




北京工业大学 博士 动力工及工程热物理2016

西安交通大学 硕士 动力工及工程热物理2010

郑州大学  学士 能与动力工程2007


1. 分布可再生能源与储能

2. 工业余能高效回收利用


1Li Guoqiang; Lei Biao; Wu Yuting; Zhi Ruiping; Zhao Yingkun; Guo Zhiyu; Liu Guangyu; Ma Chongfang ; Influence of inlet pressure and rotational speed on the performance of high pressure single screw expander prototype, Energy, 2018, 147: 279-285      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )

2Biao Lei; Qing-Zhi Yan; Yu-Ting Wu; Chong-Fang Ma; Li-Li Shen; Xiang Li ; A study on the single screw expander with exhaust kinetic energy utilization in organic Rankine cycle conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 245      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者, 唯一通讯作者 )

3Biao Lei; Zhong-Jie Duan; Yu-Ting Wu ; Thermodynamic investigations on an integrated heat pump with thermal storage for wind-solar hybrid heating, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 254      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者, 唯一通讯作者 )

4Biao Lei; Hai-bin Yu; Guo-qiang Li; Yu-Ting Wu; Wei Wang ; Thermodynamic investigations on internal generator cooling for hermetic expanders in Organic Rankine Cycles, Energy, 2022, 251      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者, 唯一通讯作者 )

5Hai-Xiao Wang; Biao Lei; Yu-Ting Wu ; Simulations on organic Rankine cycle with quasi two-stage expander under cross-seasonal ambient conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 222      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )

6Hai-Xiao Wang; Biao Lei; Yu-Ting Wu ; Control strategies of pumps in organic Rankine cycle under variable condensing conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 234      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )

7Biao Lei; Tian-Yi Zhang; Yu-Ting Wu; Hai-Xiao Wang; Ye-Qiang Zhang; Yan-Jun Du ; Investigations on an organic Rankine cycle system coupled with a trilateral cycle using quasi two stage single screw expander, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025. 263      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者, 唯一通讯作者 )

8Hai-Xiao Wang; Biao Lei; Yu-Ting Wu; Xiao-Ming Zhang ; Operational characteristics and performance optimizations of the organic Rankine cycle under different heat source/condensing environment conditions, Energy, 2024. 310      (期刊论文)  ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者)


1. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目“有机朗肯循环跨季节高效运行机理与调控策略”,20元,2020-2022

2. 内蒙古自治区重大专项课题“基于分散式风电消纳的风光储荷多能互补系统优化”73万元2019-2022

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题“多种载热介质条件下热质储能设备关键部件材质适用性评价”,50万元,2023-2026.


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