1. Huating Chen; Zhenyu Sun; Xianwei Zhang; Wenxue Zhang; Equivalent fatigue constitutive model based on fatigue damage evolution of concrete. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(19): 8721. (JCR1区, WOS:001332196000001, EI:20244317228987)
2. Huating Chen; Yifan Zhuo; Dewang Li; Yan Huang; Fracture toughness of ordinary plain concrete under three-point bending based on double-k and boundary effect fracture models. Materials, 2024, 17(21): 5387. (JCR1区, WOS:001352506400001, EI:20244617347184)
3. Huating Chen; Dewang Li; Xiufu Zhu; Wenxue Zhang; Short-term shrinkage stress in deck concrete of rail-cum-road truss bridge. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19: e02252. (JCR1区, WOS:001024840000001, EI:20232814389739)
4. 卓一凡; 陈华婷; 人行桥人致振动分析及TMD减振设计, 市政技术, 2023, 41(11): 1-8. (年度优秀论文) DOI:10.19922/j.1009-7767.2023.11.001.
5. Huating Chen; Zhenyu Sun; Xianwei Zhang; Jinhong Fan; Tensile fatigue properties of ordinary plain concrete and reinforced concrete under flexural loading. Materials, 2023, 16(19): 6447. (JCR2区, WOS:001085175000001, EI:20234214908462)
6. Huating Chen; Yifan Zhuo; Yubo Jiao; Weigang Bao; Fatigue assessment of cable-girder anchorage zone in a low ambient temperature environment based on extended finite element method. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(17): 9990. (JCR2区, WOS:001062012900001)
7. 陈华婷; 李德旺; 张文学; 谢益平; 公铁两用桥公路组合桥面板车辆荷载试验, 中国公路学报, 2023, 36(03): 211-224. (卓越期刊EI:20232814383232)
8. 陈华婷; 李德旺; 孙平宽; 于德恩; 张文学; 自锚式悬索桥钢混结合段受力性能试验研究, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2023, 44(05): 837-846+856. (EI:20232714365091)
9. Huating Chen; Xianwei Zhang; Xiufu Zhu; Wenxue Zhang; Fatigue evaluation of steel-concrete composite deck in steel truss bridge --- A case study. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(10): 1336-1350. (JCR2区, WOS:000894487800004, EI:20224913213988)
10. Huating Chen; Zhenyu Sun; Zefeng Zhong; Yan Huang; Fatigue factor assessment and life prediction of concrete based on Bayesian regularized BP neural network. Materials, 2022, 15(13): 4491. (JCR1区, WOS:000823949800001, EI:20222712319599)
11. 陈华婷; 王伟; 段守辉; 黄艳; 亓路宽; 基于能量法的组合梁桥拥堵车辆怠速振动所致疲劳损伤评估, 中国公路学报, 2021, 34(04): 80-92. (卓越期刊EI:20212010355615)
12. 陈华婷; 李德旺; 徐步齐; 鞠晨星; 张文学; 冯斌; 一种适用于混凝土结构内部应变监测的装置, 2022-10-18, 中国, ZL202222738796.3 实用新型专利号: CN202222738796.3
13. 陈华婷(9/10); 东北寒冷季冻地区多跨钢混组合梁矮塔斜拉桥设计施工关键技术研究, 中国公路学会, 科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2020 (黄云涌; 张铭; 张嘉恒; 刘双; 聂玉东; 董德惠; 武晓文; 李昶; 陈华婷; 欧阳明).
14. 李昶; 赵蕊; 欧阳明; 陈华婷; 张铭; 黑龙江大桥锚箱式索梁锚固结构疲劳性能试验研究, 公路, 2020, 65(07): 367-373.
15. 陈华婷; 孙聪; 赵蕊; 轨道交通高架U型梁结构优化设计研究, 都市快轨交通, 2020, 33(03): 85-91+117.
16. Hui Zhou; Gang Shi; Yuanqing Wang; Huating Chen; Guido De Roeck; Fatigue evaluation of a composite railway bridge based on fracture mechanics through global-local dynamic analysis, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 122(7): 1-13.
17. Akhrawat Lenwari; Huating Chen; Finite element analysis of distortion-induced web gap stresses in multi-I girder steel bridges, Engineering Journal, 2013, 17(1): 95-109.
18. 陈华婷; 迟啸起; 黄艳; 正交异性板纵肋-盖板连接的疲劳应力对比分析, 桥梁建设, 2012, 42(06): 20-26.
19. Huating Chen; Gilbert Y. Grondin; Robert G. Driver; Characterization of fatigue properties of ASTM A709 high performance steel, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2007, 63(6): 838-848.
20. 陈艾荣; 陈华婷; 项海帆; 大跨桥梁风致抖振疲劳可靠度近似分析及寿命估算, 土木工程学报, 1999, 32(03): 28-33.