1) X. Lu; L. Wang, Z. L. Li; Z. M. Wang; Y. M. Gan; R. Hailili*. 2D Bismuth-based Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Nitrogen Oxide Removal: Progress and Prospects. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2024, 12, 11444, Q1, IF = 8.4
2) Z. L. Li; X. Lu; X. Reyimu; Y. M. Gan; Z. M. Wang; R. Hailili*. Recent Advances and Roles of Oxygen Vacancies for Photocatalytic Nitrogen Oxide Removal. Catal. Today, 2024, 437, 114747, Q2, IF = 5.3
3) R. Hailili*; Z. L. Li; X. Lu; H. Sheng*; D. W. Bahnemann*; J. C. Zhao. Ultrathin Defective Heterojunction for Visible Light NO Removal: Correlation between Microstructure and Reaction Mechanisms. Environ. Sci: Nano, 2024, 11, 3301, Q1, IF = 7.3 (inside cover)
4) R. Hailili*; Photocatalysis - A Comprehensive Overview, Book, 2024, ISBN: 978-1-83634-394-3, Academic editor.
5) R. Hailili*; H. W. Ji; K. W. Wang; X.-A. Dong; C. C. Chen; H. Sheng*; D. W. Bahnemann*; J. C. Zhao. ZnO with Controllable Oxygen Vacancies for Photocatalytic Nitrogen Oxide Removal. ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 10004, Q1, IF = 12.9 (cited for 100 times)
6) Q. H. Zhu; R. Hailili*; Y. Xin; Y. T. Zhou; Y. Huang; X. Z. Pang; K. Zhang; P. K. J. Robertson; D. W. Bahnemann; C. Y. Wang*. Efficient Full Spectrum Responsive Photocatalytic NO Conversion at Bi2Ti2O7: Co-Effect of Plasmonic Bi and Oxygen Vacancy. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2022, 319, 1221888, Q1, IF = 22.1 (cited for 106 times)
7) R. Hailili*; X. Reyimu; Z. L. Li; X. Lu; D. W. Bahnemann*. Tuning the Microstructures of ZnO to Enhance Photocatalytic NO Removal Performances. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 23185, Q1, IF = 9.5 (cited for 18 times)
8) R. Hailili; Z.-Q. Wang; H. W. Ji; H. Sheng*; C. C. Chen; X.-Q. Gong; J. C. Zhao. Mechanistic Insights into Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide to Nitrogen on Oxygen-Deficient Quasi-Two-Dimensional Bismuth-Based Perovskite. Environ. Sci: Nano, 2022, 9, 1453, Q1, IF = 7.3 (cited for 15 times)
9) R. Hailili*; Z. L. Li; X. Lu; X. Reyimu*. Recent Progress and Current Status of Photocatalytic NO Removal. "Recent Advances on Nitrification and Denitrification", ISBN: 978-1-83768-964-4. Book Chapter. 2023.
10) R. Hailili*; J. Schneider*; D. W. Bahnemann. Ionic Liquid-mediated Microstructure Regulations of Layered Perovskite with Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity. Front. Catal., 2022, 2, 890842
11) R. Hailili; Z.-Q. Wang; X.-Q. Gong; C. Y. Wang*. Octahedral-shaped Perovskite CaCu3Ti4O12 with Dual Defects and Coexposed {(001), (111)} Facets for Visible-light Photocatalysis. Appl. Catal. B, 2019, 254, 86, Q1, IF = 22.1 (cited for 50 times)
12) R. Hailili; Z.-Q. Wang; Y. X. Li; Y. H. Wang; V. K. Sharma*; X.-Q. Gong*; C. Y. Wang*. Oxygen Vacancies Induced Visible-light Photocatalytic Activities of CaCu3Ti4O12 with Controllable Morphologies for Antibiotic Degradation. Appl. Catal. B, 2018, 221, 422, Q1, IF = 22.1 (cited for 129 times)
13) R. Hailili; C. Y. Wang*; E. Lichtfouse. Perovskite Nanostructures Assembled in Molten Salt Based on Halogen Anions KX (X = F, Cl and Br): Regulated Morphology and Defect-Mediated Photocatalytic Activity. Appl. Catal. B, 2018, 232, 531, Q1, IF = 22.1 (cited for 50 times)
14) R. Hailili; Z.-Q. Wang; M. Y. Xu; Y. H. Wang; X.-Q. Gong*; T. Xu; C. Y. Wang*. Layered Nanostructured Ferroelectric Perovskite Bi5FeTi3O15 for Visible-Light Photodegradation of Antibiotic, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 21275, Q1, IF = 11.9 (cited for 91 times)
15) R. Hailili; L. Wang*; Q. J. Zhang; X. M. Zhang*; H. W. Liu. A Planar Mn4O Cluster Homochiral Metal-organic Framework for HPLC Separation of Pharmaceutically Important (±)-Ibuprofen Racemate. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 3713, Q1, IF = 4.6 (cited for 70 times)
16) R. Hailili; G. H. Dong; Y. C. Ma; S. Jin; C. Y. Wang; T. Xu*. Layered Perovskite Pb2Bi4Ti5O18 for Excellent Visible Light-Driven Photocatalytic NO Removal. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56, 2908, Q2, IF = 4.2 (cited for 32 times)
17) R. Hailili; D. L. Jacobs; L. Zang*; C. Y. Wang*. Morphology controlled synthesis of CeTiO4 using molten salts and enhanced photocatalytic activity for CO2 reduction. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 456, 360, Q2, IF = 6.7 (cited for 15 times)
18) R. Hailili; X. X. Yuan; C. Y. Wang*. A Systematic Investigation on Morphology Tailoring, Defect Tuning and Visible-light Photocatalytic Functionality of Ti-based Perovskite Nanostructures. Catal. Today, 2019, 335, 591, Q2, IF = 5.3 (cited for 13 times)
19) R. Hailili; L. X. Chang; L. Wang*; Y. N. Huang; W. Qian; M. H. Zeng; Z. Abulizi. An Inorganic Organic Hybrid Material [Dy2(SO4)(Himdc)2(H2O)5]·H2O}n Featuring Organic Carboxylic Acid and Inorganic Sulfate and Luminescent Property. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2013, 35, 113, IF = 3.8 (cited for 6 times)
20) R. X. Yao; R. Hailili; L. Wang*; J. Lv; X. M. Zhang*. A Perfectly Aligned 63 Helical Tubular Cuprous Bromide Single Crystal for Selective Photo-catalysis, Luminescence and Sensing of Nitro-explosives. Dalton Transac., 2015, 44, 3410, Q2, IF = 4.0 (cited for 12 times)
21) S. N. Li; G. H. Dong*; R. Hailili; L. P. Yang; Y. X. Li; F. Wang; Y. B. Zeng; C. Y. Wang*. Effective Photocatalytic H2O2 Production under Visible Light Irradiation at g-C3N4 Modulated by Carbon Vacancies. Appl. Catal. B, 2016, 190, 26, Q1, IF = 22.1 (cited for 570 times)
22) H. R. Wang; R. Hailili; X. Y. Jiang; G. L. Yuan; D. W. Bahnemann; X. Wang*. Boosting Photocatalytic Performances of Lamellar BiVO4 by Constructing S-scheme Heterojunctions with AgBr for Efficient Charge Transfer. Nanotechnol., 2023, 34, 215703, IF = 3.5 (cited for 6 times)