
张忻,男,副研究员,197510月出生。20061月毕业于北京工业大学材料学专业,获工学博士学位,同年5月开始在北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院从事教学和科研工作。2011年获得北京市优秀青年骨干教师项目资助,20139-20149月于清华大学访学,20153-20163月于日本东北大学访学。目前主要从事热电能源转换材料及其器件以及新型阴极电子材料领域的研究,先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、北京市教委、装备预研、国际合作、科研院所、企事业单位合作项目等科研课题20项。担任J. Appl. Phy. J.Japan.Metal.s J. Alloy. Comp.J.Electr. Mater.,等国际刊物审稿人,在以上项目的资助下,在在APLApplied Surface ScienceJournal of Alloys and CompoundsVacuumPhysica ScriptaChinese Physics B等刊物上发表学术论文100余篇,其中三大索引收录80余篇,授权国家发明专利10项。


1. 镧基复合稀土六硼化物陶瓷单晶材料的制备与电子发射性能 (6141A02022211) —装备预研(2016.1-2017.12)

2. 镧基多元稀土六硼化物单晶制备及热发射性能研究(KM201510005001)北京市教委科技计划面上项目(2015.1-2016.12)

3. 碲化铋基纳米晶块体材料的热电输运机制与结构研究(50801002)—国家自然科学基金(2009.1—2011.12)

4. 环境友好型汽车尾气发电用纳米复合Mg2Si基热电材料及器件(2112007)—北京市自然科学基金(2011.1—2013.12)

5. 具有高优值系数的热电材料及提高其冷凝除湿效率的机理研究(PHR20110812)—北京市属高校人才强教中青年骨干人才培养计划资助项目(2011.1-2013.12

6. 层状钴基热电材料的组织取向度与其性能关联规律研究(50702003)—国家自然科学基金(2008.1—2010.12)

7. 三元梯度热电材料的设计、制备和性能研究(JC009001200803)—北京市教委科技发展项目(2008.1—2010.12)

8. 纳米尺度块体热电材料研究(奥利地维也纳大学)—国际合作项目 (2007.12009.12)


[1] HongliangLiu, Xin Zhang, Yuancheng Li,Yixin Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Jiu-Xing Zhang.  Field emission investigations of singlecrystal LaB6 FEA fabricated by femtosecond laser direct writing. Appl.Phys. Lett. 2018,112, 151604.

[2] HongliangLiu, Xin Zhang, Yixin Xiao,Jiuxing Zhang . The electronic structures and work functions of (100) surfaceof typical binary and doped REB6 single crystals [J]. Applied SurfaceScience 434 (2018) 613–619.

[3] Yanan Fu, Xin Zhang, Hongliang Liu, JieTian, jiuxing Zhang. Thermoelectic properties of Ag-doped compound: Mg3-xAgxSb2.J Materiomics. 2018,4:75-79.

[4] JipingZhao,Xin Zhang,Hongliang Liu,Yixin Xiao,Hao Jiang,Jiuxing Zhang. Synthesis and Characterization of (Ca1xSrx)12Al14O33Electrides[J]. Crystal Research & Technology, 2018, 53(1): 1700201-4.

[5] HongliangLiu, Xin Zhang, Yixin Xiao,Jiuxing Zhang . The thermionic and field emission properties of single crystalPrB6 grown by floating zone method [J]. Vacuum 151,2018,245-250.

[6] Hongliang Liu, XinZhang, Shuyu Ning, Yixin Xiao, Jiuxing Zhang. The electronic structureand work functions of single crystal LaB6 typical crystal surfaces. Vacuum.2017, 143:245-250.

[7] LiangZheng, Xin Zhang, HongliangLiu, Qingmei Lu,Jiuxing Zhang, Feipeng Zhang Optimized nanostructure andthermoelectric performances of Mg2(Si0.4Sn0.6)Sbxsolid solutions by in situ nanophase generation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2016,671:452-457.  

[8]  Xin Zhang, Hongliang Liu,Songhao Li, et al. Tunable microstructures and improved thermoelectricperformance of Mg2(Si0.4-xSbxSn0.6)solid solutions. Materials Letters. 2014, 123: 31–34.

[9] Xin Zhang, Hongliang Liu, Songhao Li,et al. Multiscale microstructures and improved thermoelectric performance of Mg2(Si0.4Sn0.6)Sbxsolid solutions. Functional Materials Letters. 2014,7(4):1450036 .

[10] Xin Zhang,Hongliang Liu, Qingmei Lu,et al. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6solid solutions by in nanostructures and minute Bi-doping. AppliedPhysics Letters. 2013, 103: 063901.

[11] E.Frantzeskakis, Zhang, Xin, Zhang Jiuxing, et al.  Kondo hybridisation and the origin ofmetallic states at the (001) surface of SmB6. Physi. Rev.X, 2013, 3:041024

[12] HongliangLiu, Xin Zhang, Shuyu Ning,Yixin Xiao, Jiuxing Zhang. The electronic structure and thermionic emissionproperty of single crystal SmB6[J]. Vacuum 145,  2017, 212-217.

[13] HongliangLiu, Xin Zhang, Yixin Xiao,Jiuxing Zhang. Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of SnSe by MechanicalAlloying and Spark Plasma Sintering Method[J].  Journal of Electronic Materials ,2016 , 46 (5) :1-5


