发表的论文:以第一/共同一作、通讯作者在Cell姊妹刊Chem, Matter及材料、化学领域著名期刊Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Adv. Sci., Small, Nano Res.等期刊发表论文48篇,总引用2800余次。
1. Yang Shang, Bo Ren, Xiaotian Wang*, Jie Lin*. “Delocalized π-bond” Guided Pyramidal Nanocrystal Superstructures for Excellent Light trapping in SERS. Materials Chemistry Frontier, 2025, 9, 65-73.
2. Xiaoxia Li, Tianqi Guo, Yang Shang*, Tian Zheng, Binbin Jia, Xiaogang Niu, Yujie Zhu, Zhongchang Wang*. Interior-Confined Vacancy in Potassium Manganese Hexacyanoferrate for Ultra‐Stable Potassium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2310428. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
3. Ruixue Wu, Bo Ren, Xianda Wang, Xiaoxia Li*, Jinlong Zheng*, Hui Ying Yang*, Yang Shang*. Vacancy Remediation in Prussian Blue Analogs for High-Performance Sodium and Potassium Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34, 2418018.
4. Yang Shang, Bo Ren, Ruixue Wu, Xiaoxia Li, Jixue Shen, Dong Yan Hui Ying Yang*. Building Robust Manganese Hexacyanoferrate Cathode for Long-Cycle-Life Sodium-Ion Batteries. Small, 2024, 20, 2408018.
5. Yuquan Yang, Huichao Wang, Chenjing Wang, Jiajia Liu, Hongjing Wu, Naiyan Liu, Qian Wang*, Yang Shang*, Jinlong Zheng*. Novel 2D Material of MBenes: Structures, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications in Energy Conversion and Storage. Small, 2024, 20, 2405870.
6. Ruixue Wu, Jie Lin, Yang Shang*, Zhuanfang Bi*, Guangyi Shang. Reduction-Induced Topological Phase Transition to Construct K2Mn[Fe(CN)6] Superstructures for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries. Langmuir, 2024, 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c04229.
7. Xiaoxia Li, Yang Shang*, Lu Guo, Dong Yan, Hui Ying Yang*. Topotactic-Epitaxy Self-Assembly of Potassium Manganese Hexacyanoferrate Superstructures for High Reversible Sodium-ion Batteries. ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 453-461.
8. Yang Shang, Xiaoxia Li, Jiajia Song#, Shaozhuan Huang, Zhao Yang, Zhichuan Xu, Hui Ying Yang*. Unconventional Mn Vacancies in Mn–Fe Prussian Blue Analogs: Suppressing Jahn-Teller Distortion for Ultrastable Sodium Storage. Chem, 2020, 6, 1804-1818. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
9. Yang Shang, Xiaoxia Li, Shaozhuan Huang, Song Chen, Zhao Yang, Lin Guo*, Hui Ying Yang*. A Selective Reduction Approach to Construct Robust Cu1.81S Truss-structures for High-Performance Sodium Storage. Matter, 2020, 2, 428.
10.Dongyu Zhao*, Lihong Xu, Yang Shang*, Xiaoxia Li, Lin Guo*. Facet-Dependent Electro-Optical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Doped with Cu2O Nanocrystals. Nano Research, 2018, 11, 4836.
11.Xiaoxia Li,# Yang Shang,# Jie Lin, Anran Li, Xiaotian Wang, Bin Li, Lin Guo*. Temperature-Induced Stacking to Create Cu2O Concave Sphere for Light Trapping Capable of Ultrasensitive Single-Particle SERS. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1801868. (# equal contribution)
12.Jie Lin,# Wei Hao,# Yang Shang,# Xiaotian Wang*, Dengli Qiu, Guanshui Ma, Chao Chen, Shuzhou Li*, Lin Guo*. Direct Experimental Observation of Facet-dependent SERS of Cu2O Polyhedra. Small, 2018, 14, 1703274. (# equal contribution)
13.Jie Lin,# Yang Shang,# Xiaoxia Li, Jian Yu, Xiaotian Wang, Lin Guo*. Ultrasensitive SERS Detection by Defect Engineering on Single Cu2O Superstructure Particle. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1604797. (#equal contribution)
14.Qian Wang#, Yang Shang#, Li Yu, Cheng Zou, Wenhuan Yao, Dongyu Zhao, Ping Song, Huai Yang*, Lin Guo*. Facet-dependent Cu2O Nanocrystals in Manipulating Alignment of Liquid Crystals and Photomechanical Behaviors. Nano Research, 2016, 9, 2581. (# equal contribution)
15.Yang Shang, Lin Guo*. Facet-Controlled Synthetic Strategy of Cu2O-Based Crystals for Catalysis and Sensing. Advanced Science, 2015, 2, 1500140. (Highlighted as Front Cover)
16.Yang Shang, Yi-Ming Shao, Dong-Feng Zhang*, Lin Guo*. Recrystallization-Induced Self-Assembly for the Growth of Cu2O Superstructures. Angewantde Chemie-International Edition, 2014, 53, 11514.
17.Jingchao Zhu,# Yang Shang,# Xiaobo Sun*, Lin Guo*. EG-Assisted Hand-in-hand Growth of Prism-like Cu2O Nanorods with High Aspect Ratios and Their Thermal Conductive Performance. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 30610. (# equal contribution)
18.Yang Shang, Yang Chen, Zhan-Bin Shi, Dong-Feng Zhang*, Lin Guo*. Synthesis and Visible Light Photocatalytic Activities of Au/Cu2O Heterogeneous Nanospheres. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2013, 29, 1819.
19.Yang Shang, Dong-Feng Zhang*, Lin Guo*. CuCl-intermediated Construction of Short-range-ordered Cu2O Mesoporous Spheres with Excellent Adsorption Performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 856.
20.Yang Shang, Du Sun, Yi-Ming Shao, Dong-Feng Zhang, Lin Guo*, Shihe Yang*. A Facile Top-Down Etching to Create a Cu2O Jagged Polyhedron Covered with Numerous {110} Edges and {111} Corners with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2012, 18, 12461.