan, Li-Xin Sun, Shu-Jun Zhang and Yong-Qing Gao. Application of GelGreen™ in cesium chloride density gradients for DNA-stable isotope probing experiments. Plos One 2017, 12(1): e0169554.

[93] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Yan Fan, Hong-Yu Li and Kai-Ling Pan. Airborne bacterial communities of PM2.5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei megalopolis, China as revealed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing: A case study. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2017, 17(3): 788–798.

[94] X. Y. Fan, J. F. Gao*, K. L. Pan, D. C. Li and H. H. Dai. Temporal dynamics of bacterial communities and predicted nitrogen metabolism genes in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. RSC Advances 2017, 7(89): 56317-56327.

[95] Jing-Feng Gao*, Chun-Ying Si and Hong-Yu Li. Role of functional groups on protonated de-oiled soybean involved in triclosan biosorption from aqueous solution. RSC Advances 2016, 6(71): 67319-67330.

[96] Jing-Feng Gao*, Hong-Yu Li, Kai-Ling Pan and Chun-Ying Si. Green synthesis of nanoscale zero-valent iron using a grape seed extract as a stabilizing agent and the application for quick decolorization of azo and anthraquinone dyes. RSC Advances 2016, 6: 22526 - 22537.

[97] Jing-Feng Gao*, Hong-Yu Li, Kai-Ling Pan, Xiao-Yan Fan and Chun-Ying Si. Green synthesis of iron nanoparticles using Garcinia mangostana l. pericarp extract and their application for degradation of anthraquinone dye. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2016, 25(7): 2343-2355.

[98] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Yan Fan, Gui-Xia Wu, Ting Li and Kai-Ling Pan. Changes of abundance and diversity of ammoniaoxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) in three nitrifying bioreactors with different ammonia concentrations. Desalination and Water Treatment 2016, 57(45): 21463-21475.

[99] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Yan Fan, Kai-Ling Pan, Hong-Yu Li and Li-Xin Sun. Diversity, abundance and activity of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in fine particulate matter. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 38785.

[100] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xiao-Yan Fan, Xin Luo and Kai-Ling Pan. Insight into the short-term effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on active ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant: a DNA-stable isotope probing study. RSC Advances 2016, 6(77): 73421-73431.

[101] Jing-Feng Gao*, Chun-Ying Si and Yang He. Application of soybean residue (okara) as a low-cost adsorbent for reactive dye removal from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment 2015, 53(8): 2266-2277.

[102] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xin Luo, Gui-Xia Wu, Ting Li and Yong-Zhen Peng. Abundance and diversity based on amoA genes of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in ten wastewater treatment systems. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2014, 98(7): 3339-3354.

[103] Jing-Feng Gao*, Xin Luo, Gui-Xia Wu, Ting Li and Yong-Zhen Peng. Quantitative analyses of the composition and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in eight full-scale biological wastewater treatment plants. Bioresource Technology 2013, 138(0): 285-296.

[104] Yang He, Jing-Feng Gao*, Fang-Qing Feng, Cheng Liu, Yong-Zhen Peng and Shu-Ying Wang. The comparative study on the rapid decolorization of azo, anthraquinone and triphenylmethane dyes by zero-valent iron. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 179: 8-18.

[105] Jing-Feng Gao*, Qian Zhang, Jin-Hui Wang, Xue-Lei Wu, Shu-Ying Wang and Yong-Zhen Peng. Contributions of functional groups and extracellular polymeric substances on the biosorption of dyes by aerobic granules. Bioresource Technology 2011, 102(2): 805-813.

[106] Jing-Feng Gao*, Jin-Hui Wang, Quan Yuan, Chen Yang, Shu-Ying Wang and Yong-Zhen Peng. Utilization of agricultural waste chestnut shell for the removal of Reactive Brilliant Red K-2G from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment 2011, 36(1-3): 141-151.

[107] Jing-Feng Gao*, Jin-Hui Wang, Chen Yang, Shu-Ying Wang and Yong-Zhen Peng. Binary biosorption of Acid Red 14 and Reactive Red 15 onto acid treated okara: Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of two dyes using partial least squares regression. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011, 171(3): 967-975.

[108] Jing-Feng Gao*, Jin-Hui Wang, Xue-Lei Wu, Qian Zhang and Yong-Zhen Peng. Protonated spent mushroom substrate as a potential low-cost biosorbent for the removal of Reactive Red 15 from aqueous solutions. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2011, 20(1): 51-62.

[109] Jing-Feng Gao*, Qian Zhang, Kai Su and Jin-Hui Wang. Competitive biosorption of Yellow 2G and Reactive Brilliant Red K-2G onto inactive aerobic granules: Simultaneous determination of two dyes by first-order derivative spectrophotometry and isotherm studies. Bioresource Technology 2010, 101(15): 5793-5801.

[110] Jing-Feng Gao*, Qian Zhang, Kai Su, Ran-Ni Chen and Yong-Zhen Peng. Biosorption of Acid Yellow 17 from aqueous solution by non-living aerobic granular sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 174(1-3): 215-225.

[111] Jing-Feng Gao*, Ran-Ni Chen, Kai Su, Qian Zhang and Yong-Zhen Peng. Inactive aerobic granules as biosorbent for the removal of anionic azo dye Acid Red 14 from aqueous solution: isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2009, 18(9A): 1681-1691.

[112] Yong-Zhen Peng*, Jing-Feng Gao, Shu-Ying Wang and Ming-Hao Sui. Use of pH as fuzzy control parameter for nitrification under different alkalinity in SBR process. Water Science and Technology 2003, 47(11): 77-84.  (第一作者为高景峰的博士导师)

[113] Yong-Zhen Peng*, Jing-Feng Gao, Shu-Ying Wang and Ming-Hao Sui. Use pH and ORP as fuzzy control parameters of denitrification in SBR process. Water Science and Technology 2002, 46(4-5): 131-137.  (第一作者为高景峰的博士导师)


[1] 高景峰, 单家林, 崔影超, 赵轶凡, 王雨薇. 新型硝化抑制剂对乙酰氨基酚快速启动短程硝化的研究 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2022, 22(04), 2091-2100.

[2] 张树军, 李定昌, 高景峰, 高永青, 张帅. SBR反应器中不同粒径成熟好氧颗粒污泥的分形表征 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2018, 18(02), 691-696.

[3] 李定昌,王琦,高景峰,高永青, 张帅. 不同粒径成熟好氧颗粒污泥EPS的三维荧光光谱特性 [J]. 中国给水排水, 2018, 34(7), 26-31.

[4] 高景峰, 张丽芳, 张树军, 高永青, 王时杰, 樊晓燕, 潘凯玲. 两次污泥颗粒化过程中微生物群落的动态变化 [J]. 环境科学, 2018, 39(5), 2265-2273.

[5] 樊晓燕,高景峰. 空气微生物群落样品采集、解析方法及研究进展 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2018, 18(1), 357-363.

[6] 高景峰, 王时杰, 樊晓燕, 潘凯玲, 张丽芳, 张树军, 高永青, 张帅. 同步脱氮除磷好氧颗粒污泥培养过程微生物群落变化 [J]. 环境科学, 2017,计入2018工作量, 38(11), 4696-4705.

[7] 高景峰, 孙丽欣, 樊晓燕, 潘凯玲, 李定昌. 罗红霉素短期冲击对活性污泥中氨氧化微生物丰度和多样性的影响 [J]. 环境科学, 2017, 38(7), 2961-2971.

[8] 樊晓燕, 高景峰, 王时杰, 张丽芳, 张树军, 高永青, 张帅. 同步脱氮除磷系统中两种颜色好氧颗粒污泥的微生物群落特征 [J]. 环境科学研究, 2017, 30(8), 1287-1294.

[9] 高景峰, 李婷, 樊晓燕, 潘凯玲, 吴桂霞, 张树军. CANON系统中四种脱氮相关菌丰度和多样性 [J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2016, 24(5), 863-877.

[10] 高景峰,司春英. 响应曲面法优化油茶饼对活性红15的生物吸附特征及机理 [J]. 环境科学研究, 2015, 28(11), 1764-1773.

[11] 高景峰,李婷,张树军,樊晓燕,潘凯玲,马谦,袁亚林. 两个CANON污水处理系统中氨氧化古菌的丰度和多样性研究 [J]. 环境科学, 2015, 36(8), 2939-2946.

[12] 高景峰, 吴桂霞, 苏凯, 张倩, 王金惠, 罗欣. 处理垃圾渗滤液好氧颗粒污泥的培养及其脱氮特性 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2015, 15(05), 244-250.

[13] 司春英,高景峰,张志红. 改性黄豆粕对废水中Cu2+的生物吸附特性 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2013, 13(5), 44-51.

[14] 高景峰, 张倩, 王金惠, 苏凯, 彭永臻. 颗粒活性炭对SBR反应器中好氧颗粒污泥培养的影响研究 [J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2012, 20(03), 345-354.

[15] 高景峰, 苏凯, 张倩, 陈冉妮, 彭永臻. 底物种类和浓度对好氧颗粒污泥丝状菌膨胀的影响 [J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2011, 37(07), 1027-1032.

[16] 高景峰, 苏凯, 陈冉妮, 张倩, 彭永臻. 不同储存方法对好氧颗粒污泥恢复的影响 [J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2011, 19(03), 408-415.

[17] 高景峰, 苏凯, 陈冉妮, 张倩. 好氧颗粒污泥在酸性红14废水中的形成及降解酸性红14机理的初步研究 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2011, 11(01), 25-29.

[18] 高景峰, 张倩, 苏凯, 王金惠, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 好氧颗粒污泥对水溶液中酸性淡黄2G的生物吸附 [J]. 环境化学, 2010, 29(06), 1127-1134.

[19] 高景峰, 苏凯, 张倩, 陈冉妮, 王金惠, 彭永臻. 不同碳源培养的成熟好氧颗粒污泥的分形表征 [J]. 环境科学, 2010, 31(08), 1871-1876.

[20] 高景峰, 苏凯, 陈冉妮, 张倩, 王金惠, 彭永臻. 连续进水对好氧颗粒污泥稳定维持的影响 [J]. 环境科学学报, 2010, 30(07), 1377-1383.

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[22] 高景峰, 陈冉妮, 苏凯, 张倩, 彭永臻. 同步脱氮除磷好氧颗粒污泥形成与反应机制的研究 [J]. 环境科学, 2010, 31(04), 1021-1029.

[23] 高景峰, 陈冉妮, 苏凯, 张倩. 好氧颗粒污泥对酸性红B的生物吸附模型研究 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2010, 10(01), 25-30.

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[26] 高景峰, 郭建秋, 陈冉妮, 苏凯, 彭永臻. SBR反应器排水高度与直径比对污泥好氧颗粒化的影响 [J]. 中国环境科学, 2008, (06), 512-516.

[27] 高景峰, 郭建秋, 陈冉妮, 苏凯, 彭永臻. 三维荧光光谱结合化学分析评价胞外多聚物的提取方法 [J]. 环境化学, 2008, (05), 662-668.

[28] 高景峰, 郭建秋, 毕环宇, 陈冉妮, 苏凯. 间歇式除磷好氧颗粒污泥反应器的快速启动 [J]. 环境工程, 2008, (01), 15-18+12.

[29] 高景峰, 周建强, 彭永臻. 处理实际生活污水短程硝化好氧颗粒污泥的快速培养 [J]. 环境科学学报, 2007, (10), 1604-1611.

[30] 高景峰, 王淑莹, 彭永臻. 《水质工程学》视频教学系统的制作和初步应用 [J]. 中国现代教育装备, 2007, No.49(03), 35-37.

[31] 高景峰. 沉淀时间及生物膜对实际生活污水形成好氧硝化颗粒污泥的影响 [J]. 环境科学, 2007, (06), 1245-1251.

[32] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 有机碳源对低碳氮比生活污水好氧脱氮的影响 [J]. 安全与环境学报, 2005, (06), 11-15.

[33] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 污水生物处理模糊控制的研发现状 [J]. 环境科学与技术, 2004, (01), 90-93+115-116.

[34] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 人工神经网络和专家系统在污水生物处理系统中的应用 [J]. 环境污染与防治, 2004, (01), 31-32+38.

[35] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 以pH作为SBR法硝化过程模糊控制参数的基础研究 [J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2003, (05), 549-553.

[36] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. SBR法反硝化过程模糊控制器的设计和碳源投加方式的选择 [J]. 环境科学学报, 2003, (06), 733-737.

[37] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. SBR法反硝化模糊控制参数pH和ORP的变化规律 [J]. 环境科学, 2002, (01), 39-44.

[38] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. DO和ORP与SBR法硝化反硝化的相关关系 [J]. 哈尔滨建筑大学学报, 2002, (01), 61-65+93.

[39] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. 温度对亚硝酸型硝化/反硝化的影响 [J]. 高技术通讯, 2002, 12(12), 88-93.

[40] 彭永臻, 高景峰, 王淑莹. 模糊控制在污水生物处理系统中的应用 [J]. 环境科学学报, 2001, (S1), 143-148.  (第一作者为高景峰的博士导师)

[41] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹, 曾薇, 隋铭皓. 以DO、ORP、pH控制SBR法的脱氮过程 [J]. 中国给水排水, 2001, (04), 6-11.

[42] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹, 曾薇. 不同碳源及投量对SBR法反硝化速率的影响 [J]. 给水排水, 2001, (05), 55-58+50.

[43] 高景峰, 彭永臻, 王淑莹. SBR法去除有机物、硝化和反硝化过程中pH变化规律 [J]. 环境工程, 2001, (05), 21-24+23.

[44] 彭永臻, 高景峰, 隋铭皓. 活性污泥法动力学模型的研究与发展 [J]. 给水排水, 2000, (08), 15-19+12.(第一作者为高景峰的博士导师)


1)高景峰,王知其,王宇轩,袁钰焜,赵轶凡,王焓屹,一种利用塑料际富集硫自养反硝化菌并快速启动硫自养反硝化的方法. ZL 2023 1 0030605.4. 2024年6月4日.

2)高景峰,王知其,王焓屹,张艺,赵轶凡,王宇轩,一种利用塑料际富集厌氧氨氧化菌并快速启动厌氧氨氧化过程的方法. ZL 2023 1 0030656.7. 2024年6月4日.

3)高景峰,王知其,戴慧卉,赵轶凡,崔影超,李定昌,袁钰焜,一种厌氧氨氧化菌自然富集的方法. ZL 2022 1 0046253.7. 2024年4月12日.

4)高景峰,赵轶凡,武泽杰,王知其,崔影超,张艺,一种在污水生物处理过程中利用聚赖氨酸保留氨氮的方法. ZL202210471059.3. 2023年01月13日.

5)高景峰,张达,贾京鑫,崔影超,张文治,王知其,基于对氯间二甲苯酚快速启动与维持城市污水短程硝化的装置与方法. ZL201911150566.1. 2022年1月28日.

6)高景峰,邬志龙,段婉君,张文治,一种银杏叶合成改性型铁钴双金属颗粒的方法及应用. ZL 2019 0127052.8. 2022年3月29日

7)高景峰,邬志龙,段婉君,张文治,一种利用松树皮绿色改性纳米鉄锡双金属颗粒的方法. ZL201910127323.X 2022年1月28日.

8)高景峰,贾京鑫,王知其,张达,张文治,一种表面活性剂强化硝化系统中三氯生生物降解的方法. ZL201901157766.X. 2022年1月28日.

9)高景峰,戴慧卉,王知其,赵轶凡,崔影超,李定昌,一种基于DNA稳定同位素核酸探针技术同时鉴定短程反硝化菌和三氯生降解菌的方法. ZL202011503038.2. 2022年8月9日.

10)高景峰,张达,张文治,贾京鑫,王知其,崔影超,基于三氯生快速启动与稳定维持城市污水短程硝化的装置与方法. ZL201911150550.0. 2021年11月4日.

11)高景峰,崔影超,张达,赵轶凡,王雨薇,利用苄索氯铵快速启动城市污水常温短程硝化的方法. 201911358193.7. 2021年11月8日.

12)高景峰,潘凯玲,李洪禹,一种三苯甲烷染料结晶紫废水快速还原降解的方法. ZL201710228089.0. 2020年6月16日.

13)高景峰,潘凯玲,李洪禹,一种提高绿色合成纳米零价铁降解结晶紫染料废水能力的方法其应用. ZL201710228103.7. 2020年4月7日.

14)高景峰,潘凯玲,李洪禹,一种提高绿色合成纳米零价铁降解活性艳蓝染料废水效率的方法及其应用. ZL201710228101.8. 2020年4月7日.

15)高景峰,潘凯玲,李洪禹,一种提高绿色合成纳米零价铁降解碱性棕G染料废水能力的方法其应用. ZL201710228086.7. 2020年4月8日.

16)高景峰,潘凯玲,李洪禹,一种碱性染料碱性棕G废水快速还原降解的方法. ZL201710228105.6. 2020年4月21日.

17)高景峰,司春英,李洪禹,樊晓燕,潘凯玲,一种利用质子化豆饼去除废水中三氯生的方法. ZL201510497605.0. 2017.

18)高景峰,潘凯玲,樊晓燕,司春英,李洪禹,李婷,孙丽欣,一种GelGreen染料在氯化铯密度梯度混合液中对DNA染色的方法. ZL201510205804.X. 2017年8月22日.

19)高景峰,司春英,郑晓桥,一种榛子壳制成的染料吸附剂ZL201310661300.X. 2016年3月2日.

20)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种核桃壳生物质炭吸附剂用于去除废水中的活性艳红K-2G染料的方法ZL201410093243.4. 2016年1月6日.

21)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种核桃壳生物质炭吸附剂用于去除废水中的活性艳蓝KN-R染料的方法ZL201410093945.2. 2016年1月20日.

22)高景峰,司春英,李洪禹,一种利用油茶饼去除废水中染料的方法. ZL201410404428.2. 2016年5月18日.

23)高景峰,司春英,一种改性废弃茶叶渣吸附剂、制备方法及应用ZL201310320360.5. 2016年1月20日.

24)高景峰,李洪禹,司春英,一种利用葡萄籽绿色合成纳米零价铁的方法及其应用ZL201410436735.9. 2016年8月24日.

25)高景峰,李洪禹,司春英,一种利用山竹果皮绿色合成水溶性纳米铁的方法及其应用.ZL201410112823.3. 2016年5月25日.

26)司春英,高景峰,张志红,一种改性黄豆粕吸附剂、制备方法及应用.ZL201310272276.0. 2015年04月22日.

27)司春英,高景峰,王金惠,板栗壳作为吸附剂的应用. ZL201310320357.3. 2015年8月5日.

28)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种核桃壳生物质炭吸附剂去除废水中亚甲基蓝染料的方法. ZL201410092983.6. 2015年9月2日.

29)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种利用葵花籽壳生物质炭吸附剂去除废水中孔雀石绿的方法. ZL201310662704.0. 2015年8月26日.

30)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种利用葵花籽壳生物质炭吸附剂、制备方法及去除水中亚甲基蓝的方法ZL201310686422.4. 2015年11月11日.

31)高景峰,司春英,杨辰,一种核桃壳生物质炭吸附剂用于去除废水中的罗丹明B染料的方法.ZL201410093252.3. 2015年10月28日.

32)高景峰,司春英,王金惠,一种改性废弃蘑菇培养基吸附、制备方法及应用. ZL201310320284.8. 2015年7月1日.

33)高景峰,司春英,一种改性荞麦皮吸附剂、制备方法及应用.ZL201310320281.4. 2015年12月9日.

34)高景峰,陈冉妮,彭永臻,苏凯,张倩,一种处理生活污水亚硝化好氧颗粒污泥的培养方法.ZL200910082203.9. 2011年5月4日.

35)高景峰,陈冉妮,彭永臻,苏凯,张倩,生活污水常低温同时脱氮除磷好氧颗粒污泥的培养方法ZL200910082222.1. 2011年5月11日.


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