1. Zhan, L. T., Li, G. Y.*, Bate, B., & Chen, Y. M. (2022). A preliminary exploration of the micro-scale behaviour of capillary barrier effect using microfluidics. Géotechnique, 73(6), 553-560.
2. Li, G. Y., Zhan, L. T.*, Chen, Y. M., Feng, S., Zhang, Z., & Du, X. (2022). Effects of flow rate and pore size variability on capillary barrier effects: A microfluidic investigation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 60(6), 902-916.
3. Li, G. Y., Zhan, L. T., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, S., & Feng, S*. (2023). Pore network modeling of capillary barrier effects: Impact of pore sizes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 61(1), 174-182.
4. Feng, S., Leung, A. K., Zhan, L. T., Liu, H. W., Li, G. Y.*, & Guo, X. K. (2022). A new method for simultaneous measurements of gas dispersion coefficient and gas coefficient of permeability of unsaturated soils. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(4), 04022006.
5. Feng, S., Huang, S. F., Jiang, J. L., Zhan, L. T., Li, G. Y.*, Guan, R. Q., Guo, H. W., Liu, H. W. (2023). Effects of pore-size distribution on gas diffusion coefficient and gas permeability of compacted manufactured sand tailings-bentonite mixtures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(11), 04023101.
6. Li, G. Y., Liu, Z. L., Jiao, W. G., Feng, S., Zhan, L., & Du, X. (2024). Analytical solution for rainwater infiltration in monolithic soil covers under heavy rainfall and its implications for practice. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
7. Zhan, L. T.*, Li, G. Y., Jiao, W. G., Wu, T., Lan, J. W., & Chen, Y. M. (2016). Field measurements of water storage capacity in a loess–gravel capillary barrier cover using rainfall simulation tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(11), 1523-1536.
8. Li, G. Y., Zhan, L. T., Yun, T. S., & Dai, S.*. (2020). Pore‐scale controls on the gas and water transport in hydrate-bearing sediments. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL086990.
9. Li, G. Y., Zhan, L. T., Zhang, S., Feng, S., & Zhang, Z. H. (2022). A dual-porosity model for coupled rainwater and landfill gas transport through capillary barrier covers. Computers and Geotechnics, 151, 104966.
10. Li, G. Y., Liu, S. D., Jiao, W. G., Feng, S., Zhan, L. T., & Chen, Y. M. (2024). Numerical investigation and optimal design of capillary barrier cover with passive gas collection pipes on the performance at limiting landfill gas emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 927, 172421.
11. Zhan, L. T., Li, G. Y.*, Jiao, W. G., Lan, J. W., Chen, Y. M., & Shi, W. (2020). Performance of a compacted loess/gravel cover as a capillary barrier and landfill gas emission controller in northwest china. Science of the Total Environment, 137195.
12. Feng, S., Zheng, Y., Liu, H., Li, G. Y.*, & Qian, X. (2025). Numerical study of rainfall percolation through a novel capillary barrier cover with a zipper-shape interface between fine-and coarse-grained soils. Waste Management, 191, 220-229.